II. Disclaimer
- Elimination Diet is medically controversial
- Should not delay or replace standard medical approach
- Consider if conservative management fails
- Does no harm
- Many patients anecdotally respond (Placebo Effect?)
III. General
- No specific food allowed more than twice per week
- Eliminate foods for 7-10 days
- Anticipate symptom clearing 4-5 days
- Anticipate initial worsening of symptoms
- Withdrawal symptoms
- Anticipate weight loss during elimination time
- Reintroduce foods one per day
- Eliminate offending food for 6 weeks
- May re-challenge at 6 week mark
- Keep Food diary
- Time and amount of food eaten
- Time symptoms began or cleared
- Length of time symptoms lasted
- What they did to clear symptoms
IV. Specific Eliminations for symptoms
V. Foods allowed
- Meats
- Beef, Pork, Veal
- Turkey, Chicken
- Fish (trout, salmon, tuna, sardines)
- Vegetables (no corn)
- Green peas, Beans, and other Legumes
- Sweat potatoes
- Cabbage, Lettuce, Spinach
- Carrots, Squash, Asparagus, Cauliflower
- Onions, Radishes, Celery
- Cucumbers, Brussels sprouts, broccoli
- Fruits (no citrus)
- Bananas, Apples, Grapes
- Peaches, Pears, Pineapple
- Prunes, Raisins
- Cantaloupe, Watermelon
- Figs, Dates, Cherries
- Apricots, Nectarines
- Grains
- Breads not containing wheat (homemade)
- Rice crackers and cakes
- Oat, Rice or Potato flours
- Nuts (except peanuts)
- Honey, pure maple syrup
- Peanut butter
- Safflower oil or sunflower oil
VI. Foods to avoid
- Common Adverse Reactions
- Milk
- Cheese, butter, margarine, ice cream
- Cream soup, Luncheon meats, processed foods
- Breads, crackers, Cookies, cakes, candies
- Wheat
- Breads, cookies, candies, crackers, soups
- Cereals, Luncheon meats, pancake mixes
- Salad dressings, gravies
- Corn
- Candies, breads, pastries, batters, cereals
- Ketchup, peanut butter, bacon
- Corn oils, starches, sugars
- Citrus
- Orange, Grapefruit, lemon, limes, Sprite
- Tomato
- Sugar and sweeteners
- Cane and beet sugars
- Peanut
- Chocolate and Cola containing foods
- Egg
- Custard, cakes, cookies, ice cream, pies, macaroni
- Salad dressings, noodles, pancake mixes
- Soy
- Milk
- Other Adverse Reaction Foods to avoid
VII. Reintroduce Foods in pure form (one new food per day)
- Day 1: Citrus (Orange)
- Day 2: Wheat (Cream of wheat, shredded wheat)
- Day 3: Egg (Boiled Egg)
- Day 4: Food coloring
- Day 5: Chocolate
- Day 6: Corn (Corn on the cob)
- Day 7: Sugar
- Day 8: Milk (Glass of milk)
VIII. References
- Sicherer (1999) Am Fam Physician 59(2): 415-24 [PubMed]
- Crook (1995) Tracking Down Food Allergy
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SnomedCT | 160677005, 226194001 |
English | Exclusion diet, diets exclusion, diets elimination, elimination diet, exclusion diet, Exclusion diet (finding), Elimination diet, ED - Elimination diet, Elimination diet (finding) |
Spanish | dieta de exclusión, dieta de exclusión (hallazgo), dieta de eliminación (hallazgo), dieta de eliminación |