II. Epidemiology
- Vasectomy Incidence in U.S.: 500,000 per year
- Family Physicians perform 15% of all U.S. vasectomies
III. Techniques
- Traditional Vasectomy with scrotal incision
- No-Scalpel Vasectomy
- Preferred technique due to less bleeding, pain, intraoperative time, and risk of post-operative infection
- Cook (2007) Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2): CD004112 [PubMed]
IV. Procedure: Step 1 - Procedure Preparation
- See Vasectomy Counseling
- Consider Sedation
- Valium 5 to 10 mg taken 30 minutes before procedure
- Establish relaxing environment
- Warm room relaxes Scrotum
- Soft music
- Position patient supine or dorsolithotomy
- Retract penis
- Prep skin with warmed Betadine solution
- Apply surgical drape
V. Procedure: Step 2 - Vas Deferens (spermatic cord) Positioning
- Non-dominant hand locates vas deferens
- Vas is caliber of a pen's inner ink plastic holder
- Three finger technique traps vas deferens
- Middle finger placed behind vas deferens
- Thumb and index finger placed over vas (2 cm apart)
- Maneuver vas deferens to midline (under median raphe)
- Use Index finger to maneuver vas deferens
- Position vas one third down from top of Scrotum
VI. Procedure: Step 3 - Injection of Local Anesthesia (Perivasal block)
- Preparation: Standard needle injection
- Anesthetic: Xylocaine 2% without Epinephrine
- Syringe: 10 cc
- Needle: 27 gauge, 1.5 inch needle
- Technique: Standard needle injection
- Bending needle at base 15 degrees may help injection
- Inject midline skin overlying isolated vas
- Raise 1-2 cm wheal of Lidocaine
- Aspirate to confirm non-intravascular position
- Inject 2-3 ml into vas and along course proximally
- Technique: Alternative - High pressure jet injector
- High pressure device delivers Local Anesthetic into vas deferens
- Less initial pain from injection and similar intraoperative Anesthesia as compared with standard injection
- Risk of self-injection of surgeon's finger grasping vas deferens
- White (2007) Urology 70(6): 1187-9 [PubMed]
VII. Procedure: Step 4 - Skin penetration for No-Scalpel Vasectomy
- Press open ring clamp perpendicular into skin over vas
- Vas trapped between clamp and underlying finger
- Ring clamp closed and locked around vas deferens
- Use single tine of open Sharp dissecting forceps
- Tine pierces scrotal skin at 45 degree angle into vas
- Insert forceps tine 3-4 mm into vas deferens
- Withdraw forceps tine
- Insert closed forceps into hole made by single tine
- Insert tines to 3-4 mm depth
- Spread dissecting forceps to stretch skin and fascia
- Insert second ring clamp through hole and grasp vas
- Remove first ring clamp and reattach through hole
VIII. Procedure: Step 5 - Vas Deferens Isolation
- Peal perivasal sheath away from vas (pealing onion)
- Use dissecting forceps to remove perivasal sheeth
- Insert forcep tines into perivasal sheeth
- Spread tines to clear sheath away from vas
- Remove and reattach ring clamps inside sheath
- Clear >1 cm vas of perivasal sheath
- Apply ring clamp at each end of cleared segment
IX. Procedure: Step 6 - Vas Deferens Occlusion
- Hemitransect proximal (prostatic) vas deferens
- Insert cautery tip 4 mm into prostatic vas lumen
- Apply current while withdrawing slowly
- Ligation of proximal (prostatic) vas segment
- Silk 3-0 (1 or 2 separate ties)
- Surgical clip (without vas deferens transection or fascial interposition)
- Similar efficacy to standard vasctomy with ligation, transection and fascial interposition (same failure rate)
- Cook (2007) Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2): CD003991 [PubMed]
- Complete transection of proximal vas deferens
- Close overlying fascia layer (fascial interposition between vas deferens ends)
- Absorbable Suture (e.g. Vicryl) purse-string or clip
- Fascial interposition dramatically lowers Vasectomy failure rate
- Transect distal (testicular) vas deferens end
- Store vas deferens segment in formalin
- Consider avoiding distal vas deferens ligation
- May reduce post-operative pain (lower vasal pressure)
- Risk of sperm Granuloma if not ligated
- Observe for signs bleeding (esp. pampiniform plexus)
X. Procedure: Step 7 - Procedure Completion
XI. Education: Follow-up and Precautions
XII. Resources
- Choosing Vasectomy Movie (Requires Flash)
- Vasectomy Medical (Commerical Site)
Images: Related links to external sites (from Bing)
Related Studies
Definition (MEDLINEPLUS) |
Vasectomy is a type of surgery that prevents a man from being able to get a woman pregnant. It is a permanent form of birth control. Vasectomy works by blocking the tube through which sperm pass. The surgery usually takes no more than 30 minutes. Almost all men go home the same day. In most cases, recovery takes less than a week. Vasectomy can sometimes be reversed, but not always. Having a vasectomy does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV/AIDS. Men who have had vasectomy should still practice safe sex to avoid STDs. NIH: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development |
Definition (NCI) | Surgical removal of part or all of the vas deferens. |
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS) | An operation to cut or tie off the two tubes that carry sperm out of the testicles. |
Definition (MSH) | Surgical removal of the ductus deferens, or a portion of it. It is done in association with prostatectomy, or to induce infertility. (Dorland, 28th ed) |
Concepts | Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure (T061) |
MSH | D014659 |
ICD9 | 63.73 |
SnomedCT | 146780001, 150439008, 24534005, 169547002, 150440005, 265909007, 22523008 |
LNC | LA14534-4 |
English | Vasectomies, Vasectomy, Male surgical sterilisation, Male surgical sterilization, vasectomy (treatment), vasectomy, Vasectomy NOS, vasectomies, vasectomy procedure, Male surgical sterilisation procedure (procedure), Vasectomy-sterilise op., Contraceptive method vasectomy, Male surgical sterilisation procedure, Male surgical sterilization procedure, Vasectomy for contraception, Vasectomy (procedure), Vasectomy, NOS |
Dutch | vasectomie NAO, vasectomie, Vasectomie |
French | Vasectomie SAI, Vasectomie |
German | Vasektomie NNB, Vasektomie, Vasoresektion |
Italian | Vasectomia NAS, Vasectomia |
Portuguese | Vasectomia NE, Vasectomia |
Spanish | Vasectomía NEOM, deferentectomía, vasectomía (procedimiento), vasectomía, Vasectomía |
Japanese | 精管切除NOS, セイカンセツジョNOS, セイカンセツジョ, 精管切除, 精管切除術 |
Swedish | Vasektomi |
Czech | vasektomie, Vazektomie NOS, Vazektomie |
Finnish | Vasektomia |
Polish | Wazektomia, Wasektomia, Wycięcie nasieniowodu |
Hungarian | Vasectomia, Vasectomia k.m.n. |
Norwegian | Vasektomi |