II. Risk Factors
- Obesity (highest risk)
- Cardiac disease
- Immunocompromised
- Peripheral Vascular Disease
- Inflammatory Arthritis
- Prior joint infection
- Renal disease
- Liver disease
- Malnutrition
- Alcohol Abuse
- Tobacco Abuse
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Anemia
- Advanced age (esp. age >80 years old)
- Tubb (2020) J Am Acad Orthop Surg 28(8): e340-8 [PubMed]
III. Epidemiology
- Prosthetic Joint Infection carries a 1-2% risk at 2 years and >2% at 10 years
- Nearly half of infections occur in the first 3 months after surgery (nearly 80% occur within first 2 years)
- Prosthetic Hip Joint and Prosthetic Knee Joint infections are responsible for most Prosthetic Septic Joints
IV. Causes
- Early infection
- Late Infection
V. Exam
- See Septic Joint
- Precautions: Findings are often more subtle in infected prosthetic joints than in native joint infections
- May present with mild Joint Pain and low grade fever
- Joint erythema and swelling may be absent
- Evaluate skin overlying joint
- Lacerations
- Exposed bone or hardware
- Erythema
- Purulence
- Joint Exam
- Joint effusion
- Joint range of motion (active and passive)
- Other exam
- Neurovascular Exam
- Extremity compartments
VI. Labs
- See Septic Joint
- Complete Blood Count with differential
- Inflammatory markers (CRP and ESR)
- Elevated levels increase suspicion for Septic Joint
Arthrocentesis of prosthetic joint (Aspiration)
- Obtain in all suspected cases (and before Antibiotics are started)
- Ultrasound guided Arthrocentesis facilitates successful procedure
- See Knee Arthrocentesis for prosthetic Knee Aspiration technique
- Tests
- Synovial Fluid Cell Count with differential (esp. Neutrophil percentage)
- Synovial FluidGram Stain and culture
- Synovial FluidLeukocyte esterase (see diagnosis below)
- Synovial FluidLactic Acid (>5.6 mmol/L is positive in prosthetic and native joints)
- Synovial Fluid Lactate Dehydrogenase (>250 units/L is positive in prosthetic and native joints)
- Findings suggestive of infection differ from native joints
- Prosthetic joint WBC Count >1,100/uL (contrast with 3000/uL for native joints)
- Prosthetic joint PMN percent >64%
- Synovasure Lateral Flow Test
- Detects human alpha defensins released by activated Neutrophils
- Positive test suggestive of Bacterial periprosthetic infection
- Saline Load Test
- Indicated in suspected occult Traumatic Arthrotomy (open wound with joint violation)
VII. Imaging
- Joint XRay
- May demonstrate joint free air or Localized Edema
- Also evaluate for associated Trauma
- Periprosthetic Fracture
- Loose joint implants
- Nuclear scan
- Negative Nuclear scan excludes septic prosthetic joint
- Pet Scan
- Avoid CT Scan or MRI in infected prosthetic joint
- Does not distinguish infected prosthetic joint from other causes of pain
- Exception: CT for open wound and concern for joint violation evaluation (Traumatic Arthrotomy)
VIII. Diagnosis
- Major Criteria
- Two joint cultures positive for same organism
- Sinus tract communicating with joint
- Minor Criteria
- Intraoperative Criteria (optional)
- Score 3: Histology positive
- Score 3: Purulence
- Score 2: Single Culture Positive
- Interpretation
- Infection
- Either major criteria positive OR
- Minor Criteria Score >6 OR
- Minor AND Intraoperative Criteria >6 (with Minor Score at least 2)
- Inconclusive
- Neither major criteria present AND
- Minor AND Intraoperative Criteria 2 to 5 (with Minor Score at least 2)
- No Infection
- Neither major criteria present AND
- Minor Criteria 0 to 1 (or combined with intraoperative criteria <3)
- Infection
- References
IX. Management
- See Septic Joint
- Emergent orthopedic Consultation
- Early stage infections may respond to irrigation and Debridement
- Late stage infections typically require exchange of Arthrocentesis (e.g. TKA)
- Empiric therapy before culture results
- Option 1 (2 drug regimen)
- Drug 1: Vancomycin
- Drug 2: Ciprofloxacin, Aztreonam, or Gentamycin
- Option 2 (2 drug regimen)
- Drug 1
- Ciprofloxacin 750 PO bid or
- Ofloxacin 200 mg PO tid
- Drug 2: Rifampin 900 mg PO qd
- Drug 1
- Option 1 (2 drug regimen)
Ciprofloxacin and Rifampin sensitive by culture
- Option 1 (2 drug regimen)
- Drug 1: Ciprofloxacin or Ofloxacin
- Drug 2: Rifampin 900 mg PO qd
- Option 2 (2 drug regimen)
- Option 1 (2 drug regimen)
Ciprofloxacin or Rifampin resistance by culture
- Vancomycin and
- Rifampin (if sensitive)
X. References
- Buddendorff (2021) Crit Dec Emerg Med 35(12): 18-9
- Voorhees and Riveros (2024) Crit Dec Emerg Med 38(3):22-3
- Earwood (2021) Am Fam Physician 104(6): 589-97 [PubMed]