II. Physiology: White Blood Cells (Leukocytes, WBC)
- Images
Bone Marrow: Stem cells differentiation and storage
- Megakaryoblasts
- Erythroblasts
- Erythrocytes
- Lymphoblasts
- Lymphocytes (20-40% of peripheral WBCs)
- Myeloblasts develop into Granulocytes
- Neutrophil (40-60 of peripheral WBCs)
- Eosinophil (1-4% of peripheral WBCs)
- Basophil (0.5-1% of peripheral WBCs)
- Monocyte (2-8% of peripheral WBCs)
- Peripheral Blood
- Leukocytes remain in storage in Bone Marrow: 80-90%
- Proliferate and mature over 7 days
- Stored in the marrow up to 7 days
- Only 2-3% of Leukocytes enter circulation (unless mobilized)
- Life span of White Blood Cell in circulation 2-16 days
- Life span of White Blood Cell in body tissues 36 hours
- Leukocytes remain in storage in Bone Marrow: 80-90%
III. Interpretation: Normal Range White Blood Cells (in 10^9/L)
- Age 12 hours old: 13.0 to 38.0
- Age 2 weeks old: 5.0 to 20.0
- Age 6 Months to 2 years: 6.0 to 17.5 (Mean 11.0)
- Age 4 Years: 5.5 to 15.5 (Mean 9.1)
- Age 6 Years: 5.0 to 14.5 (Mean 8.5)
- Age 8 to 16 Years: 4.5 to 13.5 (Mean 8.1)
- Age over 21 Years: 4.5 to 11.0 (Mean 7.4)
- Third trimester: 5.8 to 13.2
- Postpartum: Up to 12.6
IV. Interpretation: Increased White Blood Cell Count
- See Leukocytosis
- Neutrophilia (>7000/mm3 or >60%, most common cause)
- Lymphocytosis (>4500/mm3 or >40% of total)
V. Interpretation: Decreased White Blood Cell Count (Leukopenia)
- Neutropenia (most common cause)
- Lymphocytopenia
- Monocytopenia
- Eosinopenia
VI. References
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Related Studies
Definition (MSHCZE) | Druh bílých krvinek (leukocytů) obsahujících zrnka, podle jejichž barvitelnosti (pro pozorování v mikroskopu) se g. dělí na neutrofily, eozinofily a bazofily, které se liší svými funkcemi. (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2013 http://lekarske.slovniky.cz/ ) |
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS) | A type of immune cell that has granules (small particles) with enzymes that are released during infections, allergic reactions, and asthma. Neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils are granulocytes. A granulocyte is a type of white blood cell. |
Definition (NCI) | A leucocyte with conspicuous cytoplasmic granules. In humans the granulocytes are also classified as polymorphonuclear leucocytes and are subdivided according to the staining properties of the granules into eosinophils, basophils and neutrophils.(On-line Medical Dictionary) |
Definition (MSH) | Leukocytes with abundant granules in the cytoplasm. They are divided into three groups according to the staining properties of the granules: neutrophilic, eosinophilic, and basophilic. Mature granulocytes are the NEUTROPHILS; EOSINOPHILS; and BASOPHILS. |
Definition (CSP) | leukocytes with abundant neutrophilic, eosinophilic or basophilic granules in the cytoplasm; mature granulocytes are the neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils. |
Concepts | Cell (T025) |
MSH | D006098 |
SnomedCT | 256909001, 48791004 |
LNC | LP18643-4, LP133971-4, MTHU008674 |
English | Granulocytes, Granulocytic, Granular leucocyte, Granular leukocyte, granulocytes, cells granulocyte, Granulocytic cells, granular leukocyte, Granulocyte, Granulocyte (cell), Granulocytic cell (cell), Granulocytic cell, Granulocytic cell, NOS, Granulocyte (body structure), Granulocytic cell (body structure), granulocyte |
French | Polynucléaires, Polynucléaire, Granulocytes, Granulocyte |
Swedish | Granulocyter |
Czech | granulocyty |
Finnish | Granulosyytit |
Croatian | GRANULOCITI |
Latvian | Granulocīti |
Polish | Krwinki białe ziarniste, Granulocyty |
Norwegian | Granulocytter |
Spanish | célula granulocítica (célula), célula granulocítica (estructura corporal), célula granulocítica, granulocito (célula), granulocito, Granulocitos |
German | Granulozyten |
Italian | Granulociti |
Dutch | Granulocyt, Granulocyten |
Portuguese | Granulócitos |
Ontology: White Blood Cell Count procedure (C0023508)
Definition (NCI_CDISC) | A measurement of the leukocytes in a biological specimen. |
Definition (NCI) | A test to determine the number of leukocytes in a sample of blood. |
Definition (MSH) | The number of WHITE BLOOD CELLS per unit volume in venous BLOOD. A differential leukocyte count measures the relative numbers of the different types of white cells. |
Definition (CSP) | number of white blood cells per unit volume in venous blood. |
Concepts | Laboratory Procedure (T059) |
MSH | D007958 |
SnomedCT | 142914005, 165506007, 767002 |
CPT | 85004 |
English | White Blood Cell Count, Count, Leukocyte, Counts, Leukocyte, Leukocyte Count, Leukocyte Counts, Leukocyte Number, Leukocyte Numbers, Blood Cell Count, White, Number, Leukocyte, Numbers, Leukocyte, White Blood Cell Count procedure, leukocyte count (lab test), leukocyte count, White cells, Leukocyte count NOS, white blood cell count, white blood cell count procedure, White blood cell count NOS, Leucocyte count, Leukocytes, White Blood Cells, WBC, White blood cell analysis, Whole Blood Leukocyte Counts, WBC count, White blood cell count, WBC - White blood cell count, WCC - White blood cell count, White blood cell count (procedure), White blood cell count - observation |
Italian | Analisi leucocitaria, Conta leucocitaria NAS, Leucociti, Conta dei leucociti NAS, Numero dei leucociti, Conta dei globuli bianchi, Conta leucocitaria, Conta dei leucociti |
Dutch | WBC-telling, leukocytentelling NAO, witte cellen, witte bloedceltelling NAO, leukocytentelling, witte bloedceltelling, wittebloedcelanalyse, Bloedcellentelling, witte, Leucocytengetal, Leucocytentelling, Telling, leucocyten- |
French | NGB, Globules blancs, Globules blancs SAI, Numération des leucocytes SAI, Numération des globules blancs, Numération des leucocytes, Numération leucocytaire, Taux de leucocytes, Taux de globules blancs, Compte des leucocytes, Analyse des globules blancs |
German | Leukozytenzahl NNB, weisse Zellen, Leukozytenzahl, Leukozytenanalyse, weisses Blutbild, Blutbild, weißes, Leukozytenzählung, Weißes Blutbild |
Portuguese | Leucócitos, Número de leucócitos NE, Número de glóbulos brancos, Número de leucócitos, Análise dos leucócitos, Contagem dos glóbulos brancos, Contagem de Células Brancas do Sangue, Contagem de Leucócitos, Número de Leucócitos |
Spanish | Recuento de leucotitos NEOM, Leucocitos, Recuento leucocitario NEOM, recuento de glóbulos blancos, recuento de leucocitos (procedimiento), recuento de leucocitos, recuento leucocítico, Recuento de leucocitos, Análisis de leucocitos, Recuento de Leucocitos, Número de Leucocitos, Recuento de Células Blancas Sanguíneas, Recuento de Células Sanguíneas Blancas |
Japanese | 白血球, 白血球検査, WBC数, 白血球数NOS, ハッケッキュウスウ, ハッケッキュウスウNOS, ハッケッキュウ, WBCスウ, ハッケッキュウケンサ, 血球数算定-白血球, 白血球計算, 血球計数-白血球, 白血球数算定, 白血球数算定-分画, 白血球分画, 白血球数, 血球計算-白血球, 白血球計数 |
Swedish | Leukocytantal |
Czech | krevní obraz bílý, leukocyty - počet, Počet leukocytů, Vyšetření bílého krevního obrazu, Bílé krvinky, Počet leukocytů NOS, Počet bílých krvinek |
Finnish | Valkosolumäärä |
Polish | Liczba leukocytów |
Hungarian | Fehér sejtek, Leukocita szám k.m.n., Fehérvérsejt szám k.m.n., Fvs. szám, Fehérvérsejt szám, Fehérvérsejt elemzés, Leukocitaszám |
Norwegian | Leukocytt-telling, Telling av hvite blodlegemer, Leukocyttelling, Leukocyttantall, Telling av hvite blodceller |
Ontology: Leukocytes (C0023516)
Definition (MSHCZE) | Bílá krvinka. Rozeznává se několik druhů, které se liší jak funkcí, tak místem vzniku a délkou života (neutrofily, eozinofily, bazofily, lymfocyty, monocyty). (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2013 http://lekarske.slovniky.cz/ ) |
Definition (NCI) | Blood cells that are devoid of hemoglobin, capable of ameboid motion and phagocytosis, and act as the principal components of the immune system. |
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS) | A type of immune cell. Most leukocytes are made in the bone marrow and are found in the blood and lymph tissue. Leukocytes help the body fight infections and other diseases. Granulocytes, monocytes, and lymphocytes are leukocytes. |
Definition (MSH) | White blood cells. These include granular leukocytes (BASOPHILS; EOSINOPHILS; and NEUTROPHILS) as well as non-granular leukocytes (LYMPHOCYTES and MONOCYTES). |
Definition (CSP) | white blood cell, specifically a colorless cell with a nucleus, found in blood and lymph; leukocytes are capable of amoeboid movement; they can produce antibodies and move through the walls of vessels to migrate to sites of injury, where they isolate and destroy dead tissue, foreign protein and bacteria. |
Concepts | Cell (T025) |
MSH | D007962 |
SnomedCT | 272170001, 52501007 |
HL7 | WBC |
LNC | LP20670-3, LP7720-8, LP14419-3, LP157588-7, MTHU001946, LA12894-4 |
English | WBC, Blood Cells, White, White Blood Cells, Blood Cell, White, leukocytes, Corpuscle, White Blood, White Blood Corpuscles, Blood Corpuscle, White, Corpuscles, White Blood, White Blood Corpuscle, Blood Corpuscles, White, WBC (white blood cell), white blood corpuscle, blood corpuscles white, blood white cell, blood white cells, leukocytic, blood leukocytes, bloods cells white, white blood cell (WBC), leucocytes, white blood cells, cell leukocyte, leucocyte, White blood cell (cell), leukocyte, white blood cell, Leukocyte, Leucocyte, WBC - White blood cell, White blood cell, White blood cells, Leukocyte (cell), Leukocyte, NOS, White blood cell, NOS, Leukocytes, Leucocytes, White Blood Cell, Reticuloendothelial System, Leukocytes, White Cell |
Dutch | witte bloedcellen, WBC, Bloedcel, witte, Bloedcellen, witte, Bloedlichaampje, wit, Leukocyt, Leukocyten, Witte bloedcellen |
French | Numération GB, Leucocytes, Globules blancs, Leucocyte, Globule blanc |
German | WBC, weisse Blutzellen, Leukozyten, Blutkörperchen, weiße, Blutzellen, weiße, Weiße Blutkörperchen, Weiße Blutzellen |
Japanese | WBC, WBC, ハッケッキュウ, 白血球 |
Swedish | Vita blodkroppar |
Czech | leukocyty, Leukocyty, bílé krvinky |
Portuguese | Corpúsculos Sanguíneos Brancos, Corpúsculos Brancos do Sangue, Corpúsculos Brancos Sanguíneos, Células Brancas do Sangue, Células Sanguíneas Brancas, Leucócitos |
Spanish | Corpúsculos Sanguíneos Blancos, Corpúsculos Blancos Sanguíneos, Corpúsculos Blanco de la Sangre, glóbulo blanco, leucocito (célula), leucocito, Leucocitos, Células Blancas de la Sangre, Células Sanguíneas Blancas |
Finnish | Valkosolut |
Italian | Globuli bianchi, Corpuscoli bianchi del sangue, Leucociti |
Croatian | LEUKOCITI |
Latvian | Leikocīti, Asins ķermenīši, baltie, Baltās asins šūnas, Asins šūnas, baltās, Baltie asins ķermenīši |
Polish | Leukocyty, Krwinki białe |
Hungarian | Fvs., Fehérvérsejtek |
Norwegian | Hvite blodceller, Levkocytter, Leukocytter, Blodceller, hvite, Hvite blodlegemer |
Ontology: Leukopenia (C0023530)
Definition (CHV) | an abnormally low white blood cell count |
Definition (CHV) | an abnormally low white blood cell count |
Definition (CHV) | an abnormally low white blood cell count |
Definition (CSP) | reduction in the number of leukocytes in the blood, the count being 5000 per cubic millimeter or less. |
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
MSH | D007970 , D009503 |
ICD9 | 288.50 |
ICD10 | D72.819 |
SnomedCT | 84828003, 142917003, 191348003 |
English | Leukopenias, LEUCOPENIA, Leukocytopenia, Leukocytopenias, Leukocytopenia, unspecified, leukopenia (diagnosis), leukopenia, Leucopenia, NOS, Leukopenia, NOS, Leucocytopenia, Leukocytopenia NOS, Leukopenia [Disease/Finding], Leukopenia, leukocytopenia, leucopenia, Leukopenia NOS, Leucopenia (finding), Leucopenia (disorder), Disorder characterized by neutropenia, Leucopenia, Leukopenia (disorder) |
French | LEUCOPENIE, Leucopénie SAI, Leucopénie, Neutropénie, Leucocytopénie |
Portuguese | LEUCOPENIA, Leucopenia NE, Neutropenia, Leucocitopenia, Leucopenia |
Spanish | LEUCOPENIA, Leucopenia NEOM, leucopenia (trastorno), leucopenia, Leucopenia, Leucocitopenia |
German | LEUKOPENIE, Leukopenie NNB, Leukopenie, Leukozytopenie, Neutropenie |
Dutch | leukopenie NAO, leukocytopenie, leukopenie, Leukocytopenie, Leukopenie |
Italian | Leucopenia NAS, Leucocitopenia, Riduzione dei leucociti, Leucopenia, Neutropenia |
Japanese | 白血球減少症NOS, ハッケッキュウゲンショウショウ, ハッケッキュウゲンショウショウNOS, 白血球減少, 白血球減少症 |
Swedish | Leukopeni |
Czech | neutropenie, leukopenie, Leukocytopenie, Leukopenie, Leukopenie NOS |
Finnish | Neutropenia, Leukosytopenia |
Polish | Leukopenia |
Hungarian | Leukocytopenia, Leucopenia, leukopenia k.m.n., Leucocytopenia, leukopenia |
Norwegian | Leukopeni, Leukocytopeni, Nøytropeni, Neutropeni |