II. Definitions
- Radiation
- Energy transmitted from a source through space or objects
- Ionizing Radiation
- Electromagnetic waves or subatomic particles with energy levels capable of removing electrons from atoms
- Examples include higher energy forms of UV light, gamma rays and xrays
- Nuclear materials emit ionizing radiation
- Non-ionizing Radiation
- Lower energy sources that do not cause ionization of atoms (loss of electrons)
- Examples include visible light, laser, infrared light, microwaves, radio waves and low level UV light
- Acute Radiation Syndrome
- Radiation exposure resulting in severe, specific organ injury with risk of death within hours to months
- Radiation-Induced Multiorgan Failure
- Progressive dysfunction of 2 or more organ systems over time as a result of ionizing radiation exposure
- Radiation Combined Injury
- Radiation Injury AND blunt Trauma, Penetrating Trauma, Burn Injury, Blast Injury or infection
III. Pathophysiology
- Body tissues with high cell turnover (high mitotic index) are most susceptible to ionizing radiation
- Radiation particle type dictates the cell targets and degree of injury
- Alpha Particles (e.g. Radon Gas)
- Composed of 2 protons and 2 neutrons, with low penetration (blocked by clothing)
- Injury is by inhalation with alveolar injury or ingestion with intestinal mucosa injury
- Associated with secondary cancer development
- Beta Particles (e.g. nuclear power plants, medical nulcear material)
- Composed of electrons, with higher penetration than alpha particles
- Risk of Skin Injury, ingestion and inhalation
- Gamma Rays (e.g. nuclear explosion)
- Mass-less rays with high penetration
- Alpha Particles (e.g. Radon Gas)
- Radioactive material exposure types
- Direct exposure (e.g. nuclear explosion)
- Contamination (e.g. ingestion of contaminated food or water)
- Radiation exposure levels correlate with effects and mortality
- Dose reflects whole body or significant partial body radiation exposure
- Dose >1 Gy
- Threshold for Acute Radiation Syndrome
- Dose >2 to 3 Gy
- Hematopoietic Syndrome
- Dose 3.5 to 4 Gy
- Lethal Dose in 50% of patients within 60 days (LD50/60) without supportive care
- With general supportive care LD50/60 increases to 4.5 to 7 Gy
- With rapid Intensive Care, reverse isolation, Bone Marrow TransplantLD50/60 increases to 7 to 9 Gy
- Dose >5 to 12 Gy
- Gastrointestinal Syndrome
- Dose >10 to 12 Gy
- Uniformly lethal dose
- Dose >10 to 20 Gy
- Cerebrovascular Syndrome
IV. HIstory
- Location of exposure in relation to radiation source
- Injuries related to exposure (including burn injuries)
- Dose of exposure
- High dose rate (high dose over short period) is associated with increased injury
- Dose rate decreases by the square of the distance from the source
- Shielding reduces exposure
V. Findings: Acute Radiation Syndrome
- Prodromal Phase (0 to 2 days after exposure)
- Symptoms reflect severity of exposure
- Lower dose exposures (<1 Gy) may be associated with mild or absent symptoms
- Significant, potentially lethal exposures (>2 Gy) are associated wih symptoms in the first 2 hours
- Highly lethal doses (>10 to 20 Gy) are associated with symptom onset within minutes of exposure
- Anorexia
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Fever
- Tachycardia
- Headache
- Apathy
- Symptoms reflect severity of exposure
- Latent Phase (2 to 20 days after exposure)
- Symptoms temporarily abate during latent phase
- Manifest Illness (21 to 60 days after exposure)
- Severe, often life-threatening effects of organ dysfunction
- Findings specific to the associated syndrome (see below)
VI. Findings: Associated Syndromes
- Cutaneous Syndrome
- See Burn Injury
- Prodromal findings (within 1-2 days)
- Skin erythema and edema
- Desquamation (dry or moist)
- Bullae
- Skin Ulceration (may affect deep tissue down to Muscle or bone)
- Onycholysis
- Manifest Illness
- May be delayed years
- Hematopoietic Syndrome (Dose >2 to 3 Gy)
- Prodromal Findings
- Lymphopenia (see labs above)
- Neutropenia and Thrombocytopenia nadir at 2 to 4 weeks, but may persist months
- Anemia (also compounded by gastrointestinal Hemorrhage)
- Manifest Findings (over weeks to months)
- Bone Marrow aplasia or hypoplasia
- Pancytopenia
- Immunocompromised
- Poor Wound Healing
- Increased bleeding risk
- Prodromal Findings
- Gastrointestinal Syndrome (Dose >5 to 12 Gy)
- Onset within 5 days of exposure
- Mild GI symptoms (Nausea, Vomiting) are seen at low dose exposures (<1.5 Gy) in prodromal phase
- High dose exposures (>5 Gy) are associated with loss of intestinal crypt cells and mucosal barrier
- Prodromal Findings
- Manifest Findings (typically after day 7)
- Vomiting
- Severe Diarrhea
- Malnutrition
- High fever
- Sepsis
- Bowel wall necrosis, perforation, ileus
- Cerebrovascular Syndrome (Dose >10 to 20 Gy)
- Associated with capillary injury at blood brain barrier, Cerebral edema and Meningitis
- Findings
- Severe Nausea and Vomiting
- Headache
- Altered Mental Status
- Seizures
- Ataxia
- Decreased Deep Tendon Reflexes
VII. Labs
- See Unknown Ingestion
- ABO Type and Screen
- Serum Electrolytes
- Mouth and nasal swabs for radiation testing
Complete Blood Count (CBC) with differential
- Repeat CBC every 6 to 12 hours
- Observe for decreased White Blood Cells (esp. Absolute Lymphocyte Count)
- Absolute Lymphocyte Count depletion course best predicts exposure and prognosis
- Lymphocyte Count >1000 is associated with a better prognosis
- Lymphocyte Count maintained at 50% of normal in first week suggests <1 Gy exposure
- Lymphocyte Count <500 is associated with very poor prognosis (highly lethal if <100)
- High dose exposure (>5 Gy): 50% Lymphocyte drop in 24 hours, and more severe drop in 48 hours
VIII. Management
- Staff should use appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Consult nuclear exposure experts
- Remove all clothing (removes 70-90% of contaminants)
- Wash skin
- Consider chelating agents (e.g. DTPA, Prusssian Blue, Calcium Phosphate, aluminum phosphate)
Thyroid Cancer Risk
- Risk of Radioactive Iodine uptake in children and pregnant women
- Give prophylactic Potassium Iodide to patients at risk
- Adult: 130 mg orally daily
- Child (over age 3 years old): 65 mg orally daily
- Infant (one month to age 3 years): 32 mg
- Infection Risk
- Perform any urgent or emergent surgery in first 24 to 36 hours
- Treat infections early
- Consider prophylactic Antibiotics in Neutropenia
- Evaluate for CMV risk
- Evaluate for Pneumocystitis carinii risk (CD4 <200/ul)
- Treat specific injuries
- See Burn Management
- Basic Supportive Care
- Intravenous Fluids
- Anti-emetics (e.g. Ondansetron)
- Analgesics
- Maintain gastric acidity (avoid Proton Pump Inhibitors and H2 Blockers)
- May use Sucralfate for Stress Ulcer prevention
- Platelet Transfusion indications
- Platelet Count <20,000 (or <75,000 if perioperative)
Intensive Care
- Acute Radiation Syndrome scoring systems are used to guide interventions
- Reverse Isolation (>2 to 3 Gy exposure)
- Cytokines
- Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant
- Patient Triage to three categories
- Recovery is expected with minimal supportive care (<1 Gy exposure)
- Employ basic measures as above
- Survival is possible with aggressive supportive care
- Triage to Intensive Care
- Expected to succumb (>10 Gy exposure, concurrent injuries or inadequate resources)
- Triage to Palliative Care
- Recovery is expected with minimal supportive care (<1 Gy exposure)
IX. References
- Acosta and Warrington (2022) Radiation Syndrome, Stat Pearls, Treasure Island, accessed 5/11/2022
- López (2011) Rep Pract Oncol Radiother 16(4):138-46 +PMID: 24376971 [PubMed]
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