II. Background
- Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol, Rubbing Alcohol) is the most common Toxic Alcohol ingestion in the U.S.
- Other Toxic Alcohol ingestions include Ethylene Glycol Poisoning, Methanol Poisoning
III. Pathophysiology
- Isopropanol is absorbed rapidly from the Gastrointestinal Tract
- Isopropanol is converted to acetone in the liver by Alcohol dehydrogenase
- Acetone is a Ketone Body that has no charge (neutral)
- Results in Ketosis without a Metabolic Acidosis or Anion Gap
- Osmolal Gap is increased (as with other Toxic Alcohol ingestions)
IV. Pharmacokinetics
- Effects (and plasma levels) peak 1 hour after ingestion
- Half-Life of isopropanol: 2.5 to 16 hours (typically <8 hours)
- Half-Life of acetone: 7 to 26 hours (typically >10 hours)
- Renal excretion of both isopropanol (up to 50% not metabolized) and acetone
- Lethal dose Isopropyl Alcohol: 250 ml (significant illness may occur with as little as 10 ml ingestion)
- However, even children have survived much larger ingestions with supportive care alone
V. Sources
- Rubbing Alcohol (accounts for 70% of product)
- Hand Cleansers
- Perfume solvents
- Paint thinners
- Cleaners and disinfectants
- Racing fuel
VI. Findings
- Similar Intoxication effects as with Alcohol Intoxication
- Neurologic Changes
- Altered Level of Consciousness (CNS Depression)
- Drowsiness or Lethargy
- Coma
- Headache
- Ataxia
- Decreased Deep Tendon Reflexes (or areflexia)
- Altered Level of Consciousness (CNS Depression)
- Associated findings
- Fruity breath odor (acetone)
- Vomiting
- Hypotension (myocardial depression)
- Tachycardia
- Hypothermia
- No visual effects (unlike the Retinopathy associated with Methanol)
- Severe shock findings in massive ingestion
VII. Labs
- See Unknown Ingestion for full workup
- Complete Blood Count
- Serum Glucose
- Serum Electrolytes and Renal Function tests
- Serum Creatinine falsely elevated when acetone levels >40-100 mg/dl (colorimetric testing)
- Suspect false Serum Creatinine elevation if the Blood Urea Nitrogen and the Blood pH are normal
- Unlike Ethylene Glycol, Isopropyl Alcohol does not cause Renal Failure
- Unlike Ethylene Glycol and Methanol, does not cause Metabolic Acidosis with Anion Gap (unless Alcoholic Ketoacidosis)
Serum Ketones
- Beta Hydroxybutyrate elevation is NOT due to Isopropyl Alcohol ingestion (acetone)
- Beta Hydroxybutyrate elevation typically indicates other Ketosis causes (e.g. Diabetic Ketoacidosis)
Creatinine Kinase
- Elevated in Rhabdomyolysis
Serum Osmolality
- Osmolar Gap with Isopropyl Alcohol as well as other Toxic Alcohols (Methanol, Ethylene Glycol)
- Osmolar Gap rises 16.6 mmol/L for each serum Isopropyl Alcohol level of 100 mg/dl
Venous Blood Gas
- No Metabolic Acidosis despite Ketosis
- Contrast with Metabolic Acidosis with Anion Gap with other Toxic Alcohol ingestions (Methanol, Ethylene Glycol)
- Isopropanol Level (serum Isopropyl Alcohol level)
- Send-out lab in most hospitals
- Level >50 mg/dl: Toxic effects
- Level >150 mg/dl: Risk of death (without supportive care)
- Level >400 mg/dl: Consider Hemodialysis
- Acetone Levels
- Send-out lab in most hospitals
VIII. Differential Diagnosis
- Critical to exclude other, far more Toxic Alcohol ingestions (Ethylene Glycol, Methanol)
- Ingestions
- Other Ketoacidosis causes
- Diabetic Ketoacidosis
- Euglycemic Ketoacidosis (e.g. SGLT2 Inhibitor)
- Alcoholic Ketoacidosis
- Starvation Ketosis
- Inborn Errors of Metabolism (branched-chain ketonuria, propionic acidemia)
- Salicylate Toxicity
IX. Management
- ABC Management and supportive care
- Fomepizole (Alcohol Dehydrogenase inhibition) is NOT indicated (unlike with other Toxic Alcohol ingestions)
Activated Charcoal may be considered in recent ingestion (esp. for other co-ingestions)
- Isopropyl Alcohol absorption is so rapid, GI Decontamination is unlikely to be of benefit
Hemodialysis Indications
- Course refractory to supportive care
- Serum Isopropyl Alcohol level >400-500 mg/dl
X. Complications: Acute
- CNS Depression related acute complications
- Airway compromise
- Rhabdomyolysis
- Cardiovascular Depression and shock
XI. Prognosis
- Ethylene Glycol Intoxication has twice the acute lethality of Alcohol Intoxication, although fatalities are rare
- However, if patient survives the acute Intoxication, there are no significant longterm complications
XII. References
- (2019) Isopropyl Alcohol , UpToDate, accessed online 7/13/2019
- Leikin (1996) Poisoning and Toxicology Handbook, 2nd ed, Lexicomp, p. 943-4
- Tagliaferro (2023) Crit Dec Emerg Med 37(1): 21-9
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Related Studies
Definition (NCI) | An isomer of propyl alcohol with antibacterial properties. Although the exact mechanism of isopropanol's disinfecting action is not known, it might kill cells by denaturing cell proteins and DNA, interfering with cellular metabolism, and dissolving cell lipo-protein membranes. Isopropanol is used in soaps and lotions as an antiseptic. |
Definition (MSH) | An isomer of 1-PROPANOL. It is a colorless liquid having disinfectant properties. It is used in the manufacture of acetone and its derivatives and as a solvent. Topically, it is used as an antiseptic. |
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Finnish | 2-propanoli |
French | Propanol-2, 2-Propanol, Propan-2-ol, Alcool isopropylique, Isopropanol |
Japanese | イソプロパノール, 2-プロパノール, β-ヒドロキシプロパン, イソプロピルアルコール, ジメチルカルビノール, β-オキシプロパン |
German | PROPANOL 02, 2-Propanol, Isopropanol, Isopropylalkohol |
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Polish | Izopropanol, 2-propanol, Alkohol izopropylowy |
Norwegian | Isopropanol, 2-propanol |
Italian | 2-Propanolo |
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Spanish | Efecto tóxico del alcohol isopropílico, alcohol isopropílico que ocasiona efecto tóxico (trastorno), intoxicación por alcohol isopropílico, alcohol isopropilo que ocasiona efecto tóxico (trastorno), alcohol isopropílico que ocasiona efecto tóxico, carbinol de dimetilo que causa efectos tóxicos, dimetil carbinol que causa efectos tóxicos, efecto tóxico del dimetil carbinol, isopropanol que causa efectos tóxicos, alcohol isopropilo que ocasiona efecto tóxico, dimetil carbinol que causa efectos tóxicos (trastorno), isopropanol que causa efectos tóxicos (trastorno), efecto tóxico del dimetilcarbinol, efecto tóxico causado por isopropanol (trastorno), alcohol isopropilo que produce efecto tóxico, SAI (trastorno), efecto tóxico del alcohol isopropílico (trastorno), alcohol de fricción que causa efectos tóxicos, alcohol isopropilo que produce efecto tóxico, SAI, efecto tóxico causado por dimetil carbinol (trastorno), efecto tóxico causado por dimetil carbinol, efecto tóxico del isopropanol, efecto tóxico del alcohol de fricción, alcohol de fricción que causa efectos tóxicos (trastorno), efecto tóxico causado por isopropanol, efecto tóxico del alcohol isopropílico (concepto no activo), efecto tóxico del alcohol isopropílico |
Japanese | イソプロピルアルコールの毒作用, イソプロピルアルコールノドクサヨウ |
French | Effet toxique de l'alcool isopropylique |
Italian | Effetti tossici dell'alcool isopropilico |
Czech | Toxický účinek isopropanolu |
Korean | 2-프로판의 중독작용 |
Hungarian | Izopropil-alkohol toxikus hatása |
Ontology: Isopropyl alcohol poisoning (C0549459)
Concepts | Injury or Poisoning (T037) |
SnomedCT | 212813006, 75990004 |
English | poisoning by isopropyl alcohol (diagnosis), poisoning by isopropyl alcohol, Isopropyl alcohol poisoning |
Spanish | intoxicación por alcohol isopropílico |