II. Normal
- Adults
- Men: 0.8 to 1.3 mg/dl
- Women: 0.6 to 1.0 mg/dl
- Children (under age 20 years)
- Boys: 0.35 + (age in years)/40
- Girls: 0.35 + (age in years)/55
III. Protocol: New
- Standardized Creatinine (S-Creatinine)
- New, more accurate technique for measuring Serum Creatinine
- Not as affected by interfering substances
- Expect a drop in Serum Creatinine of 20% when switching to S-Creatinine measurement
IV. Pathophysiology
- Increases by 1.0-1.5 mg/dl/day if no Renal Function
- Often unchanged until 25-50% of Renal Function lost
- Doubled Serum Creatinine implies 50% Renal Function
V. Increased
- Renal Insufficiency
- Decreased renal perfusion
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Skeletal muscle Trauma or Rhabdomyolysis
- Ketonemia
- Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Creatine Supplementation >15-20 grams per day
- May increase Serum Creatinine over 2.0
- Medications (Inhibit tubular secretion of Creatinine)
- Aminoglycosides
- Cephalosporins
- Cefoxitin
- Cephalothin
- Hydantoin
- Diuretics
- Methyldopa
- Cimetidine
- Trimethoprim
VI. Decreased
- Decreased Muscle mass
- Pregnancy
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Related Studies
Definition (NCI) | The breakdown product of creatine, a constituent of muscle tissue, that is excreted by the kidney and whose serum level is used to evaluate kidney function. |
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS) | A compound that is excreted from the body in urine. Creatinine levels are measured to monitor kidney function. |
Definition (CSP) | nitrogen compound in muscle, blood and urine that is the end product of creatine metabolism. |
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Definition (NCI) | A quantitative measurement of the amount of creatinine present in a sample of serum. |
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Dutch | serum creatinine |
French | Créatinine sérique |
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Portuguese | Creatinina sérica |
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English | Serum Creatinine Measurement, Creatinine measurement, serum (procedure), serum creatinine level, serum creatinine measurement (lab test), serum creatinine measurement, creatinine procedure serum, creatinine serum test, creatinine serum, serum creatinine tests, serum creatinine, serum creatinine test, Creatinine.serum, Serum creatinine (& level) (procedure), Creatinine - serum, Serum creatinine NOS (procedure), Serum creatinine NOS, Serum creatinine (& level), Serum Creatinine Test, Creatinine measurement, serum, Serum creatinine |
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