II. Definition
- Hypoxia or Hypoxemia
- PaO2 <70 to 80 mmHg
III. Causes
- Respiratory Failure
- Cardiogenic Shock
- Miscellaneous Causes
- Anemia
- Decreased FIO2 of inspired air (high altitude)
- Cyanide Poisoning
- Salicylate Toxicity
IV. Causes: Hypoxia or Hypoxemia (PaO2 <70 to 80 mmHg)
- See Hypoxemia
V. Symptoms
VI. Signs
- Cyanosis
- Tachycardia
- Tachypnea
- Mental status changes
- Acute: Altered Level of Consciousness
- Chronic: Fatigue, drowsy, inattentive
Oxygen Saturation (O2 Sat) decreased
- Usually correlates with PaO2
- However, relationship is not linear (See O2 Sat)
- Not sensitive for increased A-a Gradient
- Conditions where O2 Sat low despite normal PaO2
- Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
- Methemoglobinemia or other abnormal Hemoglobin
- Usually correlates with PaO2
VII. Evaluation and Management
- See Dyspnea
- See Respiratory Failure
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Related Studies
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS) | A condition in which there is a decrease in the oxygen supply to a tissue. In cancer treatment, the level of hypoxia in a tumor may help predict the response of the tumor to the treatment. |
Definition (NCI) | A decrease in the amount of oxygen in the body. Symptoms range from mild (impaired judgment, memory loss, impaired motor coordination) to severe (seizures and coma). |
Definition (NCI_CTCAE) | A disorder characterized by a decrease in the level of oxygen in the body. |
Definition (CSP) | reduction of oxygen supply to tissue below physiological level. |
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LNC | LA17396-5 |
English | Deficiencies, Oxygen, Deficiency, Oxygen, Hypoxias, Oxygen Deficiencies, Oxygen Deficiency, OXYGEN DEFIC, DEFIC OXYGEN, hypoxia, hypoxia (diagnosis), oxygen deficiency, HYPOXIA, hypoxic, Decreased oxygen supply, Hypoxic, Hypoxia (disorder), deficiency; oxygen, oxygen; deficiency, Hypoxia |
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Japanese | 低酸素症, 低酸素性, テイサンソショウ, テイサンソセイ |
Czech | hypoxie, Hypoxie, Hypoxický, nedostatek kyslíku |
Hungarian | Hypoxiás, Hypoxia |
Norwegian | Hypoksi |
Ontology: Hypoxemia (C0700292)
Definition (NCI) | A finding indicating decreased oxygen levels in the blood. |
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS) | A condition in which there is not enough oxygen in the blood. |
Concepts | Finding (T033) |
MSH | D000860 , D000859 |
ICD9 | 799.02 |
ICD10 | R09.02 |
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German | Hypoxaemie, Hypoxämie, HYPOXAEMIE |
Italian | Ipossiemia, Ipossemia |
Czech | hypoxémie, Hypoxemie |
Japanese | テイサンソケッショウ, 低酸素血症 |
Hungarian | Hypoxaemia |
Norwegian | Hypoksemi |