II. Causes
- Rheumatic Fever (most common)
- Congenital Mitral Stenosis
- Associated with Parachute mitral valve (chordae tendineae all attach to single papillary Muscle)
- Carcinoid Tumor affecting lung (primary or metastatic)
- Mitral valve severe calcification (elderly)
- Lutembacher's Syndrome (also associated with Atrial Septal Defect)
Rheumatologic Conditions
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Rheumatoid Arthritis (rare cause)
- Gout
- Medications
- Endomyocardial fibrosis
- Mucopolysaccharidoses (Hurler Syndrome, Hunter Syndrome)
- Infectious Disease
- Infective Endocarditis (with large vegetations)
- Whipple's disease (rare, Bacterial Infection causing small intestinal malabsorption)
III. Pathophysiology
- Increased left atrial pressure
- Pulmonary Vasoconstriction
- Pulmonary Hypertension
- Right Ventricular Failure
- Decreased Cardiac Output
IV. Symptoms
- Symptoms of Left Ventricular Failure
- Symptoms of Right Ventricular Failure
- Other Symptoms
- Precipitating Factors
- Exertion
- Fever
- Anemia
- Pregnancy
- Sexual intercourse
- Atrial Fibrillation
V. Signs: Precordial Exam
- Diastolic Thrill
Diastolic Murmur at apex
- Apical, low pitched rumbling in mid-diastole
- Loudest in early diastole
- Crescendo at end of diastole (presystolic)
- Accentuating factors
- Left lateral decubitus position
- Stethoscope bell
- Brief Exercise (e.g. brief walk in hallway)
- Opening snap of mitral valve cusp
- Heard at 3rd - 4th interspace at left sternal border
- Accentuated P2 heart sound
- Accentuated M1 heart sound
- Diminished M2 heart sound
VI. Signs: Later findings of Right Ventricular Failure
VII. Differential Diagnosis
- Atrial Myxoma
- Ball valve thrombus
- Cor triatriatum (Congenital Heart Defect with 3 atrial chambers)
VIII. Complications
- Hemoptysis
- Pulmonary Embolism
- Pulmonary infection
- Systemic emboli
- Endocarditis (uncommon)
IX. Electrocardiogram
Atrial Fibrillation
- Occurs secondary to severe atrial hypertrophy
- Most common complication of Mitral Stenosis
- High risk for Thromboembolism (esp. Cerebrovascular Accident)
- Left atrial enlargement
- Stenosed mitral valve impedes flow from left atrium to left ventricle
- Signs Pulmonary Hypertension
X. Imaging
Chest XRay
- Left atrial enlargement
- Right Ventricular Enlargement
- Posterior displacement of Esophagus
- Mitral valve calcification
- Kerley B Lines
Echocardiogram (Study of choice)
- Mitral valve leaflet changes
- Inadequate separation of valve leaflets
- Valve leaflet calcification and thickening
- Doppler estimates transvalvular gradient
- Mitral valve leaflet changes
XI. Course
- Slow, progressive, life-long course
- Latent period of 20 to 40 years after Rheumatic Fever
- Rapid acceleration of symptoms in later life
XII. Management
Rheumatic Fever prophylaxis until age 35 years
- Benzathine Penicillin G 1.2 MU IM qMonth OR
- Penicillin VK 125-250 mg PO bid
- SBE Prophylaxis
- Treat complications and associated conditions
- Atrial Fibrillation
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Anticoagulation for history of emboli
- Surgery
- Open Mitral valvuloplasty Indications
- Mitral orifice <= 1.2 cm2
- Cardiopulmonary symptoms
- Not a candidate for balloon valvotomy
- Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty (Valvotomy)
- Indications
- NYHA Class II, III, IV moderate Mitral Stenosis
- Contraindications
- Non-pliable or calcified valve
- Subvalvular distortion
- No significant Mitral Regurgitation
- Indications
- Open Mitral valvuloplasty Indications
XIII. Resources
- Shah (2023) Mitral Stenosis, StatPearls, Treasure Island, FL
XIV. References
- Kondos (1998) CMEA Medicine Review Lecture, San Diego
- Assi (1998) Postgrad Med 104(6):99-110 [PubMed]
- Bonow (1998) Circulation 98:1949-84 [PubMed]
- Carabello (1997) N Engl J Med 337(1):32-41 [PubMed]
- Shipton (2001) Am Fam Physician 63(11):2201-8 [PubMed]
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Definition (CHV) | narrowing of a heart valve |
Definition (CHV) | narrowing of a heart valve |
Definition (NCI) | Narrowing of the left atrioventricular mitral orifice. |
Definition (NCI_FDA) | Narrowing of the left atrioventricular mitral orifice. |
Definition (CSP) | rheumatic disease causing diffuse thickening of the mitral valve leaflets by fibrous tissue or calcific deposits. |
Definition (MSH) | Narrowing of the passage through the MITRAL VALVE due to FIBROSIS, and CALCINOSIS in the leaflets and chordal areas. This elevates the left atrial pressure which, in turn, raises pulmonary venous and capillary pressure leading to bouts of DYSPNEA and TACHYCARDIA during physical exertion. RHEUMATIC FEVER is its primary cause. |
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
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English | Mitral Valve Stenoses, Mitral Valve Stenosis, Stenoses, Mitral Valve, Valve Stenoses, Mitral, Valve Stenosis, Mitral, Stenosis, Mitral Valve, Mitral Stenoses, Mitral Stenosis, Stenoses, Mitral, Stenosis, Mitral, mitral stenosis, mitral stenosis (diagnosis), Mitral Valve Stenosis [Disease/Finding], MS, mitral valve stenosis, MITRAL STENOSIS, STENOSIS, MITRAL, Mitral stenosis, MS - Mitral stenosis, Mitral valve stenosis, Mitral valve stenosis (disorder), mitral; stenosis, mitral; stricture, stenosis; mitral, stricture; mitral, Mitral valve stenosis, NOS |
Dutch | mitralisstenose, mitraal; stenose, mitraal; strictuur, stenose; mitraal, strictuur; mitraal, mitralisklepstenose, Mitralisklepstenose, Mitralisstenose, Stenose, mitralisklep- |
Spanish | Estenosis mitral, estenosis de la válvula mitral (trastorno), estenosis de la válvula mitral, estenosis mitral, Estenosis de la válvula mitral, Estenosis de la Válvula Mitral, Estenosis Mitral |
Swedish | Mitralklafförträngning |
Japanese | ソウボウベンキョウサクショウ, 僧帽弁狭窄症, 左房室弁狭窄症, 僧帽弁狭窄 |
Finnish | Hiippaläpän ahtauma |
French | Sténose valvulaire mitrale, Rétrécissement valvulaire mitral, STENOSE MITRALE, Sténose de la valve mitrale, Rétrécissement mitral, Sténose mitrale, Rétrécissement de la valve mitrale |
Portuguese | ESTENOSE MITRAL, Estenose mitral, Estenose da Valva Mitral, Estenose Mitral |
German | MITRALSTENOSE, Mitralklappenstenose, Mitralstenose |
Czech | Mitrální stenóza, Stenóza mitrální chlopně, mitrální stenóza, mitrální chlopeň - stenóza |
Italian | Stenosi della valvola mitralica, Stenosi della valvola mitrale, Stenosi mitralica |
Polish | Stenoza mitralna, Zwężenie mitralne, Zwężenie zastawki dwudzielnej, Zwężenie zastawki mitralnej |
Hungarian | Mitralis szűkület, Mitralis billentyű stenosis |
Norwegian | Mitralstenose |