Definition (CHV)
defect in the wall between the lower chambers of the heart
Definition (CHV)
defect in the wall between the lower chambers of the heart
Definition (CHV)
defect in the wall between the lower chambers of the heart
Definition (CHV)
defect in the wall between the lower chambers of the heart
Definition (CHV)
defect in the wall between the lower chambers of the heart
Definition (CHV)
defect in the wall between the lower chambers of the heart
Definition (CHV)
defect in the wall between the lower chambers of the heart
Definition (CHV)
defect in the wall between the lower chambers of the heart
Definition (MSHCZE)
Vývojové poruchy v jakékoli části SÍŇOVÉ PŘEPÁŽKY, které mají za následek vadnou komunikaci mezi dvěma horními srdečními komorami (síněmi). Klasifikace síňových septálních defektů je založena na lokalizaci této vadné komunikace a druzích nedokončeného spojení síňového septa s ENDOKARDOVÝMI POLŠTÁŘI v prenatálním vývoji. K těmto defektům patří ostium primum, ostium secundum, sinus venosus a defekt věncového splavu krve. R
Definition (NCI_CDISC)
A congenital disorder characterized by the presence of a defect (opening) in the septum that separates the two atria of the heart.
Definition (NCI)
The presence of a defect (opening) in the septum that separates the two atria of the heart. It can be congenital or acquired.
Definition (MSH)
Developmental abnormalities in any portion of the ATRIAL SEPTUM resulting in abnormal communications between the two upper chambers of the heart. Classification of atrial septal defects is based on location of the communication and types of incomplete fusion of atrial septa with the ENDOCARDIAL CUSHIONS in the fetal heart. They include ostium primum, ostium secundum, sinus venosus, and coronary sinus defects.
Concepts |
Congenital Abnormality
ICD10 |
SnomedCT |
204316004, 156915002, 253368008, 268178001, 70142008, 253366007, 405752007, 69524004 |
English |
Heart Septal Defects, Atrial, ATRIAL SEPTAL DEFECT, Defect, Atrial Septal, Defects, Atrial Septal, HEART SEPTAL DEFECT ATRIAL, IA SEPTAL DEFECT, SEPTAL DEFECT INTERATRIAL, Septal Defect, Atrial, Septal Defects, Atrial, Auricular septal defect NOS, Atrial Septal Defects, Atrial Septal Defect, atrial septal defect (diagnosis), atrial septal defect, ASD (atrial septal defect), Heart Septal Defects, Atrial [Disease/Finding], Defect;atrial septal, atrial septal defect (ASD), interatrial septal defect, asd, atrial septal heart defect, atrial septal defects, atrial septal heart defects, atrioseptal defect, ASD, Atrial septal defect (ASD), Atrial septal defects, Atria septal defect (ASD), Auricular septal defect NOS (disorder), Atrial septal defect NOS (disorder), Atrial septal defect, Interatrial septal defect, ASD - Atrial septal defect, Interauricular septal defect, Interauricular septal defect (disorder), Atrial septal defect (disorder), Congenital atrial septal defect, Congenital atrial septal defect (disorder), auricular septal; defect, closure; incomplete, septum, interauricular, defect; atrial septal, defect; auricular septal, defect; interatrial septal, defect; interauricular septal, heart; anomaly, septum, auricular, incomplete; closure, septum, interauricular, interatrial septal; defect, interauricular septal; defect, anomaly; heart, septum, auricular, Atrial septal defect NOS, Defect artrial septum, Heart septal defect atrial, IA septal defect, Septal defect interatrial |
French |
COMMUNICATION INTERAURICULAIRE, Malformation de la communication interauriculaire, Communication inter-auriculaire (CIA), Anomalie congénitale du septum auriculaire, Communication interauriculaire SAI, Communication interauriculaire, Communications interatriales, ANOMALIE DU SEPTUM AURICULAIRE, CIA, Anomalies du septum interauriculaire, CIA (Communication InterAuriculaire), Communications inter-auriculaires, Communications interauriculaires |
Dutch |
atrium-septumdefect, interatrium-septumdefect, atrium-septumdefect NAO, IA septumdefect, atrium-septumdefect, congenitaal, opening in het atriumtussenschot, ASD, atrium-hartseptumdefect, anomalie; hart, septum, auriculair, auriculair septum; defect, defect; atriumseptum, defect; auriculair septum, defect; interatriaal septum, defect; interauriculair septum, hart; anomalie, septum, auriculair, interatriaal septum; defect, interauriculair septum; defect, onvolledig; sluiting, septum, interauriculair, sluiting; onvolledig, septum, interauriculair, Atriumseptumdefect, Atriumseptumdefecten, Defect, atriumseptum-, Defecten, atriumseptum-, Foramen ovale, open, Hartseptumdefect, atriaal, Septumdefect, atrium-, Septumdefecten, atrium- |
Italian |
Difetto del setto interatriale, Difetto settale interatriale, Difetto del setto interatriale NAS, Difetto del setto interatriale cardiaco, Difetto congenito del setto interatriale, Difetto del setto atriale, Difetti del setto atriale, Difetti del setto cardiaco atriale |
Portuguese |
Defeito do septo interauricular, Defeito do septo interauricular NE, Defeito congénito do septo interauricular, ASD, COMUNICACAO INTER-AURICULAR, DEFEITO DO SEPTO CARDIACO AURICUL, DEFEITO DO SEPTO INTER-AURICULAR, SEPTO INTER AURICULAR DEFEITUOSO, Comunicação Interatrial, Defeitos do Septo Interatrial, Malformações do Septo Interatrial, Defeitos do Septo Interauricular, Malformação do Septo Interatrial, Defeitos do Septo Auricular, Malformações do Septo Interauricular, Malformação do Septo Interauricular, Defeitos do Septo Atrial |
Spanish |
Defecto de la pared auricular, Defecto congénito del tabique auricular, Defecto del tabique auricular del corazón, Comunicación interauricular, Defecto del tabique auricular NEOM, Defecto del tabique auricular, Defecto del tabique interauricular, Defectos del Tabique Atrial, Defectos del Tabique Interatrial, SEPTO ATRIAL, DEFECTO, SEPTO AURICULAR, DEFECTO, SEPTO IA, DEFECTO, SEPTO INTERAURICULAR, DEFECTO, defecto del tabique atrial, SAI, defecto del tabique atrial, SAI (trastorno), defecto del tabique auricular, SAI (trastorno), defecto del tabique auricular, SAI, Malformaciones del Tabique Interauricular, Defectos del Tabique Interauricular, Malformación del Tabique Interatrial, Defectos del Septum Interatrial, Defectos del Septum Interauricular, Defectos del Tabique Auricular, Malformaciones del Tabique Interatrial, Persistencia del Ostium Primum, Defectos del Septo Interatrial, Malformación del Tabique Interauricular, Defectos del Septo Interauricular, CIA, comunicación interauricular (trastorno), comunicación interauricular, defecto del tabique auricular, defecto del tabique interauricular (trastorno), defecto del tabique interauricular, defecto septal interauricular, defecto congénito del tabique auricular (trastorno), defecto congénito del tabique auricular |
German |
ASP, Vorhofseptumdefekt NNB, IA Septumdefekt, Herzseptumdefekt Vorhof, kongenitaler Vorhofseptumdefekt, Defekt Vorhofseptum, Septumdefekt interatrial, ASD, ATRIUMSEPTUMDEFEKT, SEPTUMDEFEKT INTERATRIAL, VORHOFSCHEIDEWANDDEFEKT, VORHOFSEPTUMDEFEKT, Herzseptumdefekte, Vorhof-, Vorhofseptumdefekte, Atriale Septumdefekte, Septumdefekte, Vorhof-, Vorhofseptumdefekt |
Japanese |
心房中隔欠損症NOS, 先天性心房中隔欠損症, シンボウチュウカクケッソンショウ, センテンセイシンボウチュウカクケッソンショウ, シンボウチュウカクケッソンショウNOS, 心房中隔欠損, 心房中隔欠損症, 中隔欠損-心房 |
Swedish |
Finnish |
Eteisväliseinän aukot
Russian |
Czech |
Defekt síňového septa, Vrozený defekt síňového septa, Defekt septa síní, Defekt síňového septa NOS, DSS, Defekt síňového septa typu ostium secundum, Defet síňového srdečního septa, srdce - defekty síňového septa, defekty septa síní, defekty síňového septa |
Korean |
심방 중격 결손증
Croatian |
Polish |
Ubytek przegrody międzyprzedsionkowej
Hungarian |
Pitvari septum-defectus, Szívpitvari septum defectus, Septalis I/A defectus, Atrialis septalis defectus k.m.n., Atrium septum-defectusAASD, Septalis interatrialis defectus, Pitvari septum defectus, Veleszületett pitvari septumdefectus |
Norwegian |
Atrieseptumdefekter, ASD |