II. Definitions

  1. Ebstein's Anomaly
    1. Tricuspid valve displaced downward and part of the right ventricle is atrialized
    2. Associated with marked right atrial enlargement in severe cases
    3. Associated with right to left shunting in tricuspid stenosis or regurgitation

IV. References

  1. Fujii and Lock in Cloherty (1991) Manual Neonatal Care, Little Brown, Boston, p. 263

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Related Studies

Ontology: Ebstein Anomaly (C0013481)

Definition (MSHCZE) Vrozená srdeční vada, při které je pravá komora rozdělena na dvě části v důsledku dislokační malformace trikuspidální chlopně (přední cíp je přichycen na chlopňový kruh, kdežto ostatní cípy jsou přichyceny ke stěně pravé komory). Atrializovaná část pravé komory je malá, má tenkou stěnu a přechází do pravé, značně zvětšené pravé síně, druhá část komory má normální myokard. Dochází k obstrukci pravé výtokové části, bývá různý stupeň trikuspidální regurgitace. (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2013 http://lekarske.slovniky.cz/ )
Definition (NCI_CDISC) A rare congenital heart malformation characterized by apical displacement of the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. The defect involves both the right ventricle and the tricuspid valve, and can lead to cardiomyopathy and tachyarrhythmias.
Definition (NCI) A rare congenital heart malformation characterized by apical displacement of the opening of the tricuspid valve. The defect involves both the right ventricle and the tricuspid valve, and can lead to cardiomyopathy and tachyarrhythmias.
Definition (MSH) A congenital heart defect characterized by downward or apical displacement of the TRICUSPID VALVE, usually with the septal and posterior leaflets being attached to the wall of the RIGHT VENTRICLE. It is characterized by a huge RIGHT ATRIUM and a small and less effective right ventricle.
Concepts Congenital Abnormality (T019)
MSH D004437
ICD9 746.2
ICD10 Q22.5
SnomedCT 1796006
English Ebsteins Anomaly, Anomaly, Ebstein's, Ebstein's anomaly, Ebstein's anom rt av valve, EBSTEIN ANOMALY, Anomaly, Ebstein, Ebstein Anomaly, Ebstein's Anomaly, Ebstein's anomaly (diagnosis), Ebstein Anomaly [Disease/Finding], Ebstein Malformation, Ebstein's Malformation, Malformation, Ebstein's, Ebsteins Malformation, anomalies ebstein's, ebstein anomaly, ebstein's anomaly, anomaly ebstein tricuspid valve, ebsteins anomaly, Ebstein's anomaly (disorder), Ebstein's Anomaly of Tricuspid Valve, syndrome; Ebstein, anomaly; Ebstein, anomaly; tricuspid (valve), Ebstein, Ebstein; anomaly or syndrome, Ebstein; anomaly, Ebstein's anomaly (disorder) [Ambiguous]
Japanese エプスタイン奇形, エプスタインキケイ, Ebstein奇形, エブスタイン奇形, エブスタイン病, Ebstein病, エブシュタイン奇形
Swedish Ebsteins anomali
Czech Ebsteinova anomálie, Ebsteinova malformace, Ebsteinova anomálie trikuspidální chlopně
Finnish Ebsteinin anomalia
Korean 에브스타인 이상
Polish Zespół Ebsteina, Anomalia Ebsteina
Hungarian Ebstein-anomalia
Norwegian Ebsteins anomali
Spanish anomalía de Ebstein, anomalía de Ebstein (trastorno), anomalía de Ebstein (concepto no activo), Anomalía de Ebstein
Dutch Ebstein; anomalie of syndroom, Ebstein; anomalie, anomalie; Ebstein, anomalie; tricuspidaal{klep}, Ebstein, syndroom; Ebstein, Anomalie van Ebstein, Anomalie, Ebstein-, Ebstein-anomalie
French Maladie d'Ebstein, Malformation d'Ebstein, Anomalie d'Ebstein
German Ebstein-Anomalie
Italian Anomalia di Ebstein
Portuguese Anomalia de Ebstein