II. Updates: December 2015
- Website Updates are now available as an RSS Feed (Website: New functionality)
- Thanks to Dr. John Faughnan for the idea of making FPN Updates an RSS feed
- RSS Feed: http://www.fpnotebook.com/updates.xml
- Json Feed: http://www.fpnotebook.com/updates.json
- Thanks to Dr. John Faughnan for the idea of making FPN Updates an RSS feed
Insomnia Management (psych, sleep)
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia is more effective than Sedatives with longterm effects
- CBT-I training was among the best CME experiences I have had in 20 years post-medical school
- Updated Insomnia, Organic Insomnia, various CBT-I techniques, Relaxation Techniques
Solitary Lung Nodules (lung)
- With growing use of CT Scans ("doughnut of truth"), more incidental Lung Nodules are found
- "Sir, you have no Pulmonary Embolism, but you have a 6 mm Lung Nodule that needs follow-up"
- Lung Nodule follow-up imaging and evaluation is based on risk factors, Nodule size and Nodule appearance
- Lung Cancer Screening CT Chest for ages 55-77 with 30 py and last smoked within 15 years (USPTF, Medicare)
- With growing use of CT Scans ("doughnut of truth"), more incidental Lung Nodules are found
Sickle Cell Disease (hemeonc, Hemoglobin)
- Prevent Pneumococcus with Pneumococcal Vaccine as well as Penicillin until age 5 years
- Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound for ages 2-16 years old for CVA risk
- Screen for Proteinuria and ischemic Retinopathy after age 10 years old
- Treat Sickle Cell Crisis pain promptly and aggressively
- Consider Hydroxyurea for all SCA children over age 9 months old and adults with severe disease
Polycythemia Vera (hemeonc, marrow)
- Nearly 40% of patients present with thrombosis at the time of diagnosis
- Aquagenic Pruritus (prolonged itching after warm water exposure) is present in 62% of patients
- Erythromelalgia (distal extremity congestion, redness, burning with normal pulses) is present in 29% of cases
- JAK2 - V617F gene mutation is associated with 96% of primary polycthemia vera cases
- Low risk cases are treated with Aspirin and phlebotomy, while high risk cases are treated with Hydroxyurea and Interferon
- JAK2 Inhibitors are considered in severe, refractory or high risk cases
Cervical Cancer Screening in average risk women
- New guidelines from ACP for average risk women
- For age <21, do not do Cervical Cancer Screening
- For age 21-30, Pap Smear every 3 years and do not perform HPV Testing
- For age 30-65 years, Pap Smear (with at least one HPV Test) every 3 years OR pap and HPV Test every 5 years
- For age >65 years, stop screening after 3 negative Pap Smears, or 2 negative Pap+HPV with one in last 5 years
Emergency Psychiatric Evaluation of children (psych, peds)
- Maintaining child safety is primary
- Parental Consent is not required for emergency pediatric psychiatric evaluation and management
- Avoid intramuscular Olanzapine with Benzodiazepines in children due to risk of Hypotension and Bradycardia
Urine Drug Screen (psych, cd)
- Urine toxicology utility has been markedly reduced by the growing use of synthetics (Synthetic Cannabinoids, Psychoactive Bath Salts)
- Urine toxicology misses many standard substances
- Does not detect the most frequently used Benzodiazepines (Alprazolam, Clonazepam, Lorazepam)
- Variable detection of MDMA (Ecstasy)
- Does not detect semi-synthetic and synthetic Opioids
Pediatric Cervical Spine Injury (peds, ortho, spine)
- Spine evaluation in preverbal children under age 2 years old is very challenging
- Cases in which c-spine may be cleared in age <2-5 years without imaging (all criteria must be present):
- No serious injury (especially multisystem Trauma, intubation)
- No signs of significant brain injury or coma (GCS <14 or GCS-eye:1)
- No motor or sensory neurologic findings
- No neck symptoms (no pain or Torticollis and freely moves neck)
- Occult Bacteremia in Children age under 36 months (id, peds)
- Urinalysis may be only test needed in well appearing, non-toxic febrile child aged 3-12 months
- Full septic evaluation is needed age <28 days or Fever Without Focus Red Flags
- Multiple decision rules assist evaluation of Fever Without Focus in non-toxic children ages 29-90 days
- Occult Bacteremia is uncommon in a well appearing, immunized, previously healthy child ages 3-36 months
Allergic Rhinitis (ent, allergy)
- Impermeable covers for pillows and mattresses are unlikely to benefit
- Other bedroom related Allergen Controls may help (but limited evidence)
- Intranasal Steroids are first-line management and more effective than Antihistamines
- Although onset of effect within hours of use, maximal effect is reached only after 2-4 weeks
- Despite stratifying Intranasal Steroids by potency, no evidence for one agent's efficacy over another
- Immunotherapy is now available in sublingual form
- Unfortunately, only for some grasses and short ragweed, and at >$250 per month
- Corrected Intranasal Corticosteroid pregnancy category (Budesonide is Category B, not Beclomethasone)
- Thanks to Benjamin Ho for the correction
- Impermeable covers for pillows and mattresses are unlikely to benefit
Acute Abdominal Pain (gi, surgery)
- Reviewed approach to history, exam and labs in Acute Abdominal Pain
- Caution in elderly and Immunocompromised (underwhelming presentations of acute abdominal catastrophe)
- Normal White Blood Cell Count and lack of fever do not exclude serious conditions
- Treat acute pain (typically with Opioids) appropriately while performing evaluation
- Consider Lactic Acid as a marker of Mesenteric Ischemia
- Abdominal Bedside Ultrasound can focus testing (Nephrolithiasis, Cholecystitis, AAA, Pelvic Pain)
- Aside from pregnancy and pediatrics, Abdominal CT is the workhorse of undifferentiated Abdominal Pain
- Plain film xray has low utility (although will demonstrate free air)
- Re-evaluate in 6-12 hours persistent Abdominal Pain with non-diagnostic evaluation and unclear cause
Newborn Respiratory Distress (nicu, lung)
- General update
- Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation (e.g. N-CPAP) is preferred over Endotracheal Intubation (non-RDS)
- Avoid hyperoxygenation (increased mortality with FIO2 100%)
- Supplemental Oxygen FIO2 21-50% to keep Oxygen Saturation >90%
Central Line Placement pearl (er, procedure)
- For introducer, use Angiocatheter 18g - long as an alternative to steel needle
- May be easier to maintain catheter within vessel lumen while threading guide wire
Ischemic Stroke (neuro, cv)
- Of those given Thrombolytics for CVA, 15% are stroke mimics and have at least a 1% risk of serious bleeding
Pulmonary Embolism (lung, cv)
- Troponin Increase in PE raises mortality risk from 1.4% to 16.4%
- Non-massive PE patients may be candidates for outpatient management (negative Hestia Score, PESI<66-86)
Direct Thrombin Inhibitors and Factor Xa Inhibitors (hemeonc, coags)
- Monoclonal Antibody reversal agents are on their way for Dabigatran (Pradaxa): Idarucizumab (Praxbind)
- Rivaroxaban (Xarelto) reversal agents are expected in the next year as well
Nephrolithiasis (urology)
- Medical Expulsive Therapy (e.g. Flomax) does not appear to benefit, except possibly in >5mm distal Ureteral Stones
HEART Score (cv, cad)
- May be the preferred acute Chest Pain risk stratification scoring system
Metformin (endo, pharm)
- Pearls on decreased GI side effects with Metformin (start 500 mg and titrate slowly, with meals, use XR)
Medication Use in the Elderly, Beers List, STOPP (geri, pharm)
- Limit PPIs to <8 weeks
- Avoid Nonbenzodiazepine Hypnotic Agents
- Nitrofurantoin may be used if CrCl > 30-40 ml/min (previously >60 ml/min)
Chronic Narcotic Guideline in non-Cancer Pain (rheum, pain, pharm)
- Taper dose when functional status or pain severity does not improve 30% over baseline, or with last dose increase
- More expensive medications with weak indications (pharm)
Erythromelalgia (derm)
- Recently had a case of an elderly man with bilateral distal extremity duskiness with intact distal pulses
- Differential diagnosis includes PAD, PCV, Raynauds, Frostbite, Calcium Channel Blockers, SLE, RA
Panniculitis (derm, rheum)
- Subcutaneous, often tender indurated or nodular lesions typically on the lower legs
- Erythema Nodosum and many other conditions categorized by their histology
SGLT2 Inhibitor (endo, dm)
- Add possible Fractures (primarily Invokana) to other potential adverse effects (e.g. UTI)
- Is it worth the high cost and adverse effects for a 0.5 to 1% Hemoglobin A1C drop
Herbal Toxicity and lethal plants (pharm, alternative)
- Examples: Nightshade, hemlock, mistletoe, oleander, daphne, jasmine, yew, red sage
Zoster Sine Herpete (id, virus)
- Thanks to Dr. Joseph Abraham for pointing out that Zoster can occur without rash (added to Herpes Zoster)
Nail Abnormality (derm)
- Re-reviewed Nail Abnormalities (nail color changes, Onychomadesis, Green Nail Syndrome...)
Leukocytosis (hemeonc, lab)
- Updated Leukocytosis, Neutrophilia, Lymphocytosis...
- Knee Pain (ortho, knee)
Decubitus Ulcer (surgery, derm, wound)
- Updated including specific dressing recommendations
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (psych, anxiety)
- Updated
Pediatric Limp (ortho, peds)
- Extensive updates
Renal Cell Carcinoma (hemeonc, renal)
- Added
Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (ent, ear)
- Such a common diagnosis, and I realized I did not have an entry
Congestive Heart Failure (cv)
- CHF pathophysiology in Systolic Dysfunction, Diastolic Dysfunction and Myocardial Infarction
- BNP interpretation in Obesity (BNP is half of non-obese patients, even in CHF)
- AHA Heart Failure Stages
Alcohol Withdrawal (psych, cd)
- Brief update on Librium as preferred Benzodiazepine in Alcohol Withdrawal
- Gabapentin mechanism and dosing reviewed (as an alternative or as Benzodiazepine-sparing agent)
- Images Problem (Website: Bug)
- Google images discontinued a prior image search api that fpnotebook was using
- Image search is currently being re-worked building up an image database
- Expected resolution by March 2015
- Printing Problem (Website: Bug)
- The site is now printable (previously print-outs were unreadable with link URLs embedded in the text)
III. Updates: November 2015
Prostate Cancer Screening
- Updated with yet more data on why not to order PSA
Joint Injection (intraarticular Corticosteroid)
- Updated efficacy
Pediatric Reflux
- General updates including pediatric dosing of Proton Pump Inhibitors and H2 Blockers
- Extensive updates on evaluation
Supraventricular Tachycardia
- Extensive updates
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Added new entry
- Assorted emergency updates
- ACEP guidelines in support of Procedural Sedation without Fasting
- Vasopressor precautions
- Oral foreign body
- Nasal Foreign Body
- Bleeding after Tonsillectomy
Pediatric Throat Injury
- Added approach to penetrating oral Trauma in Children
Bell's Palsy
- General updates, especially regarding expected course and risk of recurrence
Liver Disease
- Extensive updates on Acute Hepatitis (including in pregnancy, Viral Hepatitis)
- Extensive updates on Cirrhosis (including Cirrhotic Ascites, SBP, Hepatic Encephalopathy)
Intrathecal Pump
- Added pump indications, mechanism, complications and their management and precautions
Carotid Dissection in Blunt Neck Trauma
- Updated regarding children's increased risk
Alcohol Withdrawal
- Updated protocols
- Updated common causes, SIADH, Hyponatremia Management
Post-Cardiac Arrest Care (ROSC)
- Early Coronary Angiography (PCI) in which Acute Coronary Syndrome is considered most likely
Sternoclavicular Dislocation
- Updated on posterior dislocation
Kinesiology Tape
- No evidence of efficacy but probably not harmful
Dementia Management
- Prevagen is without significant evidence
Peripheral Neuropathy
- Management reviewed with efficacy
Prescription Drug Abuse
- Prescription Drug Monitoring Program reviewed
Cardiac Risk Management
- Aspirin indications have narrowed for primary prevention to 10% Framingham risk 50-70 yo
Chronic Sinusitis
- Updated
Jardiance (SGLT Inhibitor)
- Modestly effective, but very expensive Oral Hypoglycemic with marginal cardiovascular benefit
- NPH Insulin and Regular Insulin are 10% of cost of newer Insulin Analogues and with similar outcomes
- Clozapine
- Tramadol
IV. Updates: October 2015
Autonomic Dysreflexia
- Added
Excited Delirium
- Added
Ring Removal
- Added
- Valsalva is more effective if modified to include postural change
- Pneumonia in the Nursing Home
Common Benign Skin Growths
- Updated various benign skin lesions
- Updated Genetics and Pharmacogenetics
- When is testing indicated
Emergency Department Migraine Headache Care
- Efficacy of Magnesium
Penicillin Allergy
- Approach, cross-reactivity
- Hyperkalemia from Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole with ACE/ARB in older than 60 years old
- Hyperkalemia Management with Dextrose and Insulin (Indications for more Dextrose)
Rapid Sequence Intubation
- Atropine in RSI (not needed)
- Bronchiolitis discharge indications
- Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections
- Updates including Purple Urine Bag Syndrome (PUBS)
Lumbar Disc Disease (and Lumbar Radiculopathy)
- Systemic Corticosteroids may be effective
Pediatric Cervical Spine Injury
- Who needs imaging
Acute Pulmonary Edema Management
- Nitrates appear safe in severe Aortic Stenosis (although small study)
Mechanical Ventilation
- General updates
Infantile Colic
- General updates
- Implantable cardiac devices
- Updated cardiac Pacemaker, Automatic Internal Cardiac Defibrillator, Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD)
Intentional Drug Overdose
- Updated Calcium Channel Blocker Overdose
- Updated Beta Blocker Overdose
- Added information on Bupropion Overdose
- Added Intravenous Lipid Emulsion
Intravenous Fluids
- Updated Isotonic Saline
- General updates
- General updates on precautions
- Updates on follow-up visit precautions
Testosterone Replacement
- Cardiovascular Risks and is Testosterone indicated
Surgical Antibiotic Prophylaxis
- Antibiotics for dental procedures not needed after most joint replacements
Serotype B Meningococcal Vaccine
- Updates including indications
Substance Misuse
- Updates with surprising abuse of seemingly benign medications
- Severe Joint Pain risk added
Female Sexual Dysfunction
- Added Addyi (Flibanserin), but wonder about its high cost for low efficacy and Hypotension
V. Updates: September 2015
- Osteoporosis
- Childhood behavioral problems
Female Sexual Dysfunction
- General updates
Foodborne Illness
- General updates
- Important primary care journal articles of 2014
- Updates based on American Family Physician review
Sports Physical
- General updates
- Tibial Nerve Block
- Updated technique
- Updated management
- Updated including the "Dirty Epinephrine Drip"
- Salter Harris Fracture
- Updated
Electronic Prescription
- Updated precautions
- Miscellaneous medication updates
- Updated various dosing precautions
Chest Tube
- Updated cell salvage device (autologous transfusion)
Atrial Fibrillation Rate Control
- Diltiazem may be more rapid acting and effective with less Hypotension risk than Metoprolol
- Updated adverse effects (esp. Tendinopathy)
Obesity and Emergency Stabilization
- Added a new entry for pitfalls and pearls in the stabilization of the obese patient
Myasthenia Gravis
- Updated contraindicated medications
Perirectal Abscess
- Miscellaneous updates including perianal abscess Incision and Drainage pearls
Emergency Department Patient Satisfaction
- Added patient expectations regarding empathic providers
Pulmonary Embolism
- General updates in diagnosis and management
Undifferentiated Shock
- Updated crystalloid, isotonic crystalloid and an overall approach to fluid management
Sacubitril and Valsartan (Entresto)
- Indicated in Systolic Dysfunction
- Sacubitril (Neprilysin Inhibitor) increases vasodilation and Sodium excretion
- Risk of Hypotension (NNH 21) and Angioedema (NNH 200)
Influenza Vaccine
- Updates on 2015 Influenza Vaccine and Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine (Flumist)
- More warnings about Cardiovascular Risk
- General updates
- New long-acting Antipsychotic injectables
Antibiotic Stewardship
- Added
Proton Pump Inhibitors
- Cardiovascular Risk added
Auralgan or Aurodex
- No longer allowed in U.S. per FDA
Prevention of Ischemic Stroke
- Updated antiplatelet agents
Head Lice
- Updated management
Skin and Soft Tissue Infection
- Updated Cellulitis, Skin Infection and Necrotizing Fasciitis
- General update
Serum Potassium Disorders
- Updated Hypokalemia and Hyperkalemia
VI. Updates: August 2015
Eyelid Swelling
- Added a new differential for Eyelid Edema and updated several related eye conditions (e.g. stye)
- Updated
- General updates on management
Common Pediatric Skin Rashes
- Updated Roseola, Pityriasis Rosea, Scarlet Fever, Impetigo, Erythema Infectiosum
- Also updated Molluscum Contagiosum, Tinea Infections and Atopic Dermatitis
Reversible Causes of Cardiopulmonary Arrest
- Updated with empiric interventions
Cervical Spine Injury
- Updated evaluation
Vertebral Compression Fracture
- Updated management
Aortic Dissection
- Updated evaluation and management
Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery
- General updates
Pediatric Abdominal Pain
- General updates, especially regarding imaging
Procedural Sedation
- General Updates and Added ASA Physical Status Score
- Added decision pathway
Post-Cardiac Arrest Care (ROSC)
- Updated general stabilization points
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
- Excluded with negative Head CT AND LP with no Xanthochromia and <2000 Red Blood Cells
Pyoderma Gangrenosum
- Added a review of Pyoderma Gangrenosum and Pathergy
- Expanded on Skin Ulcer differential diagnosis
- Bridging protocol
- Recommended for only patients at high risk of thrombosis (as of 2015, BRIDGE Trial)
- Bridging does not appear to reduce thrombosis risk
- Bridging is associated with major bleeding complication in 2% of patients
Expedited Partner Treatment
- Updated
COPD Management
- Yet another combination agent: Stiolto Respimat (Tiotropium/olodaterol)
- Another study demonstrates Tamsulosin and Nifedipine are ineffective in Medical Expulsive Therapy
- Another Humalog preparation
Drug-induced Photosensitivity
- Updated prevention and symptomatic management
Metabolic Syndrome
- Updated efficacy on prevention of Diabetes Mellitus progression
Opioid Abuse
- Updated Suboxone
Phosphate Binders
- Added new entry on available preparations
- FDA Pregnancy Category
- Prescription bottle labeling changes
PCSK9 Inhibitor
- Yet another very, very expensive Monoclonal Antibody - this time for LDL Cholesterol lowering
VII. Updates: July 2015
- Extensive updates to history, exam, differential diagnosis
Preventive Health Care of Men Who Have Sex With Men
- New addition on preventive care
Polyarticular Arthritis
- Extensive updates on Joint Pain and Polyarticular Arthritis
Hepatitis C
- Extensive updates
Type II Diabetes Mellitus
- Updated Oral Hypoglycemics
- General updates
Human Trafficking
- Added Human Trafficking (e.g. Forced Labor, Sexual Slavery, Organ Trafficking)
- Growth Evaluation
- Updated Short Stature, Tall Stature and added Growth Hormone Deficiency
Enclosed Vehicle Excessive Heat
- Added Enclosed Vehicle Excessive Heat
- Never leave children unattended in a vehicle (28-43 U.S. deaths per year due to Heat Stroke)
Hyperlipidemia Management
- Non-Statin lipid lowering agents have little to no evidence of reducing cardiovascular events
Atypical Antipsychotics
- Exercise caution when using Atypical Antipsychotics (e.g. Abilify) outside their standard indications
- Although used in severe refractory Major Depression, they should not be used as first-line agents
Child Abuse
- Updates
Cervical Spine Injury
- CT Cervical Spine (high grade with <3 mm slices) may be sufficient in clearing c-spine in obtunded patients
Euglycemic Ketoacidosis
- Flozins (e.g. Invokana) increase risk, especially with renal Impairment
Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer
- Niacinamide 500 mg twice daily may help prevent recurrence
- Update on indications and use
Intrauterine Device
- Liletta, another Levonorgestrel IUD, is released
Parkinson's Disease
- Another Carbidopa/Levodopa agent (Rytary)
Fentanyl Patch
- Release of Fentanyl intermediate patches as 4 times the cost
- Added new topic
- Expounded on Twiddler's Syndrome
Infective Endocarditis
- Extensive updates
VIII. Updates: June 2015
Neck Masses in Adults
- Added Causes of Neck Mass in Adults and their evaluation
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
- Assorted updates on GERD, Barrett Esophagus, Proton Pump Inhibitors
- Added GerdQ Questionnaire
Low Back Pain
- Updated evidence based management options
Electrolytes and acid base
- Extensive physiology updates (Sodium and Water Homeostasis, Potassium Homeostasis, acid-base )
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
- General updates
Massive Transfusion Protocol
- Updated based on PROPR trial outcomes (1:1:1 ratio of Platelets, plasma, Red Blood Cells) has best outcomes
- Updated severe croup protocol
Atypical Moles
- General updates
Hypertension General Measures
- Updates including DASH Diet
Breast Cancer Monitoring
- Acute, emergent complications of Breast Cancer and its management
- Updates include Tumor Lysis Syndrome, Lymphedema differential diagnosis, Pericardial Effusion and Cardiac Tamponade
Traumatic Cardiopulmonary Arrest
- New topic added
Subdural Hematoma
- Over age 65 years old, are unlikely to need surgical intervention if <=1 mm midline shift, <= 10 mm width
Eye Trauma
- Expanded on Intraocular Foreign Body management
Congestive Heart Failure
- Accelerated Diagnostic Protocol added
Skeletal Survey
- Added indications, protocol
Variant Angina
- Added general approach
Hypertension Management for Specific Comorbid Diseases
- Updated management of Hypertension in Coronary Artery Disease
- Drug Assistance Programs
- Added
Bowel Regimen in Chronic Narcotic Use
- Updated bowel regimen
- Miscellaneous Updates
- Drug Interaction - Amiodarone with Sofosbuvir (Protease Inhibitor for Hep C treatment)
- Powdered Alcohol
- Beta-lactams alone for Community Acquired Pneumonia
- Proair RespiClick
IX. Updates: May 2015
Anxiety Disorder
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder updated
Advanced Airway in Children
- Bag-valve-mask is preferred pre-hospital
- Updated with dose related effects
Geriatric Emergency Care
- See Preventing Adverse Events in Hospitalized Elderly
- Added disposition algorithm
- Extensive updates
- Pediatric dental update
- Tooth Avulsion, Tooth Luxation, Tooth Fracture and Tooth Pain updated
Temporal Arteritis
- Assorted Updates
- Inflight Emergencies
- Updated Flight Medicine
Blast Injury
- Added emergency approach to Blast Injury
Acute Coronary Syndrome
- Updated Moderate Risk Acute Coronary Syndrome Management (NSTEMI) based on 2014 guidelines
Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis
- Updated the Accelerated Diagnostic Protocol and D-Dimer cutoffs
- Test Sensitivity may be as low as 22% for abdominal free fluid in blunt Trauma
Cerebrovascular Accident Management
- Intraarterial procedures may be effective with improved function in severe CVA (NIHSS >16) within 6 hours
Bioterrorism and Chemical Toxins
- Extensive updates to Biological Weapon, Chemical Weapon
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
- Perioperative and postoperative medications to reduce readmissions
- Added dietary recommendations in light of new Iodine in pregnancy recommendations
- Updated Obesity Medications
Cardiac Risk Factor reduction
- Clarified Statin indications
- Corrected Folic Acid as disproven
COPD Management
- Added Dailresp to drug information
- Updated Calcium oxalate Nephrolithiasis prevention
Decubitus Ulcers
- Updated management and prevention
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Updated management
Shift Work Disorder (Night Shift WorkerTiredness)
- Added management strategies
X. Updates: April 2015
- General updates
Acute Abdominal Pain
- Updates related to acute Abdominal Pain Evaluation with imaging
Tetralogy of Fallot Exacerbation (Tet Spell)
- Updated management
- Antibiotics updated
Procedural Sedation
- Added support for End-Tidal CO2
- Emergency Medical Service
Atrial Fibrillation
- Added precautions regarding the complex patient in A fib RVR
- Added management pearls
Dangerous Behavior
- Updated disposition
Serotonin Syndrome
- Updated Opioid causes
Gestational Diabetes
- Extensive updates
- Hereditary Angioedema agents (e.g. Icatibant, Berinert) appear effective in ACE InhibitorAngioedema
Hyperlipidemia in Diabetes Mellitus
- Choose either high dose or moderate dose Statins (or no Statin) based on Cardiovascular Risk
Medications Associated with Weight Gain
- Updated the list
- Icatibant and Berinert are intended for Hereditary Angioedema
- However, these agents are used off label for ACE InhibitorAngioedema (and now there is better evidence)
Asymptomatic Bacteriuria
- Updated with more caution regarding those who should not be treated
Acute Pain Control
- Updated with precautions regarding stepped Oral Analgesics and Opioid extended use
HPV Vaccine (Gardasil)
- Gardasil-9 is the new and improved version with more Antigens (and more local reactions)
Hemodialysis and Anemia
- Ferric pyrophosphate (Triferic) is released in 2015 for maintenance Iron Replacement during Hemodialysis
Premature Rupture of Membranes
- Added the AmniSure ROM Test (PAMG-1 Protein Marker Test)
- Medication updates (miscellaneous)
- Levothyroxine (less restrictions)
- Chantix (more warnings)
- Toujeo (Lantus patent extender)
Toxic Shock Syndrome
- Added new topic
Unintended Pregnancy
- Added as new topic
Cerebrovascular Accident
- Extensive updates
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
- Updated with new guidelines
- Major Update to Neurology
- Extensive updates to Neurology anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology
- Started NeuroExplorer web application to explore Neurologic Anatomy and pathways
- Major Update of Resources/Books and Links
- Cardiology Books, Cardiology Links and EKG Resources
- Dentistry Books and Dentistry Links
- Dermatology Links and Dermatology Books
- Endocrinology Books, Endocrinology Links, Diabetes Mellitus Resources and Obesity Resources
- Otolaryngology Links and Otolaryngology Books
- Emergency Medicine Resources and Emergency Medicine Links
- Ophthalmology Books and Ophthalmology Links
- Geriatric Links and Geriatric Books
- Gastroenterology Links and Gastroenterology Books
- Gynecology Links and Gynecology Books
- Hematology and Oncology Books and Hematology and Oncology Links
- HIV and AIDS Links and HIV and AIDS Books
- Infectious Disease Books and Infectious Disease Links
- Laboratory and Pathology Links and Laboratory and Pathology Books
- General Medical Links and General Medical Books
- Pulmonology Resources, Pulmonology Links and Asthma Resources
- Neurology Resources and Neurology Links, Headache Resources, Dementia Resources and Epilepsy Resources
- Neonatology Links and Neonatology Books
- Obstetrics Patient Education, Obstetrics Books and Obstetrics Links
- Orthopedic Links, Orthopedic Books and Orthopedic Patient Education
- Pediatric Links and Pediatric Books
- Pharmacology Links and Pharmacology Books
- Preventive Medicine Links
- Mental Health Links, Mental Health Books and Chemical Dependency Resources
- Radiology Resources, Radiology Links and Ultrasound Resources
- Nephrology Links
- Rheumatology Links and Rheumatology Books
- Sports Medicine Links and Sports Medicine Books
- Surgery Links
- Urology Links
XI. Updates: March 2015
- Extensive updates on the evaluation
Lung Cancer
- Extensive updates
Peptic Ulcer Disease
- Updates on Peptic Ulcer Disease, Dyspepsia, and Helicobacter Pylori
Pediatric Head Trauma Algorithm
- Decision rules related to isolated non-frontal scalp Hematoma
Chronic Shoulder Dislocations
- Chronic Shoulder Dislocations present for >3-4 weeks are a risk for axillary artery rupture
- Relocation should be by orthopedics (typically in the OR)
Knee Dislocation
- Obese patients are at risk even with low velocity injuries
Acute Pancreatitis
- Lactated Ringers is preferred over Normal Saline
Hyponatremia and Hypernatremia
- Extensive updates
- Updates to agents, dosing and selection
Smoke Inhalation
- Cyanide Poisoning is common in Smoke Inhalation and cyanokit is a safe empiric therapy in severe cases
- Extensive updates
Emergency Decision Cycle
- Added the Emergency Decision Cycle, as well as the OODA Loop and AAADA Model
- Updated Pelvic Fracture management and Hemorrhage Management
High Flow Nasal Cannula
- Updated
Neck Vascular Injury in Blunt Force Trauma
- Added criteria for CT Neck Angiogram
- Hand Injuries
- General update
Low Risk Chest Pain
- Cardiac Risk Factors do not help to exclude acute coronary event
- Then, why do we use Chest Pain Decision Rules that include Cardiac Risk Factors
Undifferentiated Shock
- Extensive update
Kawasaki Disease
- General Update
Infectious Mononucleosis
- General Update
Pediatric Vaccination
- Vaccine Safety and refusal updated
- Inhaled Insulin
Analgesics in Pregnancy
- Updated
Intranasal Corticosteroids
- Flonase and Nasocort are OTC
- Dermatologic conditions
Binge Eating
- Updated with additional medication management
Hospital Transitions
- Updated with readmission prevention
TMJ Dysfunction
- General updates
Wellen's Syndrome
- T Wave Inversion or biphasic in v2-3 is an ominous sign
XII. Updates: February 2015
Colorectal Cancer Screening
- Updated Colorectal Cancer Screening and surveillance protocols, as well as Colon Polyp
Laceration Repair
- General repair updates, debunking myths (e.g. irrigation solution choice)
- Wound Infection
- Disability
- Added dosing, precautions
- Updated Differential Diagnosis, Labs and a general review
- Restraints
- Updated Chemical Restraints and Physical Restraints
- Finger Tip Injury
Fingertip Injury
- Added Fingertip Injury entry with links and Finger Tip Injury Dressing
Hypertension Management
- JNC-8 based Hypertension Management goals
- Who can keep track of these constantly shifting targets?
Trauma Transfer
- Incorporated Trauma Transfer recommendations
Cesarean Section
- Updated Cesarean Section and Vaginal Birth after Cesarean (VBAC)
Dental Splint
- Added various techniques to Dental Splint in Tooth Avulsion and Tooth Luxation
Tissue Adhesive
- Added various tricks for utilization
Seborrheic Dermatitis
- Updates on specific management strategies
Non-Invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation
- Extensive update on Noninvasive Ventilation
- Includes update on Continuous Positive Airways Pressure (CPAP) and Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BIPAP)
- Acute Respiratory Failure approach to CPAP (Hypoxemia) versus BIPAP (hypercarbia, Ventilatory failure)
- Extensive additions related to Ataxia and Pediatric Ataxia
Chest Tubes
- Chest Tube placement is frequently too low (with risk of peritoneal placement)
- Small Caliber Chest Tubes are very effective even for a large Pneumothorax
- Renal Dosing for Tamiflu and a new IV antiviral Peramivir
- Medication updates
- Victoza is exploited for its GI side effects to be remarketed as Saxenda at high dose, higher cost for weight loss
- Tramadol also causes Hypoglycemia (another reason not to use it)
- TENS units are now OTC
- Belsomra, a new drug for Insomnia, has an interesting mechanism, but is no better than Ambien, and at 30x the cost
- Soy works for Hot Flushes with you are in the 40% (esp asian, hispanic) who convert Soy Isoflavone to equol (Estrogenic)
- Yet another very expensive Hepatitis C treatment: Ombitasvir, Paritaprevir/r and Dasabuvir (Viekira Pak) with Ribavirin
- Miscellaneous updates
XIII. Updates: January 2015
Tranexamic Acid
- Added entry and reviewed uses, dosing
- EMS is starting to use in the field for Massive Hemorrhage
Newborn Resuscitation
- Moderate updates
Cancer Survivor Care
- Updated Cancer Survivor as well as Breast Cancer Survivor and Prostate Cancer Survivor Care
- Updated follow-up in Melanoma
- Updated follow-up in Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Hodgkin's Lymphoma
- Takotsuba Cardiomyopathy
- Added Takotsuba Cardiomyopathy (Stress Cardiomyopathy)
Neonatal Bilirubin
- Updated Neonatal Bilirubin, Phototherapy and Exchange Transfusion in Newborns for specific age/risk criteria
- Added Bilirubin management calculator to DrBits Calc 2014
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
- Updates on precautions (non-specific presentations)
CVA Thrombolysis
- Thrombolytics in Pregnancy
Prochlorperazine (Compazine)
- Added data on reducing Compazine adverse effects (Akathisia, Dystonia) with Diphenhydramine
Muscle Weakness in Children
- Extensive update on an approach to Muscle Weakness in Children
Eating Disorder
- Updated Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia including new DSM V Criteria
- Endocarditis
- Updated Bacterial Endocarditis, especially precautions
Antibiotic Associated Diarrhea
- IV Antibiotic Associated Diarrhea in the ED
Risk Management
- Added additional Malpractice pointers
Cardiac Arrest
- ECMO and intubation precautions following Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC)
- Vasopressin during Cardiac Arrest
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
- Anion Gap normalization is a good marker of when to stop the Insulin Drip
Dental Emergency
- Extensive updates on Dental Pain, Tooth Fracture, Tooth Luxation, Tooth Avulsion
- Also added Emergency Dental Kit, Dental Infection, Dental Incision and Drainage, Periapical Block
Neonatal Sepsis
- Extensive updates to Neonatal Sepsis, Neonatal History
Congenital Heart Disease
- Extensive updates to Congenital Heart Disease and Congenital Heart Disease Causes
- Added Truncus Arteriosus, Ebstein Anomaly, Endocardial Cushion Defect, Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return