II. Indications
- Predicts 30 day mortality from Pulmonary Embolism
- Risk stratify management
- Thrombolytic treatment of Massive Pulmonary Embolism (class 4-5)
- Outpatient management for low risk Pulmonary Embolism (class 1)
III. Criteria
- Score 1/y: Age
- Score 10: Male gender
- Score 30: Cancer - active or past history
- Score 10: Heart Failure
- Score 10: Chronic lung disease
- Score 20: Heart Rate >110 bpm
- Score 30: Systolic Blood Pressure <100 mmHg
- Score 20: Respiratory Rate >30 bpm
- Score 20: Temperature <36 C
- Score 60: Altered Mental Status
- Score 20: Oxygen Saturation <90%
IV. Interpretation: Mortality at 30 days
- Score <66: Class 1 - Very low mortality risk (0 to 1.6%)
- Score <86: Class 2 - Low mortality risk (1.7 to 3.5%)
- Score <106: Class 3 - Moderate mortality risk (3.2 to 7.1%)
- Score <126: Class 4 - High mortality risk (4.0 to 11.4%)
- Score >126: Class 5 - Very high mortality risk (10.0 to 24.5%)