II. Indications
- Evaluation of Pulmonary Embolism in patients clinically assessed as low probability
III. Criteria
- Score 1 point: Age >65 years
- Score 3 points: Prior Deep Vein Thrombosis or Pulmonary Embolism
- Score 2 points: Surgery (with general Anesthesia) or lower extremity Fracture in last month
- Score 2 points: Active malignancy (or within last year)
- Score 3 points: Unilateral lower limb pain
- Score 2 points: Hemoptysis
- Score 0 points: Heart Rate <75 beats per minute
- Score 3 points: Heart Rate 75-94 beats per minute
- Score 5 points: Heart Rate >94 beats per minute
- Score 4 points: Unilateral Edema and lower limb pain on deep vein palpation
IV. Interpretation
- Score 1-3 points: Low Risk for Pulmonary Embolism
- Score 4-10 points: Moderate Risk for Pulmonary Embolism
- Score >=11 points: High Risk for Pulmonary Embolism