II. Definitions
- Hemoptysis
- Blood expectorated from below the Vocal Cords
- Sources include the lung parenchyma and airways (trachea, Bronchi, Bronchioles)
- Minor Hemoptysis
- Self-limited, small volume blood loss (without risk of further bleeding) in otherwise healthy lungs
- Stable Vital Signs, adequate oxygenation and ventilation
- Originates from tracheobronchial capillaries, due to minor Bronchial infections or coughing
- Massive Hemoptysis may begin with minor Hemoptysis (Exercise caution)
- Massive Hemoptysis
- Functional diagnosis of critically ill patient with impaired airway or hemodynamic compromise
- Older criteria included expectoration of >100 ml of blood per 24 hours (or 50 ml in a single cough)
- Various volume criteria have been used ranging from 100 to 600 ml per 24 hours
- Originates from Bronchial arteries, due to various causes (e.g. Tuberculosis, Bronchiectasis, Bronchogenic Carcinoma)
- Life-Threatening Hemoptysis
- Hemoptysis AND
- Hemodynamic instability, abnormal gas exchange or need for urgent Resuscitation
III. Precautions
- Even small volumes of bright red blood (not simply blood tinged Sputum) may herald Massive Hemoptysis
- Evaluate carefully and consider early Endotracheal Intubation in high risk cases
- Patients with Hemoptysis die of asphyxiation, not Hemorrhage
IV. Epidemiology
- Incidence: 1 in 1000 patients per year
- Only 1 to 5% of hempotysis cases meet criteria for Massive Hemoptysis
- Massive Hemoptysis is associated with a 50% mortality rate
- Mortality is due to asphyxia, not acute Hemorrhagic Shock
V. Pathophysiology: Vessel injury mechanisms
- Inflammation
- Acute (e.g. Acute Bronchitis)
- Chronic (e.g. Bronchiectasis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus)
- Infection (e.g. Aspergillosis, Tuberculosis)
- Erode Bronchial vessels
- Trigger proliferation of fragile vessels
- Risk of spontaneous Massive Hemorrhage (esp. Tuberculosis, worldwide)
- Infarction (e.g. Lung Infarction, Pulmonary Embolism)
- Tissue necrosis
- Increased collateral pressure in Bronchial vessels bypassing obstructed main vessels
- Deceleration injuries (e.g. MVA)
- Penetrating Trauma (e.g. Gunshot Wound)
- Iatrogenic (lung biopsy, bronchoscopy, right heart catheterization)
- Miscellaneous
- Fistulization
- Malignant invasion
VI. Pathophysiology: Arterial Sources of Bleeding
- See Hemoptysis Causes
- Minor Hemorrhage: Tracheobronchial capillary injury
- Severe Hemorrhage: Major Arterial injury (Bronchial artery, Pulmonary artery)
Bronchial Artery
- Bronchial artery represents only 1% of lung perfusion (remainder is from pulmonary artery)
- Bronchial arteries anastomose with pulmonary arteries
- Pulmonary artery impaired flow (e.g. Pulmonary Embolism) shunts blood through Bronchial arteries
- Pulmonary Artery
- Pseudoaneurysms form in pulmonary arteries when adjacent lung parenchyma is chronically inflamed
- Chronic inflammation has many causes (e.g. Tb, cancer, Fungal Lung Infection, Lung Abscess)
- Non-Bronchial Systemic Artery
- Neovascularization and collateral circulation develops in response to chronic inflammation (see above)
- Affected vessels anastomose with fragile pulmonary vessels, which on rupture cause Hemoptysis
VII. History
- See Hemoptysis Causes
- Severity of Hemoptysis
- Past medical history
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Valvular heart disease
- Obstructive Lung Disease (e.g. COPD, Asthma, Bronchiectasis)
- Pulmonary Embolism Risk Factors (e.g. surgery, immobilization, travel, Estrogens, Family History)
- Cirrhosis or other Chronic Liver Disease
- Renal disease
- Personal or Family History of Bleeding Disorders (Coagulopathy, Thrombocytopenia)
- History or exposure to Tuberculosis (e.g. international travel to endemic regions)
- Cancer history
- Medications and toxins
- Anticoagulants (e.g. Warfarin, DOACs)
- Antplatelet Medications (e.g. Aspirin, Clopidogrel)
- Immunosuppression
- Tobacco Abuse (Lung Cancer, COPD, Bronchiectasis)
- Cocaine Inhalation
- Obstructive Lung Disease (e.g. Bronchiectasis, COPD, Asthma)
- Foreign Body Aspiration
- Infection (Acute Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis)
- Acute Bronchitis (most common cause)
- Pneumonia
- Lung Abscess
- Tuberculosis
- Pulmonary Embolism
- Lung Cancer
- Rheumatologic Disease
- Airway Trauma
- Lung Contusion
- Pulmonary Embolism
- Recent respiratory tract instrumentation (e.g. bronchoscopy, Nasolaryngoscopy)
- Unintentional Weight Loss
- Travel or birth in endemic Tuberculosis regions
- Tuberculosis (U.S. Immigrants have 4 fold higher risk)
- Miscellaneous
- Other sites of bleeding (e.g. Hematuria, melana, Epistaxis, Menorrhagia)
- Pseudohemoptysis sources (e.g. Upper GI Bleed, Epistaxis, oropharyngeal bleeding)
- Nasal Trauma
- Coffee Ground Emesis or Epigastric Pain
VIII. Exam
- Complete Vital Signs
- Lung Exam (may localize source of bleeding to one segment of the lung)
- Examine for bleeding sources
- Oropharyngeal lesions or bleeding
- Epistaxis
- External Trauma to head, neck or chest
- Rectal Exam for black stool (upper gastrointestinal Hemorrhage)
- Examine for signs of Coagulopathy or other underlying Hemorrhage or inflammation risks
- Petechiae or Purpura
- Cirrhosis stigmata
- Multiple sources of bleeding (e.g. Gingival Bleeding, Rectal Bleeding)
- Cachexia
- Rheumatologic findings (e.g. synovitis, Cutaneous Signs of Rheumatic Disease)
- Unilateral Leg Edema (e.g. Deep Vein Thrombosis)
- Hemoptysis
- Frothy Sputum with bright red blood, and alkaline pH
- Contrast with Hematemesis (coffee grounds with acidic pH)
- Findings suggestive of Massive Hemoptysis (respiratory or hemodynamic compromise)
- Dyspnea
- Tachypnea
- Increased work of breathing
- Wheezing
- Cyanosis
- Hypoxia
- Altered Mental Status
- Hypotension
- Tachycardia
IX. Labs
- First-line studies
- Complete Blood Count with Platelets and differential
- Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
- ProTime (PT, INR)
- Partial Thromboplastin Time (aPTT)
- Blood Type and Cross-match (in Massive Hemoptysis)
- Sputum Gram Stain and culture
- Consider acid-fast bacilli, Fungal Culture, cytology
- Other studies to consider
- D-Dimer
- HIV Test
- Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP)
- Arterial Blood Gas or Venous Blood Gas
- Quantiferon-TB (or PPD)
- Does not replace Sputum testing when acute symptoms are present
- Electrocardiogram (EKG)
- Acute phase reactants (e.g. C-RP, ESR)
- Rheumatologic studies (e.g. ANCA, FANA, anticardiolipin, xGBM)
- Spirometry or Pulmonary Function Tests
- Do not perform in acute Hemoptysis (consider once stabilized)
X. Imaging
Chest XRay
- First-line in most cases
- Normal in 20 to 30% of cases
Test Sensitivity for identifying bleeding site: 33 to 82% (and identifies cause in 35% of cases)
- Findings include Pneumonia, cavitary lesions, Lung Abscess, Lung Mass, alveolar Hemorrhage
- Lower sensitivity for Lung Cancer (misses up to 10% of Bronchogenic Carcinomas in Hemoptysis)
Chest CT with Contrast (or CTA)
- Typically perform as CTA (with PE timed contrast)
- May identify vascular sources of Hemorrhage
- Test Sensitivity for detecting bleeding site
- Indications
- Identify source of Hemoptysis to direct Intervention Radiology or surgery (Massive Hemoptysis)
- Mass lesion on Chest XRay
- Lung Cancer risk factors (e.g. Tobacco Abuse)
- Failed resolution of Pulmonary Infiltrate on Chest XRay
- Suspected Pulmonary Embolism
- Persistent symptoms despite negative Chest XRay
- Typically perform as CTA (with PE timed contrast)
- Bronchoscopy
- Test Sensitivity for identifying bleeding site: 73-93% (and identifies cause in <8% of cases)
- Indications
- CT chest non-diagnostic
- Mass lesion on Chest XRay
- Recurrent Hemoptysis
- Patient too unstable to undergo CT
Bronchial artery arteriography
- Used in some cases when Intervention Radiology is planned for embolization
- Consider (esp. early POCUS) in the evaluation of cardiovascular cause (e.g. CHF)
- Consider other diagnostics if suspected Pseudohemoptysis
- Upper Endoscopy
- Nasopharyngoscopy
XI. Differential Diagnosis
- See Hemoptysis Causes
- Hemoptysis is with no known cause (cryptogenic) in 20 to 50% of cases
- Hemoptysis requiring acute emergent management is from Bronchial arteries in 90% of cases
Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding
- Coffee ground Emesis
- Low, acidic pH
- Upper respiratory source (e.g. Epistaxis, pharyngeal bleeding
- Consider Nasolaryngoscopy
Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding
XII. Evaluation: Non-Massive Hemoptysis
- See labs above
- Step 1: Consider non-lower respiratory cause (Pseudohemoptysis)
- Upper respiratory source (e.g. Sinusitis)
- Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding (Hematemesis)
- Coffee grounds with acidic pH
- Step 2: Chest XRay
- See imaging as above
- Treat suspected causes based on initial findings
- Step 3: CT Chest or CTA Chest Indications
- Non-diagnostic history, exam, labs and chest x-ray
- High suspicion for serious underlying cause (e.g. Pulmonary Embolism, Trauma, cancer)
- Step 4: Bronchoscopy Indications
- See imaging above
XIII. Management: Massive Hemoptysis
- See ABC Management
- Position patient
- Decubitus position with bleeding lung side down (if known source, e.g. Lung Lesion)
- Place in trendelenburg position If bilateral lung Hemorrhage
- Patient alert, not hypoxic and able to clear their own airway
- Supplemental Oxygen
- Consider nebulized Tranexamic Acid
- Avoid BIPAP or other positive pressure that interferes with airway clearance of blood
- Observe closely for decompensation
- Bronchial tree will completely fill with 150-200 cc of blood
- Patients with a strong cough, respiratory and cardiovascular stability may not require initial intubation
Advanced Airway (patient decompensating, hypoxic)
- Attempt awake intubation under Ketamine
- Allows for visualization of cords as patient coughs and clears airway
- Large bore suction or suction via Endotracheal Tube attached to meconium aspirator
- Place as large a bore Endotracheal Tube as possible (e.g. >7.5 up to 8.5)
- Size 8.5 ET Tube allows for flexible bronchoscope passage
- Allows for Hemorrhage treatment with balloon tamponade, fogarty catheter or laser treatment
- Emergency Cricothyrotomy if unable to intubate
- Attempt awake intubation under Ketamine
- Imaging
- Obtain portable Chest XRay
- Obtain CT Chest or CTA Chest only when stable
Lung isolation
- Best performed by bronchoscopy if skilled operator available (e.g. pulmonology, thoracic surgery)
- Suspected source of Massive Hemorrhage is on the LEFT
- Pass the Endotracheal Tube into the right mainstem Bronchus (bleeding should stop)
- Suspected source of Massive Hemorrhage is on the RIGHT
- Pull ET Tube back to glottis (but still below Vocal Cords)
- Pass bougie (or bronchoscope) through ET Tube and rotate bougie 90 degrees left
- Pass ET Tube over the bougie and assess bleeding and position (auscultation, Chest XRay)
- Emergent Consultation
- Pulmonology Consultation for bronchoscopy
- Indications
- Endobronchial lesion
- Source unknown
- Unstable Patient (increasing Hypoxia, loss of airway protection, Altered Mental Status)
- Interventions
- Lung isolation
- Balloon tamponade (fogarty catheter)
- Electrocautery
- Argon plasma coagulation
- Nd:YAG laser
- Other measures (e.g. ice-cold saline, Epinephrine or Norepinephrine)
- Indications
- Intervention Radiology
- Directed Bronchial artery embolization (BAE)
- Bronchial arteries are source in 90% of Massive Hemorrhage cases
- Efficacy in control of Hemorrhage: >70%
- Indications
- Parenchymal bleeding identified
- Non-surgical candidate with vascular injury (e.g. Trauma)
- Refractory Hemorrhage despite bronchoscopy or thoracic surgery
- Recurrent bleeding risk
- Occurs in 10 to 58% of patients
- Median onset of rebleeding at 6-12 months (unlikely after 3 years)
- Rebleeding Risk Factors
- Non-Bronchial collateral vessels
- Aspergillosis
- Tuberculosis (reactivation or multi-drug resistant)
- Cancer
- Severe Hemoptysis history
- Findings on bronchoscopy (blood clots or active bleeding)
- Directed Bronchial artery embolization (BAE)
- Cardiothoracic surgery Consultation
- Indications
- Chest Trauma
- Vascular injury (e.g. iatrogenic pulmonary artery rupture)
- Complex Arteriovenous Malformation
- Refractory Hemoptysis to bronchoscopy and Intervention Radiology (e.g. aspergilloma, Lung Abscess)
- Surgical Complications
- Perioperative bleeding
- Asphyxia
- Bronchopleural Fistula
- High mortality risk
- Not actively bleeding: 2 to 18% mortality
- Active Hemoptysis: 25 to 50% mortality
- Indications
- ECMO may be needed
- Pulmonology Consultation for bronchoscopy
- Manage Coagulopathy
- See Coagulation Bleeding Disorders
- See Emergent Reversal of Anticoagulation
- Consider Tranexamic Acid (TXA) IV or nebulized (see above)
- References
- Swaminathan and Weingart in Herbert (2019) EM:Rap 19(3): 10-11
XIV. Management: Indications for ICU Admission or Tertiary Care Transfer
- Lesions at the highest risk of bleeding (e.g. Aspergillus infection, pulmonary artery involved)
- Respiratory distress or Hypoxia
- Respiratory Rate >30 per minute
- Oxygen Saturation <88% on room air
- Requiring High Flow Oxygen at >8 L/min or Mechanical Ventilation
- Hemodynamic instability
- Hemoglobin < 8 g/dl (or more than 2 g/dl drop from baseline)
- Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) or other consumptive Coagulopathy
- Hypotension requiring intervention (fluid bolus, transfusion, Vasopressors)
- Massive Hemoptysis
- Hemoptysis >200 ml per 24 hours OR
- Hemoptysis >50 ml per 24 hours in a patient with COPD
- Serious comorbidity
- Previous pneumonectomy
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Ischemic Heart Disease
- References
XV. Management: Non-Massive Hemoptysis
- See Evaluation above
- Serially re-evaluate for signs of more significant Hemoptysis (at risk for Massive Hemoptysis)
- Give strict return precautions
- Treat the underlying cause of Hemoptysis
- Consider Antibiotic course if symptoms or signs of lower respiratory infection (e.g. Pneumonia)
- Consider Corticosteroids and/or Bronchodilators (e.g. Asthma, COPD)
- Consider Antitussive medications (e.g. Acute Bronchitis)
- Additional evaluation
- Consider CT Chest
- Consider pulmonology Consultation for bronchoscopy
XVI. Prognosis: Moderate to Severe Hemoptysis Mortality
- Criteria
- Score 1: Admit Chest XRay with involvement of 2 or more lung quadrants
- Score 1: Chronic Alcoholism
- Score 1: Pulmonary artery involvement
- Score 2: Aspergillosis
- Score 2: Malignancy
- Score 2: Mechanical Ventilation required
- Interpretation
- Admit to ICU for score >2 (see other indications above)
- Consider urgent Intervention Radiology for score >5
- Mortality: In-Hospital
- Total 0: Mortality 1%
- Total 1: Mortality 2%
- Total 2: Mortality 6%
- Total 3: Mortality 16%
- Total 4: Mortality 34%
- Total 5: Mortality 58%
- Total 6: Mortality 79%
- Total 7: Mortality 91%
- References
XVII. Prognosis: Mild Hemoptysis
- Mortality: 0.3%
- Recurrence in 19% of patients (73% rebleed in first 2 years)
- Risks for recurrent bleeding
- Aspergillosis
- Nontuberculous Mycobacterium infection
- Smoking
- Findings on bronchoscopy (blood clots or active bleeding)
- References
- Choi (2018) Am J Emerg Med 36(7): 1160-5
XVIII. References
- John, Reeder and Thomas (2023) Crit Dec Emerg Med 37(12): 23-9
- Bidwell (2005) Am Fam Physician 72(7):1253-60 [PubMed]
- Corder (2003) Emerg Med Clin North Am 21:421-35 [PubMed]
- Earwood (2015) Am Fam Physician 91(4): 243-9 [PubMed]
- O'Gurek (2022) Am Fam Physician 105(2): 144-51 [PubMed]
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Korean | 객혈 |
Croatian | HEMOPTIZA |
Polish | Krwioplucie |
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Norwegian | Opphosting av blod, Blodhoste, Blodig oppspytt, Hemoptyse, Blodig hoste |
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Definition (NCI) | Bleeding from the lung parenchyma. |
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Dutch | hemorragie long, hemorragie pulmonaal, bloeding long, pulmonale bloeding, bloeding; long, bloeding; pulmonaal, long; bloeding, pulmonaal; bloeding, longbloeding |
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Japanese | 肺出血, ハイシュッケツ |
Portuguese | HEMORRAGIA PULMONAR, Sangramento pulmonar, Hemorragia pulmonar |
Czech | Hemoragie plicní, Pulmonální hemoragie, Plicní hemoragie, Krvácení pulmonální, Hemoragie pulmonální, Plicní krvácení, Krvácení plicní, Pulmonální krvácení |
Hungarian | Pulmonalis haemorrhagia, Pulmonalis vérzés, Tüdővérzés, Tüdő vérzés, Tüdő vérzése |
Ontology: coughing up massive amount of blood (C2138228)
Concepts | Finding (T033) |
English | massive hemoptysis, coughing up massive amount of blood, coughing up massive amount of blood (symptom) |