Definition (NCI)
The determination of the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in a blood sample.
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS)
A test to check the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in a sample of blood.
Concepts |
Laboratory Procedure
SnomedCT |
142816008, 165409003, 142820007, 26604007 |
LP96793-2 |
English |
Blood Counts, Complete, Complete Blood Counts, Count, Complete Blood, Counts, Complete Blood, Full blood count, Full blood count NOS, Complete Blood Count, CBC (complete blood count), complete blood count (CBC), complete blood count (CBC) (lab test), Full Blood Count, FBC, blood test full count, Test;full blood count, complete blood count test (CBC), complete blood counts, full blood count test, Full blood count NOS (procedure), Full blood count (procedure), blood cell count, complete blood count, CBC, FBC - Full blood count, Complete blood count, Complete blood count (procedure), Complete blood count, NOS, CBC, NOS, Blood Cell Count, Blood Count, Complete, full blood count |
German |
grosses Blutbild, CBC, komplettes Blutbild, FBC, Blutzellzählung, vollständige, Blutbild, Gesamt-, Gesamtblutbild |
Italian |
Emocromo completo, Esame emocromocitometrico, Conta completa delle cellule del sangue |
Dutch |
volledige bloedtelling, volbloedtelling, Bloedceltelling, complete |
French |
NFS, Formule sanguine complète, FSC (formule sanguine complète), Numération-formule sanguine complète, Hémogramme complet, Numération sanguine complète, NFS complète, Numération globulaire complète, Examen hématologique complet, Numération-formule sanguine |
Portuguese |
Hemograma total, Hemograma completo, Hemograma Completo, Contagem sanguínea completa |
Spanish |
Recuento sanguíneo completo, RSC, Recuento Completo de Sangre, Full blood count NOS, hemograma completo, SAI, hemograma completo, SAI (procedimiento), hemograma completo (procedimiento), hemograma completo, recuento sanguíneo completo, Hemograma completo |
Japanese |
全血球数, CBC, ゼンケッキュウスウ, CBC |
Czech |
Celkový krevní obraz, Kompletní krevní obraz, krevní panel |
Hungarian |
CBC, Teljes vérkép, FBC |
Norwegian |
Komplett blodcelletelling