II. Definitions
- Acute Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
- Episode of heavy bleeding requires immediate medical evaluation
- Chronic Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
- Six months of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
- Inter-Menstrual Bleeding
- Bleeding between otherwise normal periods
- Change in Amount and Frequency of bleeding, associated with Anovulatory Bleeding
- Deprecated term ("imprecise")
- Polymenorrhea: Cycle less than 21 day cycles
- Oligomenorrhea: Cycle greater than 35 day cycles (>45 days in adolescents)
- Increase in the amount of bleeding, associated with Ovulatory Bleeding
- Deprecated term ("imprecise")
- Menometrorrhagia (Metrorrhagia and Menorrhagia)
- Prolonged, irregularly frequent, heavy Menses
- Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
- Replaced by "Abnormal Uterine Bleeding"
- Irregular Menses
- Variation of Menstrual Cycle length over prior 12 months >20 days
III. Epidemiology
- Lifetime risk of Menorrhagia: 33%
- Prevalence in women of reproductive age: 10-30%
- Women with Menorrhagia who consult their doctors: 20%
- Women who have at least one Endometrial Biopsy sampling: 15%
- Women who have Hysterectomy by age 40 years: 10%
- Number of hysterectomies for Menorrhagia: 200,000/year
IV. Physiology
- See Menstrual Cycle
V. Causes
VI. Types: Anovulatory or Ovulatory
Anovulatory Bleeding or Metrorrhagia (90%)
- Unopposed Estrogen (Progesterone deficiency)
- Risk of Endometrial Hyperplasia and ultimately Endometrial Cancer
Ovulatory Bleeding or Menorrhagia (10%)
- Inappropriate endometrial response to normal cycle
- Shortened or prolonged life span of corpus luteum
- Common causes
- Abnormal Estrogen : Progesterone ratio (low Estrogen)
- Bleeding Disorder (Von Willebrand Disease)
VII. Symptoms: Bleeding History
- Normal cycles and bleeding
- Menstrual Cycle intervals: 24-38 days
- Variation between cycles <20 days between cycle lengths over 12 months
- Menstrual duration: 4.5 to 8 days
- Normal menstrual volume: 5-80 ml blood per cycle
Anovulatory Bleeding
- Change in Amount and Frequency of bleeding
- Lack of premenstrual signs
- Progesterone absent: no bloating or Breast Pain
Ovulatory Bleeding
- Premenstrual Symptoms are present
- Normal Menstrual Cycle intervals (occur every 24 to 38 days)
- Change in Amount of bleeding
- Menorrhagia
- Patient describes very heavy periods
- Change pad or tampon every 1-2 hours
- Each saturated pad or tampon contains 20-30 ml blood
- Blood clots >1 inch (2.5 cm)
- Patient passes over 80 ml blood per cycle
- The definition of 80 ml is no longer recommended
- Warner (2004) Am J Obstet Gynecol 190:1224-9 [PubMed]
- Prolonged bleeding
- Bleeding duration lasts 7 days or more per cycle
- Menorrhagia
VIII. History
- Approach: Key questions
- Pregnancy status
- Quantify bleeding (20-30 ml blood per saturated pad or tampon)
- Abdominal or Pelvic Pain
- Associated symtoms to suggest Hemorrhagic Shock (e.g. Shortness of Breath, Palpitations)
- Red Flags suggestive of serious pathology
- Post-coital Bleeding (e.g. Cervicitis, Cervical Cancer)
- Perimenopause, postmenopausal patient (Endometrial Cancer)
Pelvic Pain
- Consider Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Endometriosis, structural lesions
- Consider Trauma (e.g. sexual abuse)
- Pregnancy Symptoms
- Medication changes
- See Medication Causes of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
- See Oral Contraceptive-Related Uterine Bleeding Management
- Missed Oral Contraceptive pill(s)
- Recently started or modified medications
Bleeding Disorder
- Von Willebrand Disease is most common
- Consider if onset at Menarche, Family History, bleeding from other sites (e.g. prolonged Epistaxis >10 min)
- Accounts for 20% of patients with Menorrhagia (esp. adolescent girls)
- Endocrinopathy
- Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism symptoms
- Hyperandrogenism (e.g. PCOS)
- Hyperprolactinemia (e.g. Galactorrhea)
IX. Exam
Vital Signs
- Assess for hemodynamic instability
- Findings suggestive of compensated shock (should trigger emergent stabilization)
- Lethargy
- Tachycardia
- Tachypnea
- Peripheral vasconstriction (Cyanosis)
General exam
- Thyromegaly
- Obesity
- Associated with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Associated with Unopposed Estrogen, Endometrial Hyperplasia and Endometrial Cancer
- Abdominal exam
- Peritoneal signs
- Focal abdominal tenderness
- Vaginal and cervical exam (by speculum or frog-legged position for children)
- Vaginal Lacerations or lesions
- Vaginitis
- Vaginal foreign body
- Cervical polyps or other lesions
- Cervicitis (e.g. Chlamydia)
- Cervical os with blood or IUD strings
- Pelvic exam
- Uterine Size
- Cervical motion tenderness
- Adnexal tenderness or masses
- Rectovaginal exam
X. Labs: Emergency Department
Urine Pregnancy Test (bHCG) or blood qualitative Pregnancy Test
- Obtain in all women of reproductive age
- Urinalysis
- Chlamydia PCR screen
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Platelets
- Consider point-of-care Hemoglobin if significant blood loss
- Consider that Hemoglobin will not reflect full extent of blood loss
- Comprehensive metabolic panel (includes liver and Kidney tests)
- Coagulation profile (INR, PTT)
- Type and cross match
XI. Labs: Ambulatory - Selected based on Menorrhagia versus Metrorrhagia
- Initial testing
- Urine Pregnancy Test (bHCG) or blood qualitative Pregnancy Test
- Pap Smear
- Chlamydia PCR screen
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
- Serum Prolactin
- Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Platelets
- Consider Ureaplasma culture
- Additional Testing to Consider
- Glucose to Insulin Ratio
- Hyperandrogenism labs
- Coagulation studies
- ProTime (PT)
- Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT)
- Platelet Closure Time (Von Willebrand's Disease suspected)
XII. Diagnostics: Evaluation over age 35-45 years
- Background
- Prior recommendations used age cut-off of 35 years, however Endometrial Cancer is uncommon age <45 years
- As of 2019, Age over 45 years with Abnormal Uterine Bleeding indicates evaluation
- Consider in age >=35, if persistent or refractory Abnormal Uterine Bleeding, or known Unopposed Estrogen
- Combination approach may be best
- Endometrial Cancer Screening
- Endometrial Biopsy (preferred first line) or
- Dilatation and Curretage
- Structural evaluation
- Transvaginal Ultrasound (preferred first line) or
- Hysteroscopy
- Endometrial Cancer Screening
- Non-Invasive investigation
- Transvaginal Ultrasound
- Time Ultrasound to end of Menses when endometrium is thinnest (if still menstruating)
- Endometrial Biopsy for stripe >5 mm
- Cancer is very unlikely if stripe <4 mm (Negative Predictive Value 99.3%)
- Incomplete imaging in 10% of cases
- Occurs most commonly if prior uterine procedures, fibroids, Obesity or atypical uterine positioning
- Saline infusion improves sensitivity (but with an increased False Positive Rate)
- Endometrial Biopsy
- See Endometrial Biopsy for efficacy
- Sensitive and specific for Endometrial Cancer
- Misses Endometrial Polyps and focal lesions
- Insufficient samples are common (no glandular cell)
- Requires other study (non-diagnostic)
- Transvaginal Ultrasound
- Invasive procedures (performed by gynecology)
- See Endometrial Cancer Screening
- Dilatation and Curettage
- No significant advantage over Endometrial Biopsy
- Saline Infusion Sonography
- Hysteroscopy
- Insufflation with carbon dioxide or warmed saline
- Risk of tumor dissemination
- Flexible 3 mm hysteroscope (Same size as Pipelle)
- Improves diagnosis with D&C and Endometrial Biopsy
- Identifies most structural lesions (e.g. polyps)
- Insufflation with carbon dioxide or warmed saline
XIII. Evaluation: Protocols
- See Anovulatory Bleeding
- See Ovulatory Bleeding
- See Postmenopausal Bleeding
- See Endometrial Cancer Screening
- See Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Causes
- Key conditions to consider and exclude at initial presentation
- Pregnancy (and Ectopic Pregnancy) in women of childbearing age
- Sexually Transmitted Infection (especially Chlamydia) and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
- Other bleeding source
- Gastrointestinal Bleeding (Hematochezia or melana)
- Hematuria
- Gynecologic cancer
- Endometrial Hyperplasia (and Endometrial Cancer) in women over age 35 years
- Cervical Cancer
- Other common conditions
XIV. Management
- Metrorrhagia Management (Anovulatory Bleeding Management)
Menorrhagia Management (Ovulatory Bleeding Management)
- Covers emergent protocols to stop severe uterine and Vaginal Bleeding
XV. Resources: Patient Education
- Information from your Family Doctor
XVI. References
- Mace (2013) Crit Dec Emerg Med 27(2): 13-21
- Nelson (1997), Fam Prac Recert 19(8):14
- Apgar (2013) Am Fam Physician 87(12): 836-43 [PubMed]
- Bradley (2016) Obstet Gynecol 214(1): 31-44 [PubMed]
- Buchanan (2009) Am Fam Physician 80(10): 1075-88 [PubMed]
- Sweet (2012) Am Fam Physician 85(1): 35-43 [PubMed]
- Wouk (2019) Am Fam Physician 99(7): 435-43 [PubMed]
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German | METRORRHAGIE, Schmierblutung zwischen Menses, Blutung zwischenmenstruell, Zwischenblutung, dysfunktionelle uterine Blutung, dysfunktionelle Uterusblutung, Metrorrhagie |
Italian | Emorragia disfunzionale dell'utero, Perdite intermestruali, Sanguinamento intermestruale, Emorragie intermestruali, Sanguinamenti intermestruali, Sanguinamenti tra cicli mestruali, Spotting, Sanguinamento uterino disfunzionale, Emorragia uterina disfunzionale, Metrorragia |
Dutch | spotting intermenstrueel, intermenstruele bloeding, disfunctionele bloedingen uit de baarmoeder, Intermenstrueel bloedverlies, spotting; intermenstrueel, metrorragie, niet-functionele baarmoederlijke bloeding, Metrorragie |
French | Pertes intermenstruelles, Hémorragie intermenstruelle, METRORRAGIES, Hémorragie utérine dysfonctionnelle, Metrorragie, Métrorragies fonctionnelles, Métrorragie |
Japanese | 中間期出血, 月経中間期出血, 月経期外小出血, ゲッケイチュウカンキシュッケツ, フセイシキュウシュッケツ, チュウカンキシュッケツ, ゲッケイキガイショウシュッケツ, 子宮出血-不正, 機能不全性子宮出血, キノウフゼンセイシキュウシュッケツ, 不正子宮出血 |
Swedish | Mellanblödning |
Czech | metroragie, Intermenstruační krvácení, Dysfunkční děložní krvácení, Špinění mezi menses, Metroragie, Dysfunkční krvácení z dělohy, Dysfunkční děložní hemoragie |
Finnish | Metrorragia |
Croatian | METRORAGIJA |
Polish | Krwotok maciczny |
Hungarian | Dysfunctionalis méhvérzés, közti vérzés, Metrorrhagia, Mentruációk közötti vérzés, Mensesek között peccséltelés |
Norwegian | Metroragi, Uregelmessig intermenstruell blødning |
Ontology: Menstrual cycle and uterine bleeding disorders (C0851493)
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
Italian | Disturbi mestruali e sanguinamenti uterini anomali |
Japanese | 月経周期および子宮出血障害, ゲッケイシュウキオヨビシキュウシュッケツショウガイ |
Czech | Poruchy menstruačního cyklu a děložního krvácení |
Hungarian | Menstruációs ciklus és méhi vérzés betegségei |
English | Menstrual cycle and uterine bleeding disorders |
Portuguese | Perturbações do ciclo menstrual e hemorragia uterina |
Spanish | Trastornos del ciclo menstrual y hemorragia uterina |
Dutch | menstruatie- en uterusbloedingsstoornissen |
French | Troubles du cycle menstruel et de saignement utérin |
German | Stoerungen des Menstruationszyklus und Gebaermutterblutungen |