II. Definitions
- Pelvic Floor Disorder
- Injury, weakness or prolapse of the pelvic Muscles and surrounding ligaments and connective tissue
- Pelvic Floor Dyssynergia
- Pelvic Muscles paradoxically contract and rectal sphincter tightens during Defecation (instead of normal relaxation)
- Results in pain and Constipation
III. Complications
- Dyspareunia
- Chronic Pelvic Pain
- Urinary Incontinence
- Defecatory Dysfunction (Constipation)
IV. Exam
- See Chronic Pelvic Pain Exam
- Patient contracts pelvic floor Muscles which should raise the perineum
- Assess for tenderness while palpating pelvic floor Muscles via the vaginal introitus
V. Management
- See Pelvic Floor Exercise
- Consider physical therapy (Pelvic Floor specific programs)
- Other interventions
- Gabapentin (Neurontin)
- Trigger Point Injection (Local Anesthetic or Botulinum Toxin A)
- Neuromodulation with nerve stimulator (posterior tibial, pudendal, sacral nerve)
VI. References
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Related Studies
Concepts | Acquired Abnormality (T020) |
English | insufficiency; pelvic floor, pelvic floor; insufficiency |
Dutch | bekkenbodem; insufficiëntie, insufficiëntie; bekkenbodem |
Ontology: Pelvic floor muscle weakness (C1535916)
Definition (NCI) | A reduction in the strength of the muscles of the pelvic floor. |
Definition (NCI_CTCAE) | A disorder characterized by a reduction in the strength of the muscles of the pelvic floor. |
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
Dutch | bekkenbodemspierzakheid |
French | Faiblesse musculaire du plancher pelvien |
Italian | Debolezza del muscolo del pavimento pelvico |
Portuguese | Fraqueza muscular do pavimento pélvico |
Spanish | Debilidad muscular del suelo pélvico |
Japanese | 骨盤底筋力低下, コツバンテイキンリョクテイカ |
Czech | Svalová slabost pánevního dna |
English | Pelvic Floor Muscle Weakness, Pelvic floor muscle weakness |
Hungarian | Kismedencei alap izomgyengesége |
German | Beckenbodenschwaeche |
Ontology: Pelvic floor dyssynergia (C1535943)
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
Dutch | bekkenbodem dyssynergie |
Italian | Dissinergia del pavimento pelvico |
Portuguese | Dissinergia do pavimento pélvico |
Spanish | Disinergia del suelo pélvico |
Japanese | 骨盤底協調不全, コツバンテイキョウチョウフゼン |
Czech | Dyssynergie pánevního dna |
French | Dyssynergie du plancher pelvien |
Hungarian | Pelvikus alap dyssynergia |
English | Pelvic floor dyssynergia |
German | Beckenbodendyssynergie |
Ontology: Pelvic Floor Disorders (C3178892)
Definition (MSH) | Injury, weakening, or PROLAPSE of the pelvic muscles, surrounding connective tissues or ligaments (PELVIC FLOOR). |
Definition (MSHCZE) | Zranění, oslabení nebo PROLAPS pánevních svalů, okolní pojivové tkáně nebo vazů (PÁNEVNÍho DNA). R |
Concepts | Acquired Abnormality (T020) |
MSH | D059952 |
English | Disorder, Pelvic Floor, Pelvic Floor Disorder, Disease, Pelvic Floor, Diseases, Pelvic Floor, Pelvic Floor Disorders, Disorders, Pelvic Floor, Pelvic Floor Diseases, Pelvic Floor Disease, Pelvic Floor Disorders [Disease/Finding] |
French | Maladies du plancher pelvien, Troubles du plancher pelvien |
Portuguese | Distúrbios do Assoalho Pélvico |
Spanish | Trastornos del Suelo Pélvico |
Czech | onemocnění dna pánevního, dno pánevní - nemoci |
Polish | Choroby struktur dna miednicy |
Italian | Malattie del pavimento pelvico, Disturbi del pavimento pelvico, Disfunzioni del pavimento pelvico |
German | Beckenbodenstoerungen, Beckenbodenerkrankungen, Beckenbodenstörungen |
Norwegian | Dysfunksjon i bekkenbunn, Bekkenbunnsforstyrrelser |