II. Definitions

  1. Ectopic Pregnancy
    1. Implantation of fertilized ovum outside of the Uterus
    2. Implantation may occur in the Cervix, uterine interstitium, fallopian tube, ovary or within the abdominal or peritoneal cavity
    3. Mechanisms include fallopian tube obstruction, ciliary dysfunction and abnormal chemotaxis
  2. Pregnancy of Unknown Location
    1. Positive Pregnancy Test but no intrauterine pregnancy or ectopic visible on Transvaginal Ultrasound
    2. Accounts for up to half of ectopic pregnancies

III. Epidemiology

  1. Prevalence: 1 to 2% of all pregnancies
    1. Ectopic Prevalence increases to 4 to 5% for maternal age >40 years
    2. Ectopic Prevalence increases to 6 to 16% for pregnancy presentations with bleeding or pain
    3. Ectopic Prevalence increases to 30% for prior Tubal Ligation, and 50% for pregnancy despite IUD in place
  2. Second most common cause of maternal mortality
    1. Accounts for 2.7% of maternal deaths (as high as 10-15% of maternal deaths in past)
    2. Case fatality rate: 3.8 deaths per 10,000 ectopics

IV. Risk Factors

  1. No Known risk factor in 50% of cases
  2. Highest risk factors
    1. Prior tubal surgery (Odds Ratio 21.0)
    2. Sterilization such as Tubal Ligation (Odds Ratio 9.3)
    3. Prior Ectopic Pregnancy (Odds Ratio 8.3, represents 11% of cases)
      1. History of 1 Ectopic Pregnancy: 10% risk of subsequent Ectopic Pregnancy
      2. History of 2 ectopic pregnancies: 25% risk of subsequent Ectopic Pregnancy
    4. Intrauterine Device (IUD) (Odds Ratio 5.0, represents 14% of cases)
      1. Pregnancy risk itself is <1% with IUD in place
      2. However, when a pregnancy does occur with an IUD, >50% of cases are ectopic
      3. Different IUD types (Copper-T, Mirena) have similar Ectopic Pregnancy rates
    5. In-vitro fertilization
    6. Diethylstilbestrol Exposure (DES Exposure) in utero (Odds Ratio 5.6)
  3. Moderate risk factors
    1. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or other tubal infection (Odds Ratio 3.4)
    2. Prior fallopian tube surgery
    3. Infertility for 2 years or longer (Odds Ratio 2.7, represents 15% of cases)
    4. Multiple sexual partners
    5. Advanced maternal age >35-40 years old (Odds Ratio 2.9)
    6. Tobacco Abuse (via impaired tubal motility, Odds Ratio 3.9 for 1 ppd, 3.1 for 0.5 ppd)
  4. Other risk factors
    1. Endometriosis
    2. Mini Pill use (Progestin Only Pill)
    3. Vaginal Douching
    4. Early age at first intercourse (age <18 years)

V. Symptoms

  1. Pregnancy Symptoms (e.g. Amenorrhea, Nausea, Fatigue, Urinary Frequency, Breast engorgement)
  2. Onset of symptoms occurs on average ~7 weeks after Last Menstrual Period
  3. Abdominal Pain (>97% of cases)
    1. May be non-specific, sharp or crampy, diffuse or localized
    2. Typically starts with colicky unilateral Abdominal Pain or Pelvic Pain (as fallopian tube dilates)
    3. Pain generalizes with peritoneal signs after fallopian tube rupture and Hemorrhage
  4. Vaginal Bleeding (75% of cases)
    1. Results from sloughing of Decidual endometrium
    2. Decidual cast may falsely appear as products of conception (ectopic misdiagnosed as Miscarriage)
    3. Varies from spotting to heavy bleeding with clots
    4. Vaginal Bleeding may occur regardless of ectopic rupture
  5. Other symptoms
    1. Syncope or Presyncope
    2. Nausea or Vomiting
    3. Shoulder Pain
    4. Rectal pressure
    5. Pain on stooling
    6. Diarrhea

VI. Signs

  1. Precaution: Exam can not exclude Ectopic Pregnancy
    1. No Vaginal Bleeding in 30% of ectopic pregnancies
    2. Negative pelvic exam in 10% of ectopic pregnancies
    3. Buckley (1999) Ann Emerg Med 34:589-94 [PubMed]
  2. Ectopic likelihood if Abdominal Pain and Vaginal Bleeding
    1. No risk factors: 39%
    2. Risk factors: 54%
    3. Mol (1999) Hum Reprod 14:2855-62 [PubMed]
  3. Classic (15-50% of patients)
    1. Pelvic Pain or Abdominal Pain (97%)
      1. Initially localized pain
      2. Pain later generalizes
    2. Abdominal tenderness (91%)
    3. First Trimester Bleeding (79%)
  4. Commonly associated findings
    1. Adnexal tenderness (54%)
    2. Cervical Motion Tenderness
    3. Amenorrhea
    4. Shoulder Pain
      1. Associated with ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy with Hemorrhage that directly irritates the phrenic nerve
    5. BR sign
      1. Patient faints post Bowel Movement
    6. Early Pregnancy Symptoms
    7. Cullen's Sign (Periumbilical Bruising)
    8. Nausea or Vomiting
    9. Diarrhea
    10. Dizziness
    11. Ectopic Pregnancy ruptures between 6 and 12 weeks
  5. Other Signs
    1. Orthostasis or Hypotension
    2. Sinus Tachycardia
    3. Low grade fever
    4. Chadwick Sign (Cervix and vaginal Cyanosis)
    5. Hegar's Sign (softened uterine isthmus)
    6. Hypoactive bowel sounds
    7. Enlarged Uterus
    8. Tender pelvic or Adnexal Mass
    9. Cul-de-sac fullness
    10. Decidual cast (Passage of Decidua in one piece)
  6. Signs suggestive of ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy
    1. Severe abdominal tenderness with rebound, gaurding
    2. Orthostatic Hypotension

VII. Differential Diagnosis

  1. See First Trimester Bleeding
  2. See Abdominal Pain in Pregnancy
  3. Most common alternative diagnoses
    1. Appendicitis
    2. Threatened Abortion
    3. Early Pregnancy Loss (Miscarriage)
    4. Ruptured Ovarian Cyst (corpus luteum)
    5. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
      1. Salpingitis
      2. Endometritis
    6. Ureterolithiasis
    7. Ovarian Torsion
    8. Intrauterine Pregnancy
    9. Subchorionic Hemorrhage
    10. Abdominal Trauma
  4. Other alternative diagnoses
    1. Heterotopic Pregnancy
      1. Rare in general population (1 case in 30,000 women)
      2. Common for those undergoing in vitro fertilization (1 case in 100 women)
    2. Dysmenorrhea
    3. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
    4. Urinary Tract Infection
    5. Diverticulitis
    6. Mesenteric Lymphadenitis

VIII. Labs

  1. See Imaging below
  2. Quantitative hCG
    1. HCG increases in a predictable pattern in normal pregnancies
      1. bHCG may be detectable as early as 8 days after Ovulation
      2. bHCG <1500: Increases 49-53% (and typically doubles) every 48 hours in 99% of normal pregnancies
      3. bHCG 1500 to 3000: Increases 40% every 48 hours in normal pregnancies
      4. bHCG >3000: Increases 33% every 48 hours in normal pregnancies
      5. Levels off after bHCG reaches 100,000 at approximately 8-10 weeks gestation
      6. Barhart (2016) Obstet Gynecol 128(3): 504-11 [PubMed]
    2. bHCG with inadequate increase may suggest Ectopic Pregnancy
      1. Test Sensitivity: 36% (some studies report 71%)
      2. Test Specificity: 65%
      3. bHCG also increases inadequately (<50%) in 1% of viable pregnancies
      4. bHCG decreases by <35% in up to 7% of 10% of Spontaneous Abortions
    3. bHCG should not be used to defer Ultrasound when Ectopic Pregnancy is considered
      1. Intrauterine pregnancy is first confirmed on Transvaginal Ultrasound at bHCG 1500-2000 IU/L
        1. In some cases intrauterine pregnancy may not be visible until bHCG >3500 IU/L
      2. However, 40% of ectopic pregnancies are identified at bHCG less than 1000 mIU/ml
      3. Ectopic pregnancies have occurred with bHCG as low as 10 mIU/ml
    4. bHCG level does not predict ruptured ectopic
      1. Ruptured ectopic may occur at any bHCG level
    5. bHCG must be followed serially with all management protocols
      1. Follow bHCG to non-detectable levels (may need as long as 6 weeks)
      2. If bHCG start to rise again after falling, repeat Ultrasound is needed
  3. Blood Type and Rh, hold units
    1. Rh Negative women should be administered 300 mcg (or 50 mcg) RhoGAM if bleeding
  4. Complete Blood Count
    1. Leukocytosis
  5. Urinalysis with microscopic exam
  6. Culdocentesis
    1. Rarely performed now due to Transvaginal Ultrasound
    2. Differentiates ruptured Ovarian Cyst from ectopic
    3. Yield of aspirate with >15% Hematocrit suggests bleed
  7. Tests not recommended for ectopic diagnosis
    1. Serum Progesterone (Test Sensitivity: 15%)

IX. Imaging

  1. Precautions
    1. Transvaginal Ultrasound should be performed regardless of bHCG level when Ectopic Pregnancy is considered
    2. In 40% of Ultrasound diagnosed Ectopic Pregnancy cases, bHCG was below 1000 mIU/ml
    3. Counselman (1998) J Emerg Med 16(5): 699-703 [PubMed]
  2. General
    1. Findings suggestive of intrauterine pregnancy
      1. Intrauterine Gestational Sac suggests intrauterine pregnancy
        1. Central blastocyst
        2. Surrounding double ring of echogenic Decidua and chorionic villi (double Decidua sign, 4.5-5 weeks)
        3. Yolk Sac confirms intrauterine pregnancy wiith PPV 100% (5-6 weeks, bHCG 1000 to 2000 IU/L)
      2. Exceptions
        1. Pseudogestational sac (intrauterine fluid collection with no true Gestational Sack)
          1. No Echogenic ring
          2. No Yolk Sac or fetal pole seen
        2. Heterotopic Pregnancy (Simultaneous intrauterine and Ectopic Pregnancy)
          1. Overall Incidence: 1 in 4000 to 30,000 risk (rare)
          2. Fertility patient Incidence: 1 in 300 (may be 1 in 30 for some types of assisted conception)
          3. Ultrasound misses Heterotopic Pregnancy in 50% of cases at 5-6 weeks
    2. Findings suggestive of Ectopic Pregnancy
      1. No mass or free fluid seen (20% likelihood)
      2. Absence of Gestational Sac at bHCG 1500-1800 IU/L transvaginal or 6500 IU/L transabdominal (36% likelihood)
      3. Echogenic mass at Adnexa (85% likelihood)
        1. Echogenic mass with free fluid (100% likelihood)
        2. Transvaginal Ultrasound demonstrates 75% of tubal ectopic pregnancies
      4. Free fluid present (71% likelihood of ectopic)
        1. Moderate to large free fluid in pouch of Douglas (95% likelihood)
        2. False Positive (other causes of free fluid in pouch of douglas)
          1. Ruptured corpus luteum cyst
          2. Spontaneous Abortion
          3. Menses
  3. Transvaginal Ultrasound (5 MHz or greater)
    1. Test Sensitivity: 90%
    2. Test Specificity approaches 100%
    3. Gestational Sac of 5 mm (Days 35-37 or 4.5 to 5 weeks, bHCG 1500-2000)
      1. Earliest finding in pregnancy, but does not exclude Ectopic Pregnancy
      2. Double Decidual sac sign (2 bright concentric ring around the Gestational Sac)
      3. Case reports of absent Gestational Sac on Ultrasound in viable pregnancies with bHCG as high as 4300 mIU/ml
    4. Yolk Sac (Days 37-40 or 5-6 weeks, gestation sac>10 mm)
      1. Confirms intrauterine pregnancy (100% Positive Predictive Value)
    5. Fetal Pole (Day 40, Gestational Sac>18 mm, bHCG 5000)
    6. Fetal Heart Activity (Day 45 or 6-7 weeks, crown rump length >5 mm, bHCG 17,000)
  4. Transabdominal Ultrasound
    1. Gestational Sac (Day 42, bHCG 6000-6500)
    2. Evaluate pouch of douglas for free fluid (see above)
  5. FAST Exam
    1. Free fluid in Morrison's pouch or in Pelvis on Abdominal Ultrasound may warrant emergent surgery

X. Evaluation

  1. Indications
    1. Positive Pregnancy Test AND
    2. Pelvic Pain or Vaginal Bleeding
  2. Step 1: History and physical
    1. Unstable
      1. Go to emergent protocol below
    2. Stable
      1. Go to step 2
  3. Step 2: Transvaginal Ultrasound
    1. Intrauterine pregnancy
      1. Expectant management
    2. Ectopic Pregnancy
      1. See protocols below
  4. Step 3a: Initial bHCG above discriminatory level (e.g. >1500 mIU on Transvaginal Ultrasound)
    1. Treat suspicious Adnexal Mass as Ectopic Pregnancy
    2. Repeat bHCG and Transvaginal Ultrasound in 2 days if no Gestational Sac or Adnexal Mass identified
      1. Treat as Ectopic Pregnancy if bHCG fails to rise appropriately
      2. Treat as normal pregnancy if Transvaginal Ultrasound confirms IUP
      3. Follow weekly bHCG until 0 mIU/ml if decreases
      4. Repeat bHCG and Transvaginal Ultrasound in 2 days if bHCG has normal rise (but nondiagnostic Ultrasound)
  5. Step 3b: Initial bHCG below discriminatory level (e.g. <1500 mIU on Transvaginal Ultrasound)
    1. At any point that patient has signficant symptoms or becomes unstable, treat as ectopic with emergent protocol below
    2. Repeat bHCG every 48 hours
    3. bHCG decreasing (intrauterine or ectopic failed pregnancy)
      1. Obtain weekly bHCG levels until falls to <5 mIU/ml
    4. bHCG rises normally
      1. Repeat Transvaginal Ultrasound when discriminatory level reached (e.g. <1500 mIU)
    5. bHCG plateaus or with inadequate rise
      1. Obtain Transvaginal Ultrasound
      2. Manage medically or surgically as failed pregnancy (ectopic or intrauterine)
        1. If Transvaginal Ultrasound negative or with Adnexal Mass

XI. Approach: Ultrasound, bHCG with D&C

  1. Indications
    1. Pregnancy with cramping and Vaginal Bleeding AND
    2. Patient stable AND
    3. Pregnancy NOT desired
  2. Step 1: Pelvic Ultrasound
    1. Intrauterine Pregnancy: Routine Prenatal Care
    2. Ectopic Pregnancy
      1. See Ectopic Pregnancy Management below
      2. See Methotrexate Ectopic Protocol
    3. Abnormal Intrauterine Pregnancy: D&C (see Step 3)
    4. Non-Diagnostic Ultrasound: Go to Step 2 below
  3. Step 2: Quantitative hCG
    1. Transvaginal Ultrasound discriminatory bHCG <1500 to 2000 mIU/ml
    2. bHCG <2000 mIU/ml
      1. Go to Step 4 (expectant management with serial bHCG and repeat Ultrasound)
    3. bHCG 2000-3500 mIU/ml
      1. Go to Step 3
      2. Negative Transvaginal Ultrasound is unlikely to be a viable pregnancy
      3. Ideal, safe timing for medical management with Methotrexate (see below)
        1. However, outlawed in some U.S. states for bHCG <3500 mIU/ml as of 2025
    4. bHCG >3500 mIU/ml
      1. Go to Step 3
      2. Negative Transvaginal Ultrasound is consistent with Ectopic Pregnancy and high risk of rupture
  4. Step 3: Dilatation and Curettage (D&C, if HCG > cutoff)
    1. D&C shows chorionic villi: Routine care for failed intrauterine pregnancy
    2. D&C shows no chorionic villi: Treat as Ectopic Pregnancy
      1. Treat with Medical or Surgical Management for Ectopic Pregnancy
  5. Step 4: Serial Quantitative hCG (if bHCG < cutoff)
    1. Normal fall: Manage as Miscarriage
    2. Abnormal rise or fall in HCG: D&C (see Step 3)
    3. Normal HCG rise
      1. Ultrasound when HCG > cutoff
      2. Go to Step 1
    4. Precaution
      1. Symptomatic Ectopic Pregnancy can occur prior to HCG of 2000 (before discriminatory values)

XII. Approach: Emergent

  1. Indications
    1. Suspected ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy
    2. Hemoperitoneum (significant intraperitoneal fluid presumed to be Hemorrhage)
    3. Hemorrhagic Shock
    4. Abdominal Pain with peritoneal signs
    5. Open cervical os
  2. Evaluation protocol
    1. Consult Ob/Gyn early in suspected Ectopic Pregnancy with hemodynamic instability
      1. Surgical exploration and stabilization is indicated
    2. Obtain IV Access with 2 large bore IVs
    3. Obtain labs as above (including bHCG, Blood Type and Cross)
    4. Fluid Resuscitation and Blood Transfusion for Hemorrhagic Shock
    5. Bedside Transvaginal Ultrasound (if available)

XIII. Management: Treatment protocols

  1. See Approach above
  2. Precautions
    1. Follow bHCG to non-detectable levels regardless of management strategy (up to 6 weeks)
    2. If bHCG starts to rise again after falling, repeat Ultrasound is needed
    3. Expectant management carries the highest risk of complication and is less commonly followed
    4. Medical management with Methotrexate is followed in 20-35% of cases, and the remaining majority are managed surgically
  3. All patients
    1. RhoGAM for Rh Negative women with Vaginal Bleeding
  4. Expectant Management indications (counsel regarding tube rupture risk; follow bHCG every 48 hours, then weekly)
    1. Minimal pain or bleeding
    2. Reliable patient with no barriers to follow-up and accessing healthcare
    3. bHCG less than 1000 mIU/ml and falling
    4. No signs of tubal rupture
    5. Ectopic or Adnexal Mass <3 cm or not detected
    6. No Embryonic heart beat
    7. Cohen (1999) Clin Obstet Gynecol 42:48-54 [PubMed]
  5. Medical Management: Methotrexate Indications
    1. See Methotrexate Ectopic Protocol
    2. Reliable patient with no barriers to follow-up and accessing healthcare
    3. Stable Vital Signs with normal LFTs, CBC, Platelets
    4. Unruptured Ectopic Pregnancy without cardiac activity
    5. Ectopic mass 3.5 cm or less
    6. bHCG <5000 mIU/ml
    7. No medical contraindications
      1. Liver, Kidney, lung or hematologic condition
      2. Immunodeficiency
      3. Peptic Ulcer Disease
      4. Alcohol Abuse
      5. Breastfeeding
  6. Surgical Management Indications (Salpingectomy or if desired fertility, and possible, Salpingostomy)
    1. Failed or contraindicated non-surgical management
    2. Nondiagnostic Transvaginal Ultrasound and bHCG >1500
    3. bHCG >5000 IU/L
    4. Hemoperitoneum
    5. Diagnosis unclear
    6. Advanced Ectopic Pregnancy (high B-HCG, large mass, Embryonic cardiac activity)
    7. Non-compliant patient
    8. Unstable Vital Signs

XIV. Complications

  1. Intraabdominal ruptured viscus (e.g. fallopian tube) with secondary Hemorrhagic Shock
  2. Ectopic Pregnancy accounts for 4 to 9% of pregnancy related deaths

XV. Prognosis: Future conception

  1. Conception rate post-ectopic: 77%
  2. Recurrent Ectopic Pregnancy risk
    1. After first Ectopic Pregnancy: 5-20% risk (Odds Ratio 8.3)
    2. After second Ectopic Pregnancy: 25-32% risk

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Related Studies

Ontology: Ectopic Pregnancy (C0032987)

Definition (MEDLINEPLUS)

The uterus, or womb, is an important female reproductive organ. It is the place where a baby grows when a woman is pregnant. If you have an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg grows in an abnormal place, outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tubes. The result is usually a miscarriage.

Ectopic pregnancy can be a medical emergency if it ruptures. Signs of ectopic pregnancy include

  • Abdominal pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Feeling dizzy or faint

Get medical care right away if you have these signs. Doctors use drugs or surgery to remove the ectopic tissue so it doesn't damage your organs. Many women who have had ectopic pregnancies go on to have healthy pregnancies later.

Dept. of Health and Human Services Office on Women's Health

Definition (NCI) An abnormal pregnancy in which the conception is implanted outside the endometrial cavity.
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS) A condition in which a fertilized egg grows outside of the uterus, usually in one of the fallopian tubes. Symptoms include sharp pain on one side of the abdomen and bleeding from the vagina.
Definition (NCI_FDA) The state or condition of having a developing embryo or fetus in the body (outside the uterus), after union of an ovum and spermatozoon, during the period from conception to birth.
Definition (MSH) A potentially life-threatening condition in which EMBRYO IMPLANTATION occurs outside the cavity of the UTERUS. Most ectopic pregnancies (>96%) occur in the FALLOPIAN TUBES, known as TUBAL PREGNANCY. They can be in other locations, such as UTERINE CERVIX; OVARY; and abdominal cavity (PREGNANCY, ABDOMINAL).
Definition (CSP) development of a fertilized ovum outside of the uterine cavity.
Concepts Disease or Syndrome (T047)
MSH D011271
ICD9 633.9, 633
ICD10 O00 , O00.9
SnomedCT 156083001, 198630007, 156080003, 34801009
LNC MTHU015326
English Ectopic Pregnancies, Pregnancies, Ectopic, Pregnancy, Ectopic, Unspecified ectopic pregnancy, EXTRAUTERINE PREGNANCY, PREGNANCY ECTOPIC, Ectopic pregnancy NOS, Ectopic pregnancy, unspecified, PREGN ECTOPIC, ECTOPIC PREGN, ectopic pregnancy (diagnosis), ectopic pregnancy, Pregnancy ectopic, Extra-uterine pregnancy, Extrauterine pregnancy, Ectopic Pregnancy, Pregnancy, Ectopic [Disease/Finding], Pregnancy;ectopic, ectopic pregnancies, Eccyesis, Ectopic pregnancy NOS (disorder), ECTOPIC PREGNANCY, PREGNANCY, ECTOPIC, extrauterine pregnancy, Extrauterine Pregnancy, Extrauterine Pregnancies, Pregnancy, Extrauterine, Pregnancies, Extrauterine, Ectopic pregnancy, EP - Ectopic pregnancy, Ectopic pregnancy (disorder), extrauterine gestation or pregnancy, extrauterine; pregnancy, pregnancy; extrauterine, Ectopic pregnancy, NOS
French GROSSESSE EXTRA-UTERINE, Grossesse extra-utérine non précisée, Grossesse extra-utérine, non précisée, GROSSESSE ECTOPIQUE, Grossesse extra-utérine, Gestation ectopique, Grossesse ectopique
Portuguese GRAVIDEZ ECTOPICA, Gravidez extra-uterina, Gravidez ectópica NE, GRAVIDEZ EXTRA-UTERINA, Ecciese, Gravidez ectópica, Gravidez Ectópica
Spanish EMBARAZO ECTOPICO, Embarazo extrauterino, Embarazo ectópico no especificado, EMBARAZO EXTRAUTERINO, Eccyesis, embarazo ectópico, SAI (trastorno), embarazo ectópico, SAI, Ectopic pregnancy NOS, embarazo ectópico (trastorno), embarazo ectópico, Embarazo ectópico, Embarazo Ectópico
Italian Gravidanza ectopica, Gravidanza ectopica non specificata, Eccyesis, Gravidanza extrauterina
Dutch buitenbaarmoederlijke zwangerschap, extra-uteriene zwangerschap, niet-specifieke ectopische zwangerschap, ectopische zwangerschap, niet-gespecificeerd, eccyesis, extra-uterien; zwangerschap, zwangerschap; extra-uterien, Ectopische zwangerschap, niet gespecificeerd, ectopische zwangerschap, Ectopische zwangerschap, Zwangerschap, ectopische, Zwangerschap, ovariale
German Extrauteringraviditaet, unspezifisch, Schwangerschaft ektopisch, unspezifische ektopische Schwangerschaft, EXTRAUTERINGRAVIDITAET, Extrauteringraviditaet, nicht naeher bezeichnet, SCHWANGERSCH EXTRAUTERIN, Ekkyesis, Extrauteringraviditaet, Extrauterinschwangerschaft, Schwangerschaft, ektopische, Ektopische Schwangerschaft, Extrauteringravidität
Swedish Utomkvedshavandeskap
Finnish Kohdunulkoinen raskaus
Czech Mimoděložní těhotenství, Extrauterinní gravidita, Blíže neurčené mimoděložní těhotenství, Mimoděložní těhotenství, blíže neurčené, Těhotenství mimo dělohu, graviditas extrauterina, těhotenství mimoděložní, mimoděložní těhotenství, GEU, ektopická gravidita, graviditas ectopica
Korean 자궁외 임신, 상세불명의 자궁외 임신
Polish Ciąża ektopowa, Ciąża pozamaciczna, Ciąża szyjkowa
Hungarian Nem meghatározott ectopiás terhesség, Ectopiás terhesség, nem meghatározott, Méhen kívüli terhesség, Ectopiás terhesség, Extrauterin graviditas, Ectopiás graviditas, Graviditas extrauterina
Japanese 子宮外妊娠, 異所性妊娠, シキュウガイニンシン, イショセイニンシンショウサイフメイ, イショセイニンシン, 異所性妊娠、詳細不明, 外妊, 外妊娠, 子宮外妊, 異所妊娠, 妊娠-子宮外, 妊娠-異所性
Norwegian Graviditet utenfor livmoren, Ekstrauterin graviditet, Ekstrauterint svangerskap, Svangerskap utenfor livmoren, Ektopisk svangerskap, Ektopisk graviditet

Ontology: Pregnancy, Tubal (C0032994)

Definition (NCI) An abnormal pregnancy in which the conception is implanted in the fallopian tube.
Definition (MSH) The most common (>96%) type of ectopic pregnancy in which the extrauterine EMBRYO IMPLANTATION occurs in the FALLOPIAN TUBE, usually in the ampullary region where FERTILIZATION takes place.
Concepts Disease or Syndrome (T047)
MSH D011274
ICD9 633.1
ICD10 O00.1
SnomedCT 198622006, 198619009, 156082006, 79586000
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Dutch eileider zwangerschap, tubair; zwangerschap, Tuba Fallopii, zwangerschap, Tubaire zwangerschap, Zwangerschap, tubaire, Zwangerschap, tuba Fallopii
German Tubargraviditaet, Eileiterschwangerschaft, Schwangerschaft, Eileiter-, Tubenschwangerschaft
Portuguese Gravidez tubária, Gravidez Tubária
Spanish Embarazo tubárico, embarazo en trompa de Falopio, embarazo en la trompa de Falopio, embarazo tubárico, SAI (trastorno), embarazo tubárico, SAI, embarazo tubárico (trastorno), embarazo tubárico, Embarazo Tubario, Embarazo Tubárico
Swedish Tubargraviditet
Japanese ランカンニンシン, 卵管妊娠, 妊娠-卵管
Czech těhotenství tubální, Tubární těhotenství
Finnish Munanjohdinraskaus
Korean 자궁관 임신
Polish Ciąża jajowodowa
Hungarian Tuba terhesség
Norwegian Svangerskap i eggleder, Tubarsvangerskap, Tubargraviditet, Graviditet i eggleder
French Grossesse tubaire
Italian Gravidanza tubarica