Definition (MSHCZE)
Rel. objem erytrocytů v krvi vyjádřený jako zlomek (procento) celkového objemu krve. Pro jeho klasické stanovení se krev centrifuguje, takže krvinky klesnou ke dnu a nad nimi zůstane plasma; jiná možnost je výpočet. Krvinky normálně tvoří cca 45% objemu krve u mužů, resp. 42% u žen. H. je snížen např. při anemii a zvýšen při polyglobulii, ale také při dehydrataci. (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2013 )
Definition (NCI)
A measure of the volume of red blood cells expressed as a percentage of the total blood volume. Normal in males is 43-49%, in females 37-43%.
Definition (NCI_CDISC)
The percentage of a whole blood specimen that is composed of red blood cells (erythrocytes).
Definition (MSH)
The volume of packed RED BLOOD CELLS in a blood specimen. The volume is measured by centrifugation in a tube with graduated markings, or with automated blood cell counters. It is an indicator of erythrocyte status in disease. For example, ANEMIA shows a low value; POLYCYTHEMIA, a high value.
Concepts |
Laboratory Procedure
SnomedCT |
142829008, 165417006, 165419009, 165418001, 250230009, 142828000, 142830003, 28317006, 250231008 |
85014 |
LP15101-6, MTHU002446 |
English |
Hct, Erythrocyte Volume, Packed, Erythrocyte Volumes, Packed, Hematocrit, Hematocrits, Packed Erythrocyte Volume, Packed Erythrocyte Volumes, Packed Red Cell Volume, Packed Red-Cell Volume, Packed Red-Cell Volumes, Red-Cell Volume, Packed, Red-Cell Volumes, Packed, Volume, Packed Erythrocyte, Volume, Packed Red-Cell, Volumes, Packed Erythrocyte, Volumes, Packed Red-Cell, Hematocrit procedure, hematocrit, hematocrit (lab test), PCV, Hematocrit Measurement, hematocrit level test, BLOOD COUNT HEMATOCRIT, Measurement of hematocrit (Hct), Packed cell volume (observable entity), Haematocrit - PCV - NOS, Haematocrit (observable entity), Haematocrit (procedure), Hematocrit - PCV - NOS, Haematocrit - PCV - NOS (procedure), Hematocrit - PCV - NOS (procedure), hematocrit packed cell volume (lab test), hematocrit packed cell volume, EVF, HCT, Packed Cell Volume, Erythrocyte Volume Fraction, Blood count; hematocrit (Hct), Whole Blood Hematocrit Test, Hematocrit determination, Haematocrit, Haematocrit - PCV, Hct - Haematocrit, Hct - Hematocrit, Hematocrit - PCV, Packed cell volume, Haematocrit determination, Hematocrit determination (procedure), Packed cell volume measurement (procedure), Packed cell volume measurement, HEMATOCRIT |
Dutch |
PCV, packed-cell volume, hematocriet, Erytrocytenconcentraatvolume, Hematocriet |
French |
VGC, Volume de globules concentrés, Hématocrite |
German |
Volumenanteil der Zellen, PCV, Haematokrit, Erythrozythenvolumen, gepacktes, Gepacktes Volumen roter Blutzellen, Hämatokrit |
Portuguese |
Hct, Hematócrito, Volume do Concentrado de Eritrócito, Volume do Concentrado de Hemácia |
Spanish |
Hto, Hematocrit - PCV - NOS, hematócrito, SAI, hematócrito, SAI (procedimiento), Haematocrit - PCV - NOS, determinación de HTO, determinación de hematócrito (procedimiento), determinación de hematócrito, medición del hematócrito (procedimiento), medición del hematócrito, Hematocrito, Volumen de Eritrocito Empaquetado, Volumen de Célula-Roja Empaquetada, Hematócrito |
Japanese |
PCV, ヘマトクリット, PCV, ヘマトクリット, 充填赤血球量, 赤血球容積率, 赤血球沈層容積, 赤血球量-充填 |
Swedish |
Czech |
hematokrit, Celkový buněčný objem, Hematokrit |
Finnish |
Italian |
Volume degli eritrociti ammassati, Volume dei globuli ammassati, Ematocrito |
Russian |
Polish |
Hungarian |
Hematokrit, Sejtmassza térfogat, PCV, Haematocrit |
Norwegian |
Hematokrit, Pakket erytrocyttvolum, Volumandel pakkede røde blodceller |