II. Causes

  1. Hodgkin's Lymphoma (pathognomonic when differentiating from other Lymphoma)
  2. Less commonly seen in other conditions
    1. Lymphoma
    2. Sarcoma
    3. Infectious Mononucleosis

III. Findings: Biposy

  1. Large binucleate cells with single distinct nucleoli
  2. Appearance: "Owl's Eye"

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Definition (MSHCZE) Velké buňky, obvykle vícejaderné, jejichž přítomnost v histologickém nálezu svědčí pro klasickou HODGKINOVU NEMOC. maligní buňka charakteristická pro Hodgkinovu nemoc (lymfom). Velká buňka, mnohdy dvoj- či vícejaderná, s velkými jadérky. Původ této buňky byl dlouho neobjasněn, v současnosti se předpokládá původ z B lymfocytů. (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2012 http://lekarske.slovniky.cz/ )
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS) A type of cell that appears in people with Hodgkin's disease. The number of these cells increases as the disease advances.
Definition (MSH) Large cells, usually multinucleate, whose presence is a common histologic characteristic of classical HODGKIN DISEASE.
Concepts Cell (T025)
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SnomedCT 32915009
English Cells, Reed-Sternberg, Cells, Sternberg-Reed, Reed Sternberg Cells, Reed-Sternberg Cells, Sternberg Reed Cells, Sternberg-Reed Cells, reed sternberg cells, reed-sternberg cell, reed sternberg cell, reed-sternberg cells, sternberg-reed cells, Reed-Sternberg cell, Sternberg-Reed cell, Reed-Sternberg cell (cell), Reed-Sternberg cell (body structure), Reed-Sternberg Cell, R-S Cell
French Cellules de Reed-Sternberg, Cellule de Reed-Sternberg
Swedish Reed-Sternbergceller
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Czech buňky Reedové-Sternberga, Reedové-Sternbergovy buňky, Sternbergovy buňky
Norwegian Sternberg-Reeds celler, Reed-Sternbergs celler
Spanish célula de Reed - Sternberg (célula), célula de Reed - Sternberg (estructura corporal), célula de Reed - Sternberg, célula de Sternberg - Reed, Células de Reed-Sternberg
German Reed-Sternberg-Riesenzellen, Sternberg-Reed-Riesenzellen
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