II. Indication
III. Contraindications
- Recent Transfusion (not diagnostic after transfusion)
IV. Measures
- Reticulocyte Count
- Reticulocyte percentage of total erythrocytes
- Does not correct for degree of Anemia
- Absolute Reticulocyte Count (ARC)
- Number of Reticulocytes present in 1 mm3 blood
- ARC = (Reticulocyte %) / 100 * Erythrocyte Count
- Reticulocyte Index (RI)
- Adjusts Reticulocyte Count for Hematocrit
- Reticulocyte Index reflects Bone Marrow activity
- Known as "Poor man's Bone Marrow Aspirate"
- Calculation
- RI = Reticulocyte Count x (HCT / normal HCT)
V. Technique
- Stain Solution (Stains ribosomes)
- New methylene blue or Azure B 1.0 grams
- Dissolve stain in 100 ml Citrate-Saline
- Tri-Sodium citrate 3% (one part)
- Saline 0.85% (four parts)
- Filter solution
- Store at 4 degrees celsius
- Staining method
- Start with 2-3 drops of stain in tube
- Add 2-3 drops of patient's blood
- Use more blood in anemic patients
- Use less blood in polycythemia
- Incubate at 37 degrees celsius for 15-20 minutes
- Gently mix
- Create a thin film on slide
- Allow films to dry
- Counting method
- View field of undistorted cells at x100 oil immersion
- Reticulocytes stain deep blue
- Red Blood Cells stain pale-greenish blue
- Use Miller ocular insert
- nRBC: average Red Blood Cells in small square
- nRetic: Number of Reticulocytes in 'nField' fields
- Calculate Reticulocyte Count
- Calculate Reticulocytes per 1000 red cells
- Retic Count = (nRetic) / (9 * nRBC * nField)
- View field of undistorted cells at x100 oil immersion
VI. Interpretation
- Normal Reticulocyte Count: 0.5-1.5%
- Normal Reticulocyte Index: 1-3%
VII. Reticulocytosis (Increased RBC Production)
- Criteria
- Reticulocyte Index >3%
- Reticulocyte Count >1.5%
- Conditions
- Acute blood loss or Hemorrhage
- Post-Splenectomy
- Acute Hemolytic Anemia (Microangiopathic Anemia)
- Example: Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
- Usually ARC > 100 x10^6/L and Retic Count >2%
- Hemoglobinopathy
- Post-Anemia Treatment
- Folate Supplementation
- Iron Supplementation
- Vitamin B12 Supplementation
VIII. Reticulocytopenia (Decreased RBC Production)
- Criteria
- Reticulocyte Index <1%
- Reticulocyte Count <0.5%
- Conditions
- Aplastic Anemia
- Myelofibrosis
- Leukemia
- Bone Marrow infiltrate
- Blood Transfusion
- Liver disease
- Kidney disease
- Bone Marrow suppression or failure
- Disordered RBC maturation
- Hereditary Disorders
IX. Resources
- HTP Blood Safety and Clinical Technology