II. Definitions
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
- Inflammation of the upper genital tract (Uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and peritoneum)
- PID is a broad term that includes Endometritis, salpingitis, Tuboovarian Abscess and pelvic peritonitis
III. Epidemiology
Incidence: 750,000 cases per year in United States
- May affect up to 4% of women of reproductive age
- Age: Peaks between ages 15 to 29 years (up to age 40 years)
IV. Pathophysiology
- Intra-abdominal spread (most common)
- Ascending Bacterial Infection of the lower genital tract (e.g. Vaginitis, Cervicitis) to the upper tract
- Vagina to Cervix to endometrium and via fallopian tubes to the peritoneal cavity
- Spread may be from sexual intercourse or retrograde Menstruation
Lymphatic spread
- Example: IUD related infection
- Hematogenous spread (rare)
- Example: Tuberculosis
V. Causes
Sexually Transmitted Disease (most common initial causes of PID)
- Chlamydia Trachomatis (15% of untreated cases progress to PID)
- NeisseriaGonorrhea
- Mycoplasma Genitalium (4 to 22% of PID cases, esp. post-abortive)
- Associated with treatment failures (not covered by all Antibiotic regimens)
- Polymicrobial Bacteria
- Includes Gram Negative Bacteria and Anaerobic Bacteria
- May occur from superinfected STD (esp. with abscess formation)
- Bacteroides fragilis
- Escherichia coli
- Klebsiella species
- Mycoplasma hominis
- Haemophilus Influenzae
- Ureaplasma Urealyticum
- Facultative or anaerobic organisms
- Includes Gram Negative Bacteria and Anaerobic Bacteria
Bacterial Vaginosis associated infections
- Anaerobic Bacterial Infection related to BV is associated with PID
- Bacterial Vaginosis may disrupt cervical barrier and allow for ascending Bacterial Infections
VI. Risk Factors
- Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) history
- Age younger than 25 years
- Onset sexual intercourse at a young age (younger than 15 years old)
- Prior history of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
- High number of sexual partners (or new sexual partner) or sex workers
- Incarcerated Patients
- Substance Abuse or mental health disorders
- Non-barrier Contraception (e.g. IUD, Oral Contraceptives)
- Recent procedures
- Surgical abortion
- Recently placed Intrauterine Device (IUD) within last 3 to 6 weeks
VII. History
- See Sexual History
- Review risk factors as above
Lesbian Women are still at risk of Sexually Transmitted Infection and PID
- Sexually Transmitted Infection still occurs between women
- Of Women Who Have Sex With Women, 30% also report having sex with men within the last year
- Xu (2010) Sex Transm Dis 37(7): 407-13 [PubMed]
- Pregnancy does not protect against PID in the first trimester
- Cervical Mucus plug and amniotic sac does not protect from ascending infection until later first trimester
Transgender men (transmasculine, female to male transition)
- Many or most have not had gender affirming surgery ("bottom surgery")
- Perform a careful history and exam to identify presence of female genital organs
VIII. Symptoms
- Precautions
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is often initially missed
- Only 40% of women with PID are symptomatic, and symptoms are often nonspecific initially
- Onset within first week of Menses is common (50% of cases)
- Acute Abdominal Pain, Pelvic Pain or cramping (most common presentation, varying intensity)
- Vaginal Discharge (new or abnormal)
- Fever or chills (fever may be high grade)
- Dyspareunia
- Dysuria
- Heavy or prolonged Menses or post-coital bleeding
- Pleuritic right upper quadrant pain (liver capsule inflammation in Fitz-High-Curtis Syndrome, Perihepatitis)
IX. Exam
- Bimanual exam and speculum exam in all suspected cases
- See Diagnosis below for signs
- Clinical diagnosis alone is accurate (when compared with imaging and laparoscopy)
- Test Sensitivity: 87%
- Test Specificity: 50%
- Positive Predictive Value: 65-90%
X. Diagnosis: 2002 CDC Criteria
- Major Criteria (Required)
- Uterine or Adnexal tenderness to palpation or
- Cervical motion tenderness
- No other apparent cause
- Minor Criteria (Supporting, but not required)
- Fever >101 F (38.3 C)
- Abnormal mucopurulent discharge per Cervix or vagina
- WBCs on Gram Stain or Saline of Cervix swab
- Gonorrhea or Chlamydia testing positive
- Increased Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate or C-Reactive Protein
- PID findings on diagnostic study (see below)
- Most specific findings (not required and rarely indicated unless refractory to management or unclear diagnosis)
- Laparoscopy findings consistent with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
- Endometrial Biopsy with histology suggestive of Endometritis
- Imaging (Transvaginal Ultrasound or MRI) with classic findings
- Thickened, fluid filled tubes
- Free pelvic fluid may be present
- Tubo-ovarian complex
- Tubal hyperemia on Doppler Ultrasound
XI. Differential Diagnosis
- See Acute Pelvic Pain
- See Acute Pelvic Pain Causes
- Lower genital tract infection (Cervicitis, Vaginitis)
- Vaginal discomfort, mucopurulent discharge and Dysuria may be present
- Pelvic Pain and fever are absent (contrast with PID)
- Ruptured Ovarian Cyst
- Sudden onset of mid-cycle, unilateral Pelvic Pain
Ectopic Pregnancy
- Unilateral pain
- Positive Pregnancy Test
- Afebrile
- White Blood Cell Count normal
- Hypotension or Anemia
- Periumbilical or Right Lower Quadrant Abdominal Pain
- Peritoneal signs
- Vomiting, Anorexia
Urinary Tract Infection (including Pyelonephritis)
- Dysuria, frequency, urgency
- No Cervical Motion Tenderness or Vaginal Discharge
Ovarian Torsion
- More localized, unilateral severe, sudden onset Pelvic Pain
- Afebrile
- White Blood Cell Count normal
- Endometriosis
- Endometritis (component of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease)
Ureteral Stone
- Unilateral Flank Pain or Pelvic Pain
- Nausea, Vomiting
- Other common causes
XII. Labs
- Do not delay treatment while waiting for lab results
- Delayed Antibiotics by 2-3 days increases Infertility and future Ectopic Pregnancy risk by 3 fold
- Inflammatory markers (if all normal, PID is very unlikely)
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Elevated Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate or C-Reactive Protein
- Vaginal secretion exam (saline Wet Prep)
- Identifies Trichomonas vaginalis and Bacterial Vaginosis
- White Blood Cells >10/hpf is suggestive of Cervicitis
- Vaginal PMNs (Negative Predictive Value 95%)
Sexually Transmitted Infection screening
- DNA probe PCR for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia
- Cervical specimen recommended over urine specimen
- Test Sensitivity and Test Specificity are high
- Trichomonas PCR
- Mycoplasma Genitalium PCR
- Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR)
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus Test (HIV Test)
- DNA probe PCR for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia
- Other initial labs
- Urinalysis
- Urine Pregnancy Test (all patients)
- Exclude Ectopic Pregnancy if positive
- Blood Cultures
- Complete Blood Count
- C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
- High CRP levels are associated with Tubo-Ovarian Abscess
XIII. Imaging
- Indications
- Imaging is not required for PID diagnosis (PID is a clinical diagnosis)
- Consider in nonspecific or vague clinical presentations
- Tuboovarian Abscess suspected
- Ectopic Pregnancy suspected
- Ovarian Torsion
- Alternative intraabdominal diagnosis is considered (e.g. Diverticulitis, Appendicitis)
- Transvaginal pelvic Ultrasound
- Preferred first-line imaging
- Efficacy for diagnosing PID
- Test Sensitivity: 30%
- Test Specificity: 76%
- Pelvic free fluid in cul-de-sac
- Tubo-Ovarian Abscess may be present
- Doppler demonstrates tubal hyperemia
- Fallopian tube changes
- Thickened fallopian tube wall >5 mm
- Fluid filled fallopian tubes
- Incomplete septae in fallopian tube (tuboovarian complex or mass)
- Cogwheel sign on tube cross-section view
- CT Pelvis with IV contrast
- Consider when differential diagnosis is broad (e.g. Appendicitis, Diverticulitis, malignancy)
- Efficacy for diagnosing PID
- Test Sensitivity: 79%
- Test Specificity: 99%
- Findings
- Pelvic floor fascial, Adnexal inflammation
- Uterosacral ligament thickening
- Pelvic free fluid
- MRI Pelvis
- Efficacy for diagnosing PID
- Test Sensitivity: 81-95%
- Test Specificity: 89-100%
- Tubo-Ovarian Abscess may be present
- Pelvic free fluid
- Fallopian tube changes
- Fluid filled fallopian tubes
- Ovaries have polycystic appearance
- References
- Efficacy for diagnosing PID
XIV. Diagnostics
Endometrial Biopsy: Endometritis
- Test Sensitivity: 74%
- Test Specificity: 84%
- Laparoscopy
- Indicated for unclear diagnosis
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease misdiagnosed 25% time
XV. Management: General
- Treat patient's sexual contacts within last 60 days empirically for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia
- Abstain from sexual intercourse for >7 days AND until patient and partner have completed treatment
- Counsel on safe sex
- Consider Expedited Partner Treatment (esp. if sex partners do not have medical contact)
- Cefixime 800 mg orally once AND Doxycycline 100 mg orally twice daily for 7 days (or Azithromycin 1 g once)
- Legality varies by U.S. State
- Start empiric therapy if minimal criteria present
- Do not delay treatment
- Delay >2-3 days increases ectopic and Infertility risk by 3 fold (see above)
- Antibiotics should cover Gonorrhea and Chlamydia
- Follow-up
- Within 48 to 72 hours of hospital discharge or start of outpatient management
- Repeat STD testing in 3 months (Gonorrhea and Chlamydia)
- Intended to test for new infection
- Discuss risk of PID complications (Ectopic Pregnancy, Infertility)
XVI. Management: Special Populations
Intrauterine Device (IUD) removal is controversial
- IUD increases PID for only first 3 to 6 weeks following insertion
- Historically, IUD has been removed at time of PID diagnosis
- No evidence supports removal of IUD in PID
- Close follow-up is critical for those who developed PID with IUD in place
- IUD may be left in place if improving by 48 to 72 hours
- If not improving at 48 to 72 hours, remove IUD
- Tubo-Ovarian Abscess may occur with Actinomyces infection (Tubo-Ovarian Actinomycosis)
- Complicated by multiple abscesses, fibrosis and granulation tissue development
- Imaging demonstrates multiple solid lesions of contrast enhancement within abscesses
- HIV positive women
- May be treated with same Antibiotics and guidelines as non-HIV patients
- Higher risk of Tubo-Ovarian Abscess
- More likely to be infected with Mycoplasma genitalum or Streptococcus than with Gonorrhea or Chlamydia
- Consult infectious disease and consider Antibiotic modification if not improving
- Pregnant women
- PID is less common in pregnancy, but can occur in first trimester before formation of mucous plug
- Pregnant women with PID have increased complications (Preterm Labor, Chorioamnionitis, higher mortality)
- Admit and initiate ParenteralAntibiotics for initial PID treatment in pregnancy
- Treat with Cefoxitin and Azithromycin one gram
Antibiotic resistant cases
- Consider Mycoplasma genitalum
XVII. Management: Outpatient
- Indications
- Temperature <=38 C (100.4 F)
- White Blood Cell Count <11,000 mm3
- Minimal peritoneal findings
- Tolerating food and fluids
- Step 1: Initial Treatment at Diagnosis (with step 2)
- Gonorrhea management
- Ceftriaxone 500 mg IM/IV for 1 dose (1 gram IM/IV if weight > 150 kg or Tubo-Ovarian Abscess) OR
- Gentamicin 240 mg IM and Azithromycin 2 g orally for one dose (if true Cephalosporin allergy) OR
- Cefoxitin 2 g IM AND probenacid 1 g orally
- Cefixime 800 mg orally once is an alternative but NOT recommended due to Antibiotic Resistance
- Chlamydia management
- Doxycycline 100 mg twice daily for 7 days (preferred as of 2020, 14 days covers full PID course) OR
- Azithromycin 1 g orally for 1 dose (NOT recommended - see below)
- References
- Gonorrhea management
- Step 2: Outpatient 14 day Antibiotic course
- Select general Antibiotic coverage
- Doxycycline 100 mg PO every 12 hours for 14 days (75% cure, preferred agent) or
- Azithromycin 1 gram orally once weekly for 2 weeks (alternative option, not CDC guideline)
- Consider adding anaerobic coverage (if Trichomoniasis, BV, recent uterine instrumentation)
- Anaerobic coverage (esp. Metronidazole) is frequently recommended in PID cases as of 2023
- Metronidazole 500 mg orally twice daily for 14 days (preferred) OR
- Clindamycin 450 mg PO four times daily for 14 days
- Agents to avoid
- Fluoroquinolones are no longer recommended
- However may be considered as alternative agent in cases where Gonorrhea is unlikely
- Patient/community are low risk for GC, GC testing obtained, patient reliable for followup
- In these cases, Fluoroquinolones are combined WITH Metronidazole 500 mg every 12 hours for 14 days:
- Ofloxacin 400 mg orally twice daily OR
- Levofloxacin 500 mg orally daily OR
- Moxifloxacin (Avelox) 400 mg orally daily
- Preferred treatment if Mycoplasma genitalum is identified
- However may be considered as alternative agent in cases where Gonorrhea is unlikely
- Cohorts at highest risk for Fluoroquinolone resistance
- Homosexual men and any female sexual contacts
- Endemic areas
- Asia: China, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Vietnam
- Other: England, Wales, Australia
- US: California
- Fluoroquinolones are no longer recommended
- Select general Antibiotic coverage
XVIII. Management: Inpatient
- Hospitalization Indications
- Severe illness
- Toxic appearance
- High fever (>101.3 F)
- Unable to take oral fluids or oral medications (intractable Nausea, Vomiting)
- Unclear diagnosis
- Pelvic abscess (Tubo-Ovarian Abscess)
- Requires at least 24 hours of Parenteral therapy inpatient
- Pregnancy
- PID increases the risk of Intrauterine Fetal Demise and preterm birth
- Adolescents
- Outpatient treatment failure
- Failure to improve after 3 days of outpatient Antibiotics
- Persistent fever, pain or tenderness
- Unreliable patient
- HIV Infection alone is NOT an indication for hospitalization (unless other factors present)
- Severe illness
- Inpatient treatment Regimens
- General
- Treat for at least 48 hours IV or oral regimen tolerated, affebrile and decreasing Leukocytosis
- Regimen A (preferred)
- Cefoxitin 2g IV every 6 hours OR Cefotetan 2g IV every 12 hours OR Ceftriaxone 1 g IV every 24 hours AND
- Doxycycline 100 mg oral or IV q12h AND
- Metronidazole 500 mg IV or oral every 12 hours (if using Ceftriaxone)
- Regimen B (consider in Cephalosporin allergy or pregnancy)
- Clindamycin 900 mg IV every 8 hours AND
- Gentamicin 2 mg/kg IV load, then 1.5 mg/kg IV every 8 hours
- Alternative: Conversion to single daily dosing (at 3-5 mg/kg)
- Alternative
- Ampicillin/Sulbactam (Unasyn) 3g IV q6 hours AND
- Doxycycline 100 mg PO or IV q12 hours
- Other options that are not recommended (if Cephalosporin and Penicillin allergic)
- Regimen C (only used as alternative if low Gonorrhea criteria met as listed above)
- Ofloxacin 400 mg IV q12h or Levoquin 500 IV qd and
- Metronidazole 500 IV q8 hours
- Regimen C (only used as alternative if low Gonorrhea criteria met as listed above)
- Discharge Regimen (after IV Antibiotics above)
- See Outpatient Management Step 2 above
- Discontinue 24 hours after clinical improvement and complete therapy with oral Antibiotics
- Doxycycline 100 mg orally twice daily for 14 days or
- Clindamycin 450 mg PO qid for 14 days
- General
XIX. Course
- Expect clinical symptom improvement within first 72 hours of treatment
- Lack of improvement after 72 hours requires additional evaluation
- Consider inpatient Parenteral therapy
- Broaden Antibiotic coverage
- Consider Ultrasound to assess for Tubo-Ovarian Abscess
XX. Prevention
- Screen all sexually active women age <25 years for Chlamydia
- Re-screen for STD 3 months after PID episode (Gonorrhea and Chlamydia)
- Re-screen pregnant patients after 4 weeks
- Encourage barrier Contraception (Condom use)
- Prophylactic Antibiotic indications for women with history of PID
- Hysterosalpingography
- Uterine evacuation for pregnancy loss
XXI. Complications: Acute
- Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome or Perihepatitis (5-10% of PID patients)
- Hematogenous or transperitoneal spread of Chlamydia or Gonorrhea to peri-hepatic region
- Presents with right upper quadrant pain and tenderness, as well as Pleuritic Chest Pain
- Liver Function Tests may be elevated
Tubo-Ovarian Abscess (17-20% of PID patients)
- See Tubo-Ovarian Abscess
- Associated with peritonitis and Sepsis risk
- More common with delay in treatment
- Admit all patients with Tubo-Ovarian Abscess
- Management is a combination of IV Antibiotics and in some cases surgical drainage
- Refractory Infection
- Mycoplasma Genitalium
- Consider if persistent findings at 7-10 days
- Treat with Moxifloxacin 400 mg orally daily for 14 days
- Mycoplasma Genitalium
XXII. Complications: Chronic
- Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
- Infertility associated with tubal scarring (16 to 20%)
- Chronic Pelvic Pain (18%)
- Tubal Pregnancy (9%)
XXIII. Resources
- Munro (2018) Diagnosis and Management of Tubo-Ovarian Abscess, TOG, 20(1):11-9
XXIV. References
- Harmon and Welsh (2018) Crit Dec Emerg Med 32(9): 16
- Martin and Khoujah (2023) Crit Dec Emerg Med 37(10): 22-9
- (2002) MMWR Recomm Rep 51(RR-6):1-78 [PubMed]
- Brunham (2015) N Engl J Med 372(21):2039-48 [PubMed]
- Crossman (2006) Am Fam Physician 73(5):859-64 [PubMed]
- Curry (2019) Am Fam Physician 100(6): 357-64 [PubMed]
- Gradison (2012) Am Fam Physician 85(8): 791-6 [PubMed]
- Miller (2003) Am Fam Physician 67(9):1915-22 [PubMed]
- Workowski (2010) MMWR Recomm Rep 59(RR-12): 1-110 [PubMed]
- Workowski (2015) MMWR Recomm Rep 64(RR-3):1-137 [PubMed]
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Ontology: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (C0242172)
Definition (MSHCZE) | Spektrum zánětlivých procesů u žen v oblasti horního genitálního traktu a souvisejících tkáních. To je obvykle způsobeno postupující infekcí v organismu z oblasti endocervixu výše. Infekce může být omezena na dělohu (ENDOMETRITIDA), VEJCOVODY (SALPINGITIDA), vaječníky (OOFORITIDA), podpůrné ligamenty (PARAMETRITIDA) nebo může napadnout více uvedených orgánů. Takový zánět může vést k funkčnímu poškození těchto orgánů a k neplodnosti. |
Definition (MEDLINEPLUS) |
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection and inflammation of the uterus, ovaries, and other female reproductive organs. It causes scarring in these organs. This can lead to infertility, ectopic pregnancy, pelvic pain, abscesses, and other serious problems. PID is the most common preventable cause of infertility in the United States. Gonorrhea and chlamydia, two sexually transmitted diseases, are the most common causes of PID. Other bacteria can also cause it. You are at greater risk if you
Some women have no symptoms. Others have pain in the lower abdomen, fever, smelly vaginal discharge, irregular bleeding, and pain during intercourse or urination. Doctors diagnose PID with a physical exam, lab tests, and imaging tests. Antibiotics can cure PID. Early treatment is important. Waiting too long increases the risk of infertility. NIH: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases |
Definition (NCI_FDA) | Any pelvic infection involving the upper female genital tract beyond the cervix. |
Definition (NCI) | Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an acute or chronic inflammation in the pelvic cavity. It is most commonly caused by sexually transmitted diseases, including chlamydia and gonorrhea that have ascended into the uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries as a result of intercourse or childbirth, or of surgical procedures, including insertion of IUDs or abortion. PID may be either symptomatic or asymptomatic. It may cause infertility and it may raise the risk of ectopic pregnancy. PID is a disease associated with HIV infection. |
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS) | A condition in which the female reproductive organs are inflamed. It may affect the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and certain ligaments. Pelvic inflammatory disease is usually caused by a bacterial infection. It may cause infertility and an increased risk of an ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy in the fallopian tubes). |
Definition (NCI_CTCAE) | A disorder characterized by an infectious process involving the pelvic cavity. |
Definition (CSP) | spectrum of inflammation involving the female upper genital tract and the supporting tissues; is usually caused by an ascending infection of organisms from the endocervix that may be confined to the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, the supporting ligaments, or may involve several of the above uterine appendages; such inflammation can lead to functional impairment and infertility. |
Definition (MSH) | A spectrum of inflammation involving the female upper genital tract and the supporting tissues. It is usually caused by an ascending infection of organisms from the endocervix. Infection may be confined to the uterus (ENDOMETRITIS), the FALLOPIAN TUBES; (SALPINGITIS); the ovaries (OOPHORITIS), the supporting ligaments (PARAMETRITIS), or may involve several of the above uterine appendages. Such inflammation can lead to functional impairment and infertility. |
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English | Disease, Pelvic Inflammatory, Diseases, Pelvic Inflammatory, Inflammatory Disease, Pelvic, Inflammatory Diseases, Pelvic, Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases, PELVIC INFLAMMATION, Disease, Inflammatory Pelvic, Diseases, Inflammatory Pelvic, Inflammatory Pelvic Disease, Inflammatory Pelvic Diseases, Pelvic Disease, Inflammatory, Pelvic Diseases, Inflammatory, Female pelvic inflam disease, Female pelvic inflam.dis.NOS, Female pelvic inflammatory disease NOS, Female pelvic inflammatory diseases NOS, Inflammatory diseases of female pelvic organs, Inflammtry dis/fem pelv org, [X]Inflammatory diseases of female pelvic organs, [X]Inflammtry dis/fem pelv org, Female pelvic inflammatory disease, unspecified, PELVIC INFLAMM DIS, INFLAMM PELVIC DIS, PELVIC DIS INFLAMM, INFLAMM DIS PELVIC, pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic inflammatory disease (diagnosis), PID, PID - pelvic inflammatory dis, Disease pelvic inflammatory, Pelvic inflammatory disease NOS, PID Pelvic inflammatory disease, Inflammation pelvic, Pelvic inflammation, Pelvic Infection, Fem pelv inflam dis NOS, Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), Pelvic Inflammatory Disease [Disease/Finding], pelvic inflammation, pelvic inflammatory diseases, Disease;pelvic inflammatory, Infection;pelvic inflammatory, inflammatory pelvic disease, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), pid, Inflammatory diseases of female pelvic organs (N70-N77), Female pelvic inflammatory disease NOS (disorder), Pelvic inflam. disease NOS, [X]Inflammatory diseases of female pelvic organs (disorder), Female pelvic infection, Inflammatory disease of female pelvic organs AND/OR tissues (disorder), Inflam. dis.- pelvic, Female pelvic inflammatory diseases NOS (disorder), DISEASE (PID), PELVIC INFLAMMATORY, PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE, (PID), PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE, Pelvic infection, PID, PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE, INFLAMMATORY DISEASE (PID), PELVIC, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Female pelvic inflammation, Female pelvic inflammatory disease, PID - pelvic inflammatory disease, Female pelvic inflammatory disease (disorder), Inflammatory disease of female pelvic organs AND/OR tissues, inflammation; pelvic, pelvic inflammatory disease; female, Inflammatory disease of female pelvic organs and tissues, NOS, Inflammatory disease of female pelvic organs AND/OR tissues [Ambiguous], Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Unspecified inflammatory disease of female pelvic organs and tissues, INFLAMMATORY DISEASE OF FEMALE PELVIC ORGANS, pelvic inflammatory infection |
Dutch | ontsteking bekken, niet-gespecificeerde ontstekingsziekte van de vrouwelijke bekkenorganen en -weefsels, bekkenontstekingsziekte NAO, ontstekingsziekte bekken, PID Pelvic inflammatory disease, bekkenontsteking, Ontsteking kleine bekken/ PID, bekkenontsteking; vrouw, ontsteking; bekken, Ontstekingsprocessen in vrouwelijk bekken, niet gespecificeerd, bekkenontstekingsziekte, Adnexitis, PID, Pelvic inflammatory disease |
French | Pelvi-péritonite, Inflammation pelvienne SAI, Maladie inflammatoire pelvienne (MIP), Maladie inflammatoire non précisée des organes et tissus pelviens chez la gemme, Inflammation pelvienne, Atteinte inflammatoire pelvienne, AIP (Atteinte inflammatoire pelvienne), MIP (Maladie inflammatoire pelvienne), Syndrome inflammatoire pelvien, INFLAMMATION PELVIENNE, PID, Maladie pelvienne inflammatoire, Maladie inflammatoire pelvienne, Inflammation du pelvis |
German | Beckenentzuendung NNB, Entzuendung des Beckens, PID Beckenentzuendung, unspezifische Entzuendungen der Organe und Gewebe des weiblichen Beckens, BECKENENTZUENDUNG, Entzuendliche Krankheit im weiblichen Becken, nicht naeher bezeichnet, PID, Beckenentzuendung, Entzündliche Erkrankung des Beckens |
Italian | Infiammazione pelvica, Malattia infiammatoria non specificata degli organi e dei tessuti pelvici femminili, Malattia infiammatoria pelvica NAS, Malattia infiammatoria pelvica |
Portuguese | Inflamação pélvica, Doença inflamatória pélvica, Doença inflamatória pélvica NE, Doença inflamatória NE dos órgãos e tecidos pélvicos femininos, INFLAMACAO PELVICA, DIP, Doença Inflamatória da Pelve, Doença Pélvica Inflamatória, Doença pélvica inflamatória, Doença Inflamatória Pélvica |
Spanish | Enfermedad inflamatoria no especificada de los órganos y tejidos pélvicos femeninos, Inflamación pélvica, Enfermedad inlamatoria pélvica, Enfermedad inflamatoria de la pelvis NEOM, Enfermedad inflamatoria pélvica EIP, PELVIS, INFLAMACION, enfermedad inflamatoria pélvica femenina, SAI (trastorno), enfermedad inflamatoria pélvica, [X]enfermedades inflamatorias de órganos pélvicos femeninos, enfermedad inflamatoria pélvica femenina, SAI, enfermedad inflamatoria de los órganos Y/O tejidos pélvicos (concepto no activo), enfermedad pélvica inflamatoria, [X]enfermedades inflamatorias de órganos pélvicos femeninos (trastorno), enfermedad inflamatoria pelviana, enfermedad inflamatoria de los órganos Y/O tejidos pelvianos, enfermedades inflamatorias pélvicas femeninas, SAI (trastorno), EPI, enfermedades inflamatorias pélvicas femeninas, SAI, Female pelvic inflammatory disease NOS, enfermedad inflamatoria de los órganos Y/O tejidos pélvicos, EIP, enfermedad inflamatoria pélvica en la mujer (trastorno), enfermedad inflamatoria pélvica en la mujer, enfermedad inflamatoria pélvica femenina, inflamación pélvica femenina, Enfermedad inflamatoria pélvica, Enfermedad Inflamatoria Pélvica |
Japanese | 骨盤内炎症性疾患NOS, 骨盤内炎症, コツバンナイエンショウセイシッカン, コツバンナイエンショウ, コツバンナイエンショウセイシッカンNOS, 骨盤内炎症性疾患, 子宮付属器炎, 付属器炎 |
Finnish | Sisäsynnytintulehdus |
Czech | Pánevní zánětlivé onemocnění, Pánevní zánětlivé onemocnění NOS, Zánět v pánvi, Zánětlivé onemocnění orgánů malé pánve, Pánevní zánět, Blíže neurčené zánětlivé onemocnění ženských pánevních orgánů a tkání, pánev - zánětlivé nemoci, pánevní zánět, pánevní zánětlivá onemocnění |
Korean | 상세불명의 여성 골반의 염증성 질환 |
Swedish | Bäckeninflammation |
Polish | Choroba zapalna miednicy |
Hungarian | Kismedencei gyulladás, kismedencei gyulladásos betegség k.m.n., PID (kismedencei gyulladásos betegség), pelvikus gyulladás, kismedencei gyulladásos betegség, pelvikus gyulladásos betegség, Női kismedencei szervek és szövetek nem meghatározott gyulladásos betegsége, PID |
Norwegian | Bekkenbetennelse, Bekkeninflammasjon, Pelvioperitonitt |
Ontology: Gonococcal Perihepatitis (C0341816)
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
MSH | C537936 |
SnomedCT | 186941004, 237042003 |
English | Fitz-Hugh-Curtis synd-gonococ, gonococcal perihepatitis (diagnosis), gonococcal perihepatitis, Perihepatitis gonococcal, Perihepatitis Syndrome, Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome, Gonococcal Perihepatitis, Gonococcal peri-hepatitis, Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome - gonococcal, Gonococcal perihepatitis, Gonococcal perihepatitis (disorder) |
Italian | Periepatite gonococcica |
Japanese | 淋菌性肝周囲炎, リンキンセイカンシュウイエン |
Czech | Gonokoková perihepatitida |
Hungarian | gonococcalis perihepatitis |
Spanish | perihepatitis gonocócica (trastorno), perihepatitis gonocócica, síndrome de Fitz-Hugh-Curtis - gonocócico, Perihepatitis gonocócica |
Portuguese | Perihepatite gonocócica |
Dutch | gonokokkenperihepatitis |
French | Péri-hépatite gonococcique |
German | Perihepatitis durch Gonokokken |
Ontology: Chlamydial perihepatitis (C0341817)
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
SnomedCT | 237043008 |
English | Fitz-Hugh-Curtis synd-chlamyd, chlamydial perihepatitis, chlamydial perihepatitis (diagnosis), Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome - chlamydial, Chlamydial perihepatitis, Chlamydial perihepatitis (disorder) |
Spanish | perihepatitis por clamidias (trastorno), perihepatitis por clamidias, síndrome de Fitz-Hugh-Curtis - por clamidias |
Ontology: Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome (C0549148)
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
SnomedCT | 237041005, 186940003, 26790000 |
English | Fitzhugh Curtis syndrome, Fitz-Hugh and Curtis syndrome, Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome, curtis fitzhugh syndrome, fitzhugh curtis syndrome, fitzhugh-curtis syndrome, fitz-hugh-curtis syndrome, Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome (disorder), Fitz-Hugh (etiology), Fitz-Hugh (manifestation) |
Spanish | Síndrome de Fitz-Hugh-Curtis, síndrome de Fitz - Hugh - Curtis, síndrome de Fitz-Hugh-Curtis (trastorno), síndrome de Fitz-Hugh-Curtis |
Portuguese | Síndrome de Fitz-Hugh-Curtis |
Dutch | Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndroom |
French | Syndrome de Fitz-Hugh-Curtis |
German | Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrom |
Hungarian | Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndroma |
Czech | Fitz-Hugh-Curtisův syndrom |
Italian | Sindrome di Fitz-Hugh-Curtis |
Japanese | フィッツヒューカーチスショウコウグン, フィッツ・ヒュー・カーチス症候群 |