II. Definitions
- Chemical Intoxication
- Reversible substance-specific syndrome
- Due to recent ingestion
- Behavioral or psychological maladaption
- Hazardous Use
- Substance use that puts the user at risk for harmful consequences
- Highest risk substances: Heroin, Methamphetamine, crack Cocaine
- Withdrawal
- Substance-specific reaction to cessation of intake
- Substance Misuse
- Substance use that does not meet criteria for Substance Use Disorder AND
- Substance used in hazardous situations, or Alcohol that is used more than low-risk
III. Epidemiology
- Prevalence (2015, U.S. over age 10 years old): 10% (>20 Million)
- Teenagers <14 years old who use substances will have a 33% risk of Substance Use Disorder longterm
- Substance use goes undiagnosed in 43% of cases in the primary care setting
IV. Pathophysiology
V. Preparations: Primary abused substances
- Precautions
- Substances of abuse are difficult to distinguish by sight
- White powder could be Cocaine, Methamphetamine, synthetic Opioids, NBOMe or bath salts
- Crystals could be Crystal Meth, U-47700
- Many substances of abuse are reformulated into tablets
- Fentanyl may be formed in tablets similar to Oxycodone or Hydrocodone
- See Alcohol Abuse
Ethanol-based hand sanitizer (especially in health care centers)
- Hand sanitizer can cause significant Alcohol Intoxication (60% Alcohol)
- Some abusers of hand sanitizer extract the Alcohol with salt
Cannabinoids (Marijuana, K2, Spice)
- See Marijuana (includes Synthetic Cannabinoids such as K2)
- Most common drug of abuse in U.S. and progressively increasing annually among grades 8-12
- Opioids (e.g. Oxycodone, Morphine, Heroin)
- Sedative-Hypnotics
- Stimulants
Volatile Inhalants (Sniffing, Huffing, Bagging)
- More common drug of abuse in ages 10-14 years old
- Risk of Sudden Sniffing Death Syndrome
- Ketamine Abuse (and Methoxetamine)
- Phencyclidine (PCP)
- Other intoxicants
VI. Preparations: Prescription and OTC Drug Abuse
- Amphetamines
- Benzodiazepines
- Opioids
- Dextromethorphan (used at high doses as an Opioid)
- Used at high doses as a Hallucinogenic
- Other Anticholinergic Medications have been similarly abused (e.g. Dicyclomine, Oxybutynin)
- Diphenhydramine Overdose also risks Seizures, coma and death
VII. Preparations: Prescribed and OTC Medications that potentiate Drugs of Abuse
- Used to enhance effects of crack Cocaine
- Clonidine (Catapres)
Bupropion (Wellbutrin)
- Crushed and snorted to induce a high ("poor man's Cocaine")
- Used to synthesize Methamphetamine
- Quetipine (Seroquel)
- Used to enhance the effects of Heroin or for calming
Loperamide (Imodium)
- Used in doses as high as 60 mg/day for Opioid effects or for Opioid Withdrawal symptoms
- Gabapentin (Neurontin) or Pregabalin (Lyrica)
- References
- (2015) Presc Lett 22(10):59
VIII. Evaluation
IX. Diagnosis: Substance Use Disorder (DSM-5)
- Problematic pattern of use of intoxicating substance over a 12 month period and
- Not specifically otherwise classified (e.g. Alcohol, Caffeine, Cannabis, Hallucinogen, inhalant, opiod, Sedative, stimulant)
- Clinically Significant Impairment or distress and
- At least 2 of the following criteria present
- Consumption in larger amounts (or for longer duration) than intended
- Persistent desire or unsuccessful attempts to cut down or control substance use
- Significant time spent to obtain the substance (e.g. driving long distances between multiple prescribing doctors)
- Craving or a strong desire or urge to use the substance
- Gives up important social, occupational or recreational activities to recurrently use the substance
- Persistent use despite negative consequences (social, occupational, psychological, physical)
- Recurrent substance us in physically hazardous situations (e.g. DUI)
- Continued substance use despite causing or worsening physical or psychological problems
- Tolerance
- Markedly increased substance amounts needed for Intoxication or
- Markedly diminished effect with the same substance amount
- Withdrawal
- Characteristic withdrawal syndrome for the substance
- Substance is used to avoid withdrawal symptoms
- Qualifiers
- Early Remission
- No substance use criteria (other than craving) are met for 3-12 month period
- Sustained Remission
- No substance use criteria (other than craving) are met for >12 month period
- Controlled Environment
- Patient remains in a setting for which substance access is restricted
- Early Remission
X. Management
- See Chemical Dependency Management
- See Chemical Dependency Brief Counseling
- See Substance Abuse Aftercare
- See Teen Substance Abuse
- See Substance Abuse in Pregnancy
- See Chemical Dependency Resources
- See Alcoholism Management
- See Tobacco Cessation
- See Opioid Addiction Management
- See Methamphetamine Abuse
- See Benzodiazepine Abuse
- See Cannabis Abuse
XI. Resources
XII. References
- (2013) DSM 5 Manual, APA, Washington, D.C.
- (2020) Presc Lett 27(11): 61-2
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Related Studies
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Czech | abúzus psychoaktivních látek, Zneužívání léku nebo návykové látky |
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Norwegian | Stoffmisbruk |
Ontology: Drug Dependence (C1510472)
Definition (NCI) | Drug dependence - replaced the term "drug addiction" and is defined as a state, psychic and sometimes also physical, resulting from the interaction between a living organism and a drug, characterized by behavioral and other responses that always include a compulsion to take the drug on a continuous or periodic basis in order to experience its psychic effects, and sometimes to avoid the discomfort of its absence. Tolerance may or may not be present. A person may be dependent on more than one drug. |
Definition (PSY) | Physical and emotional dependence on a chemical substance. Compare DRUG DEPENDENCY. |
Definition (PSY) | Psychological craving for or habituation to the use of a chemical substance which may or may not be accompanied by physical dependency. Used for animal or human populations. Compare DRUG ADDICTION. |
Definition (CSP) | state of heavy dependence on any drug, including alcohol; sometimes defined as physical dependence but usually also including emotional dependence, i.e., compulsive or pathological drug use. |
Concepts | Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction (T048) |
MSH | D019966 |
ICD9 | 304.9, 304 |
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LNC | LA6189-0 |
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Italian | Dipendenza da droghe, Dipendenza da droghe non specificata, Farmacodipendenza, Farmacodipendenza NAS, Dipendenza da farmaci (NAS), Dipendenza, qualunque farmaco, Dipendenza da farmaci |
Dutch | niet-gespecificeerde drugsafhankelijkheid, drugsverslaving, drugsafhankelijkheid, niet-gespecificeerd, verslaving aan een middel, drugsafhankelijkheid (NAO), drugsafhankelijkheid NAO, afhankelijkheid; drugs, afhankelijkheid; geneesmiddel of drug, afhankelijkheid; stof, drug; afhankelijkheidssyndroom, drugs; afhankelijkheidssyndroom, drugsafhankelijkheid, Drugafhankelijkheid |
French | Toxicomanie, non précisée, Addiction aux drogues, Dépendance à une drogue non précisée, Dépendance aux drogues SAI, Addiction à une drogue, Toxicomanie, Pharmacodépendance, ACCOUTUMANCE AUX DROGUES, PHARMACODEPENDANCE, Dépendance pharmacomédicamenteuse |
German | Drogenabhaengigkeit, unspezifisch, Sucht nach Drogen, unspezifische Drogenabhaengigkeit, Sucht, beliebige Droge, Suchtdroge (NNB), Arzneimittelsucht, Drogenabhaengigkeit NNB, Arzneimittelabhängigkeit, ARZNEIMITTELABHAENGIGKEIT, ARZNEIMITTELSUCHT, MEDIKAMENTENABHAENGIGKEIT, Arzneimittelabhaengigkeit, Drogenabhängigkeit, Medikamentenabhängigkeit |
Portuguese | Toxicodependência NE, Fármacodependência, Dependência de qualquer droga, Dependência de drogas, Dependência de Drogas, FARMACODEPENDENCIA, HABITUACAO A QUALQUER DROGA, TOXICODEPENDENCIA, Drogadição, Farmacodepência |
Spanish | Dependencia de drogas no especificadas, Toxicomanía, Dependencia de drogas NEOM, Adicción a cualquier droga, Adicción a drogas, Dependencia a drogas (NEOM), Dependencia a Drogas, ADICCION A CUALQUIER FARMACO, ADICCION A FARMACOS, DEPENDENCIA DE FARMACOS, Drogadicción, drogadependencia, SAI (trastorno), drogadependencia, SAI, Drug dependence NOS, adicción a drogas, adicción a las drogas, dependencia de drogas (trastorno), dependencia de drogas, dependencia de fármacos, dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas (trastorno), dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas, dependencia de sustancias, drogadicción, toxicomanía, Dependencia de drogas, drogadependencia (trastorno), drogadependencia |
Japanese | 薬物依存、詳細不明, 薬物依存, 薬物依存NOS, 薬物嗜癖, 薬物依存(NOS), ヤクブツシヘキ, ヤクブツイゾンショウサイフメイ, ヤクブツイゾンNOS, ヤクブツイゾン |
Czech | Drogová závislost, Závislost na drogách NOS, Závislost na drogách (NOS), Závislost na drogách, Závislost na drogách, blíže neurčená, Blíže neurčená závislost na drogách, Závislost na jakékoli droze, závislost na drogách, drogová závislost |
Hungarian | Szer addictio, Szerfüggőség (k.m.n.), Szerfüggőség, Szer függőség k.m.n., Szer függőség, nem meghatározott, Szer függőség, Nem meghatározott szer függőség |
Norwegian | Rusmiddelavhengighet |