II. Type

  1. Process Addiction
  2. Paraphilia
    1. Abnormal Sexual arousal to objects or situations
    2. Interferes with capacity for reciprocal affection

III. Pathophysiology

  1. Central Tenets
    1. Pain of abandonment or neglect
    2. Search for attachment
    3. Self doubt
      1. Internal sense of decreased self worth
      2. If people would know me, they wouldn't like me
    4. Needs can not be met by others
  2. Pathway
    1. Neurologic pathways craving for Ecstasy
      1. Arousal
      2. Sedation
      3. Hallucination
    2. Sexual Fantasy
    3. Rituals and preparations
      1. Dressing
      2. Obtaining money
      3. Planning the place
    4. Orgasm
    5. Withdrawal

IV. Criteria (DSM IIIR)

  1. Persistent desire or effort to cut down on behavior
  2. Considerable time spent achieving the activity
  3. Social, Occupational, and Recreational Impairment

V. Symptoms

  1. Secrecy
  2. Abuse
    1. Sex that crosses significant boundaries
    2. Sex with children, patients, students, subordinates
  3. Mood swings
    1. Shame and despair of having unwanted sex
  4. Empty relationships
    1. Sex with people you don't know or don't like
  5. Compromised values
    1. Behavior violates values
    2. Continues despite dramatic efforts to stop

VII. Types of Activity

  1. Level I: Benign
    1. Hypersexual with single partner
    2. Frequent masturbation or Pornography
    3. Fetishism, Masochism, or Sadism
    4. Transvestic fetishism
    5. Telephone sex or Cybersex
    6. Strip Club attendance
    7. Massage Parlor
    8. Prostitution
    9. Infidelity
  2. Level II: Not tolerated by society
    1. Voyeurism
    2. Exhibitionism
    3. Sexual Harassment
    4. Obscene Telephone calls
    5. Frotteurism (Brushes up against others)
  3. Level III: Not tolerated, and highly criminal
    1. Pedophiles
    2. Rapes
    3. Child molestation
    4. Child pornography
    5. Incest

VIII. Management

  1. Twelve step program

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Ontology: Paraphilias (C0030482)

Definition (MSH) Disorders that include recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors generally involving nonhuman objects, suffering of oneself or partners, or children or other nonconsenting partners. (from DSM-IV, 1994)
Definition (PSY) Sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors generally involving themes of suffering, humiliation, sexual activity with non-consenting partners, or an orientation toward non-human objects for sexual arousal.
Concepts Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction (T048)
MSH D010262
ICD10 F65
SnomedCT 231533007, 50299009
DSM4 302.9
English PARAPHILIAS, paraepithymia, parasexuality, paraphilia, paraphilia (diagnosis), Paraphilias [Disease/Finding], aberrations sexual, sexual deviation, sexual perversion, disorders paraphilia, paraphilias, sexual deviations, Paraphilias, Paraphilia, Paraphilia (disorder), Paraphilia, NOS, Paraphilia NOS
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Japanese 性嗜好異常, セイシコウイジョウ
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Dutch parafilie, parafilieën, Parafilieën
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