II. Type
- Process Addiction
- Paraphilia
- Abnormal Sexual arousal to objects or situations
- Interferes with capacity for reciprocal affection
III. Pathophysiology
- Central Tenets
- Pain of abandonment or neglect
- Search for attachment
- Self doubt
- Internal sense of decreased self worth
- If people would know me, they wouldn't like me
- Needs can not be met by others
- Pathway
- Neurologic pathways craving for Ecstasy
- Arousal
- Sedation
- Hallucination
- Sexual Fantasy
- Rituals and preparations
- Dressing
- Obtaining money
- Planning the place
- Orgasm
- Withdrawal
- Neurologic pathways craving for Ecstasy
IV. Criteria (DSM IIIR)
- Persistent desire or effort to cut down on behavior
- Considerable time spent achieving the activity
- Social, Occupational, and Recreational Impairment
V. Symptoms
- Secrecy
- Abuse
- Sex that crosses significant boundaries
- Sex with children, patients, students, subordinates
- Mood swings
- Shame and despair of having unwanted sex
- Empty relationships
- Sex with people you don't know or don't like
- Compromised values
- Behavior violates values
- Continues despite dramatic efforts to stop
VI. Signs
- Sexually Transmitted Disease
- Unwanted Pregnancy
- Perirectal Abscess
- Asphyxiation injury
VII. Types of Activity
- Level I: Benign
- Hypersexual with single partner
- Frequent masturbation or Pornography
- Fetishism, Masochism, or Sadism
- Transvestic fetishism
- Telephone sex or Cybersex
- Strip Club attendance
- Massage Parlor
- Prostitution
- Infidelity
- Level II: Not tolerated by society
- Voyeurism
- Exhibitionism
- Sexual Harassment
- Obscene Telephone calls
- Frotteurism (Brushes up against others)
- Level III: Not tolerated, and highly criminal
- Pedophiles
- Rapes
- Child molestation
- Child pornography
- Incest
VIII. Management
- Twelve step program
Images: Related links to external sites (from Bing)
Related Studies
Definition (MSH) | Disorders that include recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors generally involving nonhuman objects, suffering of oneself or partners, or children or other nonconsenting partners. (from DSM-IV, 1994) |
Definition (PSY) | Sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors generally involving themes of suffering, humiliation, sexual activity with non-consenting partners, or an orientation toward non-human objects for sexual arousal. |
Concepts | Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction (T048) |
MSH | D010262 |
ICD10 | F65 |
SnomedCT | 231533007, 50299009 |
DSM4 | 302.9 |
English | PARAPHILIAS, paraepithymia, parasexuality, paraphilia, paraphilia (diagnosis), Paraphilias [Disease/Finding], aberrations sexual, sexual deviation, sexual perversion, disorders paraphilia, paraphilias, sexual deviations, Paraphilias, Paraphilia, Paraphilia (disorder), Paraphilia, NOS, Paraphilia NOS |
Italian | Parafilia, Parafilie |
Japanese | 性嗜好異常, セイシコウイジョウ |
Swedish | Sexuella avvikelser |
Czech | parafilie, Psychosexuální poruchy, Parafilie |
Finnish | Sukupuoliset kohdehäiriöt |
Croatian | Not Translated[Paraphilias] |
Polish | Zboczenia płciowe, Zboczenia seksualne, Parafilia |
Hungarian | Paraphiliák, Paraphilia |
Norwegian | Parafili |
Spanish | parafilia (trastorno), parafilia, Parafilia, Parafilias |
Portuguese | Parafilias, Parafilia |
Dutch | parafilie, parafilieën, Parafilieën |
French | Paraphilie, Paraphilies, Perversions sexuelles |
German | Paraphilien, Paraphilie, Paraphila |