II. Epidemiology
III. Preparation: Office based Smoking Cessation program
- Select an office Smoking Cessation coordinator
- Create a smoke free office
- Identify all smoking patients: "Do You Smoke"
- Review self-help materials with each smoker
- Make follow-up visits and call-backs
- Consider working with consulting pharmacists to dispense and counsel on Tobacco Cessation products
- Tobacco Cessation counseling is billable (CPT 99406 for >3 min and CPT 99407 for >10 min)
IV. Protocol: Interview in clinic
- "Do You smoke?"
- Label Chart "SMOKER" (or sticker)
- Make Smoking a Vital Sign
- How Much do you smoke?
- Greater Nicotine dependence if >1 pack per day
- How soon after waking do you have first Cigarette?
- Greater Nicotine dependence if under 30 minutes
- Have you tried to quit before?
- Successful cessation requires 3-6 attempts (average)
- Other assessment tools
- CAGE Questions can be applied to Tobacco Abuse
- Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence
V. Precautions: Myths regarding quitting smoking - Anxiety will increase
- Smokers (n=101) followed for 4 weeks
- No increase in anxiety
- Anxiety actually decreased after first week
- Reference
VI. Management: General
- See Behavior Modification (Trans-theoretical Model, Five As Technique)
- Use similar methods and medications for E-Cigarette Cessation as for Tobacco Cessation
Five As Technique Approach
- ASK about Tobacco use
- ADVISE patient quit Tobacco, directly and clearly
- ASSESS WILLINGNESS to quit Tobacco, prior attempts and current use
- ASSIST the patient in cessation with support, resources, medications, and expected initial adverse symptoms on quitting
- ARRANGE QUIT DATE and follow-up, and planned responses to difficult situations with risk of returning to Tobacco
- Provide Self-Help materials
- See resources below
- "Clearing the Air" (National Cancer Institute)
- Free NCI Materials: 1-800-4-CANCER
- Free telephone quit line: 800-QUIT-NOW
- SmokeFreeTxt: Text 'QUIT' to 47848
- Behavioral interventions are effective (with or without pharmacotherapy)
- Individual or group counseling
- Guaranteed financial incentives
- Text message-based counseling
- Hartmann-Boyce (2021) Cochrane Database Syst Rev (1):CD013229 [PubMed]
- Relapse is common in first 6-12 months after cessation
- Reassess interest in quitting after relapse
- Tobacco Cessation office-based billing
- Medicare covers up to 8 sessions per year
- Counseling for >3 minutes: CPT 99406
- Counseling for >10 minutes: CPT 99407
- Specific Populations
- Pregnancy
- Adolescents
- Comborbid Mental Health Disorders
- Consider Verenicline (high efficacy in this population)
VII. Management: Pharmacotherapy
- Indications for pharmacotherapy (Nicotine Dependence)
Nicotine Replacement therapy (NRT)
- Eight week course is sufficient with little added benefit to longer use
- Base dose on Nicotine dependence
- See Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence
- Nicotine Patch
- Start at 21 mg patch for those with more than 10 Cigarettes per day (more than one half pack), and 14 mg patch if less
- Taper patch dose to off over 6-8 weeks
- Nicotine Gum
- Consider an occasional low dose gum (2 mg) as an adjunct to Nicotine Patch to treat breakthrough cravings
- Nicotine Nasal Spray
- Nicotine Inhaler
- Controller Medications (reduce the impulse to use Tobacco)
- Background
- Consider controller medications even in those reluctant to quit
- ATS recommends as of 2021 extending controller medications up to one year for higher sustained quit rate (NNT 19)
- Controller medications have been previously limited to 12 week course
- Leone (2020) Am J Respir Crit Care Med 202(2): e5-31 [PubMed]
- Bupropion (Zyban, Wellbutrin)
- Start XR 150 mg daily for 3 days, then 150 mg twice daily
- May also help avert the weight gain associated with Tobacco Cessation
- Effective for sustained cessation at 6 months, but adverse effects may limit use, and less effective than Varenicline
- Varenicline (Chantix)
- Start 1 week before quit date, at 0.5 mg daily for 3 days, then 0.5 mg twice daily for 4 days, then 1 mg twice daily for 12 weeks
- ATS preferred agent for sustained Smoking Cessation at 6 months (NNT 7)
- More effective when combined with Nicotine Replacement
- Nicotine Patch (see above)
- Other medications used historically
- Nortriptyline
- Titrate to serum level 50-150 ng/ml (~75 mg/day)
- As effective as Bupropion
- Da Costa (2002) Chest 122:403-8 [PubMed]
- Hall (2002) Arch Gen Psychiatry 59:930-6 [PubMed]
- Nortriptyline
- Background
- Efficacy
- Smokers interested in quitting: 70%
- Smokers who quit without additional help: 7.9%
- Smokers who quit with only advice of physician: 10.2%
- Smokers who quit with Nicotine Replacement: 26%
- Smokers who quit with combined therapy below: 35%
- Behavioral support
- Bupropion
- Nicotine Replacement
- References
VIII. Precautions: Major Depression
- Initial risk of Major Depression exacerbation
- Higher risk in first 6 months of Tobacco Cessation
- Confirm Major Depression control prior to cessation
- Consider Bupropion use for cessation
- Glassman (2001) Lancet 357:1929-32 [PubMed]
IX. Precautions: Medications with no proven efficacy in Tobacco Cessation (avoid)
- Silver acetate (gives Cigarettes bad taste)
- Alprazolam (Xanax) or other Benzodiazepine
- Clonidine (Catapres)
X. Precautions: Devices with increased risk or unknown safety
- Avoid Electronic Cigarette (E-Cigarette)
- Inadequate safety available for these devices and the inhaled vapor compared other Nicotine Replacement forms
- No good evidence that e-cigs assist patients in quitting Nicotine completely (may simply trade one drug for another)
- More than half of e-cig users are dual users (use Tobacco also)
- Emphasize the need to completely quit Tobacco
- Avoid Hookah Pipe (Tobacco smoke drawn through water before inhalation)
- Water does not filter Tobacco-related toxins
- Hookah users tend to smoke for longer and have greater exposure
- References
- (2013) Presc Lett 20(5): 27
- Vardavas (2012) Chest 141(6):1400-6 [PubMed]
- Trtchounian (2011) Tob Control 20:47-52 [PubMed]
XI. Resources
XII. References
- (2014) Presc Lett 21(9): 51
- Gaddey (2022) Am Fam Physician 106(5): 513-22 [PubMed]
- Dalack (1995) Am J Psychiatry 152(3):398-403 [PubMed]
- Lief (1996) Am J Psychiatry 153(3);442 [PubMed]
- Mallin (2002) Am Fam Physician 65(6):1107-17 [PubMed]
- Robbins (1993) Am J Prev Med 9(1):31-3 [PubMed]
- Spring (1995) Am J Clin Nutr 62(6):1181-7 [PubMed]
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Definition (MEDLINEPLUS) |
Tobacco use is the most common preventable cause of death. About half of the people who don't quit smoking will die of smoking-related problems. Quitting smoking is important for your health. Soon after you quit, your circulation begins to improve, and your blood pressure starts to return to normal. Your sense of smell and taste return, and it's easier for you to breathe. In the long term, giving up tobacco can help you live longer. Your risk of getting cancer decreases with each year you stay smoke-free. Quitting is not easy. You may have short-term affects such as weight gain, irritability, and anxiety. Some people try several times before they succeed. There are many ways to quit smoking. Some people stop "cold turkey." Others benefit from step-by-step manuals, counseling, or medicines or products that help reduce nicotine addiction. Your health care provider can help you find the best way for you to quit. NIH: National Cancer Institute |
Definition (NCI) | Discontinuation of the habit of smoking. |
Definition (MSH) | Discontinuation of the habit of smoking, the inhaling and exhaling of tobacco smoke. |
Definition (PSY) | Used for cigarette smoking rehabilitation programs or stopping the habit of smoking. |
Definition (CSP) | process of quitting smoking tobacco. |
Concepts | Individual Behavior (T055) |
MSH | D016540 |
SnomedCT | 360907006 |
English | Cessation, Smoking, Cessations, Smoking, Smoking Cessation, Smoking Cessations, Cessation of smoking, smoke cessation, smoking cessation, smoking cessations, Smoking cessation, Quitting Smoking, Cessation of smoking (life style) |
French | Désaccoutumance au tabac, Arrêt du tabac, Sevrage tabagique |
Swedish | Rökavvänjning |
Finnish | Tupakoinnin lopettaminen |
Spanish | Abandono del hábito de fumar, abandono del tabaquismo, abandono del tabaquismo (estilo de vida), Cese del Tabaquismo |
Dutch | stoppen met roken, Stoppen met roken |
Italian | Interruzione del fumo, Smettere di fumare |
German | Aufhoeren mit dem Rauchen, Einstellen des Rauchens |
Portuguese | Abandono do tabaco, Abandono do Fumo, Parar de Fumar, Interrupção do Hábito de Fumar, Abandono do Hábito de Fumar |
Czech | Zanechání kouření, odvykání kouření, kouření - odvyknutí |
Japanese | キンエン, 禁煙 |
Polish | Zaprzestanie palenia, Zaprzestanie palenia papierosów, Zaprzestanie palenia tytoniu, Zaprzestanie palenia fajki |
Hungarian | Dohányzás elhagyása |
Norwegian | Tobakksavvenning, Røykeslutt, Røykeavvenning |
Ontology: Tobacco Use Cessation (C0600549)
Definition (NCI) | Discontinuation of the use of tobacco in any form. |
Definition (MSH) | Ending the TOBACCO habits of smoking, chewing, or snuff use. |
Concepts | Individual Behavior (T055) |
MSH | D020340 |
English | Tobacco Use Cessation, Cessation, Tobacco, Tobacco Cessation, Cessation, Tobacco Use, Cessations, Tobacco Use, tobacco cessation, tobacco use prevention, cessation tobacco, cessation of cigarette smoking, cessation of tobacco use, cigarette smoking cessation, cigarette smoking prevention, prevention and cessation of cigarette smoking: control of tobacco use, prevention of cigarette smoking, prevention of tobacco use |
Swedish | Snusavvänjning |
Czech | tabák - odvyknutí užívání |
Finnish | Tupakkatuotteiden käytön lopettaminen |
French | Arrêt de la consommation de tabac, Arrêt de l'utilisation du tabac, Arrêt du tabagisme, Arrêt de l'usage de tabac, Arrêt du tabac |
Japanese | タバコ使用中止, たばこ使用中止, 煙草使用中止, 無煙たばこ使用中止, 無煙タバコ使用中止, 無煙煙草使用中止 |
Croatian | Not Translated[Tobacco Use Cessation] |
Polish | Zaprzestanie używania tytoniu |
Italian | Cessazione dell'uso del tabacco, Smettere l'uso del tabacco |
Norwegian | Opphør av tobakksbruk, Stopp i tobakksbruk |
Portuguese | Abandono do Tabagismo, Abandono do Uso de Fumo, Abandono do Uso de Tabaco |
German | Einstellen des Tabakgebrauchs |
Dutch | Stoppen met roken |
Spanish | Cese del Uso de Tabaco |