II. Prevention

  1. Sunscreen
    1. SPF 15 daily, starting in childhood
    2. SPF 30 during spring and summer
  2. Tobacco Cessation

III. Management: General Measures

  1. Maintain hydration
  2. Tobacco Cessation
  3. Frequent Skin Lubricant use

IV. Management: Topical Agents

  1. Retinoid
    1. Tretinoin (Retinoic Acid, Vitamin A Acid, Retin A) starting at 0.025% Cream 1-2 times per week qhs (may use OTC)
    2. Adapalene (Differin)
    3. See Retin A for adverse effects
      1. Must wear Sunscreen daily
  2. Alpha-Hydroxy acids (Lac-Hydrin 12%) or Urea 3-6%
    1. Combine with Skin Lubricant

V. Management: Other Adjuncts

  1. Estrogen Replacement Therapy
  2. Topical Estrogen
  3. Antioxidants and other additives
    1. Vitamin C (questionable efficacy)
    2. Vitamin E
    3. Hyaluronic acid
  4. Oral Collagen Peptide
    1. May be effective in Aging Skin, but hype, advertising and endorsements far out-paces the current evidence in 2024

VI. Management: Skin Cosmetic Procedure

  1. See Skin Cosmetic Procedure
  2. Chemical Peels
  3. Derm Abrasion
  4. Laser Abrasion

VII. Management: Avoid Ineffective Measures for Wrinkles and Skin Damage

VIII. References

  1. (2021) Presc Lett 28(1): 4-5

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Definition (MEDLINEPLUS)

Your skin changes as you age. You might notice wrinkles, age spots and dryness. Your skin also becomes thinner and loses fat, making it less plump and smooth. It might take longer to heal, too.

Sunlight is a major cause of skin aging. You can protect yourself by staying out of the sun when it is strongest, using sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher, wearing protective clothing, and avoiding sunlamps and tanning beds. Cigarette smoking also contributes to wrinkles. The wrinkling increases with the amount of cigarettes and number of years a person has smoked.

Many products claim to revitalize aging skin or reduce wrinkles, but the Food and Drug Administration has approved only a few for sun-damaged or aging skin. Various treatments soothe dry skin and reduce the appearance of age spots.

NIH: National Institute on Aging

Definition (MSH) The process of aging due to changes in the structure and elasticity of the skin over time. It may be a part of physiological aging or it may be due to the effects of ultraviolet radiation, usually through exposure to sunlight.
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