II. Epidemiology
- Prevalence: 200,000 in U.S.
- Mortality: 2,000 deaths per year in U.S
III. Pathophysiology
- Fibrotic lung disease secondary to Asbestos inhalation
IV. Symptoms
- Dry, non-productive cough
- Exertional Dyspnea
V. Signs
- Auscultory rales
VI. Imaging
Chest XRay
- Interstitial Markings increased (esp. lower lobes)
- Pleural Plaques may be present
- Consider Chest CT
- Interstitial Markings increased as on Chest XRay
- Honeycomb appearance
VII. Diagnostics
Pulmonary Function Tests
- Initial
- Decreased DLCO (diffusion capacity)
- Decreased ambulatory Oxygen Saturation
- Later
- Initial
- Lung biopsy
VIII. Differential diagnosis
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
- IPF is a more rapid progression
- Pulmonary fibrosis due to Collagen vascular disease
IX. Associated conditions
- Pleural Plaques
Lung Cancer
- Use high index of suspicion
X. Management
- No specific management
- Tobacco Cessation