II. Definition
III. Epidemiology
- Prevalence increases with age and peaks at 5% for those over age 60 years old
IV. Pathophysiology
- Levator ani Muscle
- Normally supports the vagina from prolapse in the face of increased intraabdominal pressure
- When levator ani loses tone, vaginal opening widens, allows pelvic organs to prolapse
- Levator ani is injured in 21-36% of vaginal deliveries in Nulliparous women
- Other factors
- Connective tissue weakening
- Pudendal nerve injury from child birth
V. Grading: Braden-Walker System (with quatification system)
- Evaluate when patient performing valsalva or straining
- Grade 0: No prolapse
- Grade 1: Descent halfway to hymen (or greater than 1 cm above hymen)
- Grade 2: Descent to the hymen (within 1 cm of hymen)
- Grade 3: Descent halfway passed the hymen (>1 cm below the hymen, but not completely protruding)
- Grade 4: Maximal possible descent
VI. Grading: Older system
VII. Symptoms
- Asymptomatic in most patients
- Peristent pelvic pressure provoked by straining, standing, lifting, coughing or physical exertion
- Patient notes protruding tissue or bulging from introitus (most specific for prolapse)
- Spotting or bleeding per vagina
- Vaginal Discharge (typically with complete Uterine Prolapse)
- Patients may apply pressure to perineum or posterior vagina to aid stool evacuation
VIII. Signs
IX. Imaging
Bedside Ultrasound
- Measure post-void residual
- Evaluate for Hydronephrosis
XI. Risk Factors
- Decreased support of pelvic organs
- Multiparous women (most commonly associated risk factor)
- Vaginal deliveries
- Prolonged labor, instrumented delivery, episiotomy
- Advanced age (esp. Menopause)
- Prior Hysterectomy
- Connective Tissue Disorders (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome)
- Multiparous women (most commonly associated risk factor)
- Increased intraabdominal pressures
- Overweight or obese
- Constipation
- Heavy lifting
- Ascites
- Nerve disorders (especially affecting pudendal nerve)
XII. Complications
Urinary Incontinence
- Stress Incontinence (40%)
- Voiding dysfunction
- Overactive Bladder (37%)
- Bladder outlet obstruction
- Rectal dysfunction
- Fecal Incontinence (50%)
- Incomplete Defecation
- Sexual Dysfunction
XIII. Management
General Measures
- Treat Constipation
- Weight loss in Obesity
- Tobacco Cessation
- Avoid heavy lifting
- Indications for more aggressive management
- Hydronephrosis from ureteral kinking
- Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections
- Bladder outlet obstruction with ureteral reflux
- Severe cervical or vaginal erosions
- Mechanical Support
- Kegal Exercises (Pelvic Floor Exercises)
- Improves Stress Incontinence and Urge Incontinence
- Does not treat or reverse Pelvic Organ Prolapse
- Pessary
- First choice intervention for two thirds of Pelvic Organ Prolapse patients
- High level of compliance (77% continue Pessary beyond 1 year)
- Effective for all levels of prolapse stages
- Kegal Exercises (Pelvic Floor Exercises)
- Medications
- Consider Estrogen Replacement Therapy
- Surgery
- Hysterectomy or hysteropexy
- Trasvaginal sacrospinous fixation (sacrocolpopexy)
- Placed abdominally or transvaginally
- However, transvaginal mesh is associated with complications and no longer recommended for most patients
- Colpocleisis
- Obliterative surgery for high risk patients with multiple comorbidity
- Highest cure rate with lowest morbidity
- Only applicable to women who no longer wish to have vaginal intercourse
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Related Studies
Definition (MSHCZE) | Sakovité vyklenutí a pokles konečníku do oblasti introitu při descensu pochvy a dělohy. (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2013 http://lekarske.slovniky.cz/ ) |
Definition (MSH) | A hernial protrusion of part of the rectum into the vagina. (Dorland, 28th ed) |
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Czech | výhřez konečníku, rektokéla, Rektokéla |
Finnish | Rektoseele |
Italian | Proctocele, Rettocele |
Korean | 직장류 |
Polish | Przepuklina odbytnicy |
Spanish | herniación de recto en vagina, prolapso rectovaginal, herniación de recto en vagina (trastorno), hernia rectovaginal, proctocele, rectocele (trastorno), rectocele, Rectocele |
Hungarian | Rectocele |
Norwegian | Rektocele, Proktocele |
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Portuguese | Rectocelo, Retocele |
French | Rectocèle, Proctocèle |
German | Rektozele |
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Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
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English | Genital prolapse NOS, genital prolapse, genital prolapse (diagnosis), prolapse genital, Genital prolapse (disorder), Genital prolapse NOS (disorder), Genital prolapse, Prolapse of female genital organs (disorder), genital; prolapse, prolapse; genital, Genital prolapse, NOS, Prolapse of female genital organs, NOS, Prolapse of female genital organs |
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Spanish | Prolapso genital NEOM, Genital prolapse NOS, prolapso genital, SAI (trastorno), prolapso genital, SAI, prolapso de los órganos genitales femeninos (trastorno), prolapso de los órganos genitales femeninos, prolapso genital, Prolapso genital |
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Czech | Prolaps pohlavních orgánů NOS, Prolaps pohlavních orgánů |
Hungarian | Genitalis prolapsus k.m.n., Genitalis prolapsus |
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German | Zystozele |
Korean | 방광류 |
Dutch | cystokèle; vrouw, Cystoklel |
Spanish | cistocele (trastorno), cistocele |