II. Definitions
- Factitious Disorder
- Adoption of physical or psychologogical symptoms (simulated or created)
- Not motivated by material gain
- Motivated instead by desire to play the sick role
- Contrast with Malingering with secondary material gain
- Munchausen Syndrome
- Factitious Disorder characterized by habitual hospital presentations for apparent acute illness
- Patient gives a false, dramatic, but somewhat plausible history
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy
- Parent fabricates childhood illness resulting in unnecessary medical evaluation and treatment
- Malingering
- Purposeful feigning of physical symptoms for material gain (e.g. Substance Abuse, worker's comp)
III. Epidemiology
- Mean Age: 30-50 years
- Gender: Women represent two thirds of cases
- Occupation is frequently in healthcare or laboratory sciences
IV. Diagnosis: Factitious Disorder DSM-5
- Patient intentionally falsifies physical or psychological signs and symptoms or induces injury or illness
- Presents themselves to others as ill, impaired or injured
- Deceptive behavior is not connected to external incentive or reward
- Behavior not explained by other mental disorder
V. Findings
- Common Presentations
- Cardiovascular symptoms (e.g. Chest Pain, Dizziness, Shortness of Breath, Hypertension)
- Endocrine symptoms (e.g. Hypoglycemia, Thyrotoxicosis, Cushing Syndrome)
- Dermatologic symptoms (e.g. generalized skin lesions, or lesions localized to Breast, face, legs)
- Unusual results (e.g. vey low Body Temperature) in an otherwise healthy appearing patient
- Course
- Protracted illness with episodes of spontaneous remission, or unexplainable worsening
- When hospitalized, patients may suddenly worsen or develop new symptoms before intended discharge
VI. Differential Diagnosis
Somatic Symptom Disorder
- Unintentional perceived organic symptoms
- Accepts painful or dangerous procedures
- Malingering
- Purposeful feigning of physical symptoms for material gain (e.g. Substance Abuse, worker's comp)
- Avoids painful or dangerous procedures
Borderline Personality Disorder
- Impulsive, self-created injury or illness (intended self harm)
- Avoids painful or dangerous procedures
Histrionic Personality Disorder
- Impulsive, simulated injury or illness (with grandiose or theatrical presentation)
- Avoids painful or dangerous procedures
Illness Anxiety Disorder (Delusional Disorder, Hypochondriasis)
- Preoccupation with either contracting or having a serious medical disorder
- Accepts painful or dangerous procedures
- Factitious Disorder
- Adoption of physical or psychologogical symptoms (simulated or created) and not motivated by material gain
- Seeks painful or dangerous procedures
VII. Management
- Approach acute symptom presentations with the same thoroughness for all patients
- Focus on stabilization of the acute condition and a search for underlying causes
- Do not let suspicion for Factitious Disorder dissuade appropriate medical care for the given presentation
- Factitious Disorder is typically identified after a recurrent pattern of presentations
- Document in the medical record if suspicious of Factitious Disorder
- Use non-judgemental terms (in contrast to lying, pretending, malignering)
- Laboratory testing may be considered to support diagnosis (e.g. Insulin to C-Peptide ratio in Hypoglycemia)
- Avoid confronting patients about Factitious Disorder during acute presentations
- May worsen psychological stress and in some cases precipitate Suicidality
- Mental Health referral
- As with Somatic Symptom Disorder, refer Factitious Disorder to mental health
VIII. Prognosis
- Factitious Disorder is high risk for increased morbidity and mortality
IX. References
- Williams and Mehta (2025) Crit Dec Emerg Med 39(1): 4-12
- Hausteiner-Wiehle (2020) Dtsch Arztebl Int 117(26):452-9 +PMID: 32897184 [PubMed]
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Ontology: Malingering (C0024630)
Definition (MSHCZE) | Předstírání (chorobných příznaků). Simulant je zdravý člověk, který předstírá příznaky nemoci. Úmysly mohou přitom být různé – pracovní neschopnost, získání náhrady za údajné poškození, vynucení pozornosti apod. (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2013 http://lekarske.slovniky.cz/ ) |
Definition (MSH) | Simulation of symptoms of illness or injury with intent to deceive in order to obtain a goal, e.g., a claim of physical illness to avoid jury duty. |
Definition (PSY) | Feigning or exaggerating illness or symptoms, usually in order to escape work, evoke sympathy, or gain compensation. |
Concepts | Individual Behavior (T055) |
MSH | D008306 |
SnomedCT | 123086002, 23268009 |
DSM4 | V65.2 |
Dutch | simuleren, Simulatie |
German | Simulation, Simulieren |
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Portuguese | Sinulação, Simulação de Doença |
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Swedish | Simulering |
Czech | simulování, Simulování, simulace |
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Polish | Symulacja choroby |
Hungarian | Szimulálás |
Norwegian | Malingering, Indre motivert simulering |
Ontology: Munchausen Syndrome (C0026785)
Definition (MSH) | A factitious disorder characterized by habitual presentation for hospital treatment of an apparent acute illness, the patient giving a plausible and dramatic history, all of which is false. |
Definition (PSY) | A disorder characterized by plausible presentations of physical symptoms or an acute illness that are under the individual's control, and often resulting in multiple, unnecessary hospitalizations. |
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MSH | D009110 |
ICD10 | F68.1 |
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English | Hospital-Addiction Syndrome, Hospital-Addiction Syndromes, Munchausen Syndrome, Munchhausen Syndrome, Syndrome, Hospital-Addiction, Syndrome, Munchausen, Syndrome, Munchhausen, Syndromes, Hospital-Addiction, Syndrome, Hospital Addiction, SYNDROME HOSP ADDICTION, HOSP ADDICTION SYNDROME, Munchhausen syndrome, Munchausen's syndrome (diagnosis), Münchausen syndrome, Munchausen Syndrome [Disease/Finding], Munchausen's syndrome (disorder), Munchausen's syndrome, Münchausen's syndrome (disorder), Münchausen's syndrome, munchausen's syndrome, munchausen syndrome, hospital addiction syndrome, munchhausen's syndrome, Munchhausens syndrome, munchhausen syndrome, munchausens syndrome, Munchausen syndrome, Hospital hopper syndrome, Peregrinating patient, Münchhausen, hospital hopper syndrome, Hospital Addiction Syndrome, Hospital addiction syndrome, munchhausens syndrome |
Japanese | ミュンヒハウゼンショウコウグン, Munchausen症候群, Muenchausen症候群, ミュンヒハウゼン症候群, 病院常用症候群 |
Czech | Münchhausenův syndrom, Munchhausenův syndrom |
Finnish | Münchausen-oireyhtymä |
Swedish | Münchhausens syndrom |
Polish | Zespół Munchausena |
Hungarian | Münchausen-syndroma |
Norwegian | Münchhausens syndrom |
Portuguese | Síndrome de Münchausen, Hospitalismo, Síndrome de Munchausen |
Dutch | Münchausen-syndroom, Hospitaalverslavingssyndroom, Munchhausen-syndroom, Ziekenhuisverslavingssyndroom |
German | Muenchhausen Syndrom, Hospital-Addiction-Syndrom, Münchhausen-Syndrom |
Spanish | síndrome de Münchhausen (trastorno), síndrome de Münchhausen, Síndrome de Adicción al Hospital, Síndrome de Munchausen |
French | Syndrome de Münchhausen |
Italian | Sindrome di Munchausen |