II. Definitions
- Postconcussion Syndrome
- Persistent Concussion-related symptoms beyond 3 months and beyond resolution of initial Concussion
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI)
- Preferred term to Postconcussion Syndrome
- Postconcussion Syndrome is a subjective term with symptoms that may be altered by Secondary Gain and other external factors
III. Epidemiology
Incidence 5-20% of Concussions (or MTBI)
- Some estimates are as high as postconcussive syndrome in 38-80% of Concussions
IV. Risk Factors
- Female gender
- Children and older age
- Inadequate social support
- Lower baseline functional status or socioeconomic status
- Pre-existing conditions
Head Injury related findings
- Glasgow Coma Scale <15
- Loss of consciousness
- Acute Intoxication
V. Symptoms
- Common Symptoms
- Cognitive Symptoms
- Impaired attention and memory
- Difficult Executive Function (e.g. organization, planning, reasoning)
- Behavioral Symptoms
- Other Symptoms
- Blurred Vision
- Photosensitivity
- Neck Pain
- Tinnitus
- Balance difficulty
- Hearing Loss
- Loss of Taste or smell sense
- Exacerbating Factors
- Physical Activity (most common)
- Cognitive activity
VI. Diagnostics
- Chronic Headaches after Concussion (esp. severe or progressive Headache without prior head imaging)
- Persistent Dizziness after Concussion
- Electronystagmography (ENG)
- Fistula Test
- Posturography
- Persistent neurologic or behavioral changes
- Neuropsychological Testing (including computerized Neuropsychological Testing)
- Activity provoked symptoms
- Graded aerobic treadmill test may reproduce Concussion symptoms
VII. Precautions: Red Flags
VIII. Prognosis
- See Cognitive Deficit following Concussion
- Prolonged course risk factors
- See Risk Factors above
IX. Management: Targeted symptom management
- Cognitive deficit
- See Cognitive Deficit following Concussion
- Consider Neuropsychological Testing
- Consider brain imaging
- Assess for comorbid conditions
- Mood Disorder
- Consider Migraine Prophylaxis
- Vertigo
- Sleep Disturbance
- Sports
- See Return to Play after Concussion
- No sports participation until initial Concussion symptoms resolve
- If Exercise-induced symptoms after initial Concussion symptoms have resolved
- Submaximal Exercise Prescription
- Example: 80% of maximal tolerated Heart Rate for 20 min/day, 5 days per week
- Other symptom management
Consultations to consider
- Physical therapy
- Vestibular and balance therapy
- Neck rehabilitation
- Occupational Therapy
- Functional therapy on specific tasks
- Speech Therapy
- Neuropsychology
- Mental Health
- Physical therapy
X. Complications
XI. References
- Dreis (2020) Crit Dec Emerg Med 34(7):3-21
- Bengtzen, Novak and Chesnutt (2016) Crit Dec Emerg Med 30(5): 3-10
- Jotwani (2010) Curr Sports Med Rep 9(1): 21-26 [PubMed]
- Kushner (2001) Am Fam Physician 64:1007-14 [PubMed]
- Mott (2012) Am Fam Physician 86(11): 1045-51 [PubMed]
- Valente (2023) Ann Emerg Med 81(5): e63-105 [PubMed]