II. Differential Diagnosis: Psychiatric Conditions

  1. Schizophrenia
    1. Psychosis for >6 months, with an acute phase lasting one month or more
  2. Schizophreniform Disorder
    1. Psychosis Symptoms for >1 month and <6 months
    2. Consistent with Schizophrenia, but <6 months duration
  3. Schizoaffective disorder
    1. Psychosis with active phase symptoms for 1 month with concurrent Mood Disorder
    2. No Alcohol Dependence
  4. Schizotypal Personality Disorder
    1. Persistent personality features that do not meet criteria for Schizophrenia and related conditions
  5. Delusional disorder
    1. Non-bizarre Delusions without Hallucinations for 1 month
    2. No Alcohol Dependence
  6. Brief Psychotic Disorder
    1. Delusions, Hallucinations and Disorganized Speech or behavior for at least one day, but less than one month
  7. Shared Psychotic Disorder
    1. Folie a deux
  8. Autism spectrum disorder (or communication disorders)
    1. Social interaction deficits with repetitive and restricted behaviors
  9. Bipolar I Disorder
    1. Psychosis with manic phase
    2. Presents with 7 days or more of elevated or expansive mood, decreased sleep, goal directed activity
  10. Major Depression
    1. Psychotic depression or drug resistant depression with Psychosis limited to times of Mood Disorder
  11. Postpartum Psychosis
    1. Brief Psychotic Disorder onset during pregnancy or within 4 weeks of delivery
  12. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
    1. Psychotic symptoms related to reaction to precipitating event
  13. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Body Dysmorphic Disorder
    1. Significant Obsessions, compulsions or preoccupations related to body or associated repetitive behaviors

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