II. Anatomy
- See Retinal Anatomy
- Optic Disc (Optic Nerve Head, Optic Papilla)
- Pink to white oval disc at the posterior globe where the Retinal Ganglion cell axons exit the eye and form the Optic Nerve
- This portion of the Retina is devoid of light sensitive photoreceptors
- Optic Cup (Physiologic Cup)
- Funnel shaped depression at the center of the Optic Disc
- Paler than the surrounding Neuroretinal Rim
- In Glaucoma, the cup enlarges (cupping) as the rim thins, resulting in an increased cup to disc ratio (>0.3)
- Neuroretinal Rim
III. Preparation: Pupil Dilation
- See Mydriatics
Tropicamide 0.5% - 1% (Mydriacyl)
- Onset: 20-40 minutes
- Duration: 4-8 hours in most cases (may last as long as 24 hours)
- Blue eyes more sensitive, lasts longer
- Start with 0.5% concentration
Phenylephrine hydrochloride 2.5% (Ak-Dilate, Mydfrin)
- Onset: 30-60 minutes
- Duration: 3-5 hours
- Contraindications to dilation
- Shallow anterior chamber OR angle-closure Glaucoma
- Following pupillary signs after Head Injury
- Iris supported intraocular lens implantation
- (square/hexagonal pupil 'sputnik')
IV. Exam: Protocol
- Red Reflex
- Optic Disc
- Clarity of disc (evaluation for Papilledema)
- Cup Disc Ratio
- Ratio of horizontal diameter of the cup to disc
- Abnormal Cup to Disc Ratio >0.3 to 0.5 suggests Glaucoma
Retinal Circulation
- Venous pulsations
- Macula
- Retinal Background
V. Findings
Increased Intracranial Pressure
- Papilledema
- Absent venous pulsations
Vitreous Hemorrhage
- Retina with overlying reddish haze
- Black Reflex
Macular Degeneration
- Gray-Green sub-Retinal membrane
Retinal Artery Occlusion
- Retina appears pale-gray due to Retinal edema
- Central Macula (fovea) with cherry-red spot on white-yellow background
- Constricted arterioles
- Box-Carring of Retinal vessels
- Retinal vessels with interrupted columns of blood appear as train box cars
- Hollenhorst Plaques (emboli)
- "Glistening orange yellow flakes"
- Represent fragmented emboli at arteriole bifurcation
Retinal Vein Occlusion
- Optic Disc edema
- Retinal veins with tortuous dilation
- Blood streaked Retina (esp. in ischemic type)
- Diffuse Retinal Hemorrhages radiating from Optic Disc ("Blood and thunder Retina")
- Focal thinning of neural rim
- Nerves at edge of cup and edge of disc
- Thinning seen at temporal (lateral) disc margin
- Superficial Hemorrhage overlying disc edge
- Cloudy Cornea (acute Glaucoma)
- Focal thinning of neural rim
- Diagnostic changes
- Symmetrically enlarged cup-to-disc ratio >0.5 or
- Cup-to-disc ratio difference between eyes >0.2 or
- Significantly asymmetric cup in one eye
Diabetic Retinopathy
- Nonproliferative Retinopathy
- Retinal veins dilated
- Cotton Wool exudates or spots
- Hard exudates
- Macular edema
- Intraretinal Hemorrhages
- Microaneurysms
- Proliferative Retinopathy
- Neovascularization
- Preretinal Hemorrhages
- Vitreous Hemorrhages
- Vascular fibrosis
- Nonproliferative Retinopathy
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
- Blood in center of disc
- Methanol Intoxication
- Choked disc with engorged veins
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Related Studies
Definition (MSH) | Examination of the interior of the eye with an ophthalmoscope. |
Definition (CSP) | examination of the interior of the eye through an ophthalmoscope, an instrument consisting of lenses, light source and pierced concave mirror that directs reflected light through the pupil. |
Concepts | Diagnostic Procedure (T060) |
MSH | D009887 |
ICD9 | 16.21 |
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CPT | 1012822 |
HL7 | FS |
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English | Ophthalmoscopies, Fundoscopy, Fundoscopy NOS, fundoscopic examination, fundoscopic exam, fundoscopic examination (physical finding), ophthalmoscopy (procedure), fundoscopy, ophthalmoscopy, funduscopy, Clinical evaluation of optic fundoscopy (procedure), Fundoscopic evaluation, Fundoscopy NOS (procedure), Ophthalmoscopy Procedures, Funduscopy, Ophthalmoscopic examination, Ophthalmoscopy (procedure), Ophthalmoscopy, NOS, Ophthalmoscopic examination, NOS, Fundoscopy, NOS, Funduscopy, NOS, Clinical evaluation of optic fundoscopy, Ophthalmoscopy |
Italian | Esame del fundus, Oftalmoscopia |
Japanese | 眼底検査, ガンテイケンサ |
Swedish | Oftalmoskopi |
Czech | oftalmoskopie, Fundoskopie |
Finnish | Silmäntähystys |
French | Examen du fond d'oeil, Ophtalmoscopie |
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Polish | Wziernikowanie dna oka, Oftalmoskopia |
Hungarian | Fundoszkópia |
Norwegian | Oftalmoskopi |
Portuguese | Fundoscopia, Oftalmoscopia |
Dutch | fundoscopie, Oftalmoscopie |
German | Fundoskopie, Ophthalmoskopie |
Ontology: Optic Disk (C0029127)
Definition (NCI) | A portion of the retina at which the axons of the ganglion cells exit the eyeball to form the optic nerve. No light-sensitive photoreceptors are contained within this portion of the retina. |
Definition (NCI_CDISC) | A portion of the retina at which the axons of the ganglion cells exit the eyeball to form the optic nerve. No light-sensitive photoreceptors are contained within this portion of the retina. (NCI) |
Definition (MSH) | The portion of the optic nerve seen in the fundus with the ophthalmoscope. It is formed by the meeting of all the retinal ganglion cell axons as they enter the optic nerve. |
Definition (CSP) | intraocular portion of the optic nerve formed by fibers converging from retina and appearing as a pink to white disk. |
Concepts | Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component (T023) |
MSH | D009898 |
SnomedCT | 14782001, 81016008 |
English | Disk, Optic, Disks, Optic, Optic Disks, Optic Papilla, Optic Papillas, Papilla, Optic, Papillas, Optic, Head, Optic Nerve, Heads, Optic Nerve, Nerve Head, Optic, Nerve Heads, Optic, Optic Nerve Head, Optic Nerve Heads, optic disk, Pars intraocularis nervus optici, Discus nervi optici, Pars intraocularis (Nervus opticus), Intra-ocular part of optic nerve, discs optic, disk optic, optic nerve head, head nerve optic, optic disc, disc optic, optic disks, Structure of intraocular part of optic nerve (body structure), OPTIC DISC, Second Cranial Nerve, Intraocular part of optic nerve, Optic disc, Optic nerve colliculus, Optic nerve head, Optic papilla, OD - Optic disc, Optic disc structure (body structure), Optic disc structure, Structure of intraocular part of optic nerve, Optic Disk, Optic Disc |
Swedish | Synnervspapill |
Czech | papila nervi optici, discus nervi optici, terč zrakového nervu, papila zrakového nervu, disk zrakového nervu |
Finnish | Näköhermon nysty |
Japanese | 盲点, 視神経乳頭, 視神経円板 |
Italian | Testa del nervo ottico, Papilla ottica, Disco ottico |
Latvian | Redzes nerva disks |
Spanish | estructura del disco óptico (estructura corporal), estructura de la papila óptica (estructura corporal), estructura de la papila óptica, estructura del disco óptico, porción intraocular del nervio óptico, estructura de la porción intraocular del nervio óptico, estructura de la porción intraocular del nervio óptico (estructura corporal), cabeza del nervio óptico, colículo del nervio óptico, disco óptico, papila óptica, Disco Óptico, Cabeza del Nervio Óptico, Papila Óptica |
Polish | Brodawka nerwu wzrokowego, Krążek nerwu wzrokowego, Tarcza nerwu wzrokowego |
Norwegian | Optikuspapille, Synsnervepapille, Papilla nervi optici |
French | Papille optique |
German | Optikuspapille, Papilla nervi optici, Sehnervenpapille |
Dutch | Discus nervi optici, Papilla nervi optici |
Portuguese | Cabeça do Nervo Óptico, Disco Óptico, Papila Óptica |
Ontology: Retinal Diseases (C0035309)
Definition (MEDLINEPLUS) |
The retina is a layer of tissue in the back of your eye that senses light and sends images to your brain. In the center of this nerve tissue is the macula. It provides the sharp, central vision needed for reading, driving and seeing fine detail. Retinal disorders affect this vital tissue. They can affect your vision, and some can be serious enough to cause blindness. Examples are
NIH: National Eye Institute |
Definition (NCI) | Any disease or disorder of the retina. |
Definition (NCI) | An abnormal structure or function of the retina and its associated tissues. |
Definition (NCI_CTCAE) | A disorder involving the retina. |
Definition (CSP) | pathologic condition of the innermost of the three tunics of the eyeball or retina. |
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
MSH | D012164 |
ICD9 | 362.9 |
ICD10 | H35.9 |
SnomedCT | 193430004, 267715002, 35426003, 399625000, 29555009 |
English | Disease, Retinal, Diseases, Retinal, Retinal Diseases, Unspecified retinal disorder, RETINAL DISORDER, retina disorder, RETINOPATHY, Retinal disorder NOS, Retinal disorder, unspecified, RETINAL DIS, retinopathy (diagnosis), retinopathy, Disorder retinal, Retinopathy N0S, Retinopathy NOS, Retinal Diseases [Disease/Finding], diseases retinal, retinopathies, Disorder;retina, disease retinal, retinal diseases, disorders retina, disorders retinal, retinal disease, retinal disorder (diagnosis), Retinal Disorders, Retinal disorder NOS (disorder), Retinopathies, Retinopathy, Retinal disorder, Retinal disease, Retinal disorder (disorder), Retinopathy (disorder), disease (or disorder); retina, retina; disorder, Retinopathy, NOS, Retinal disease, NOS, Retinal disorder, NOS, Retinal Disease, Retinal Disorder, retinal disorder |
French | RETINOPATHIE, Trouble de la rétine, Rétinopathie SAI, Trouble rétinien SAI, Affection rétinienne non précisée, TROUBLE RETINIEN, Rétinopathie, Trouble rétinien, Rétinopathies, Maladies de la rétine, Maladies rétiniennes |
Italian | Retinopatia, Patologia retinica, Alterazione retinica, Disturbo non specificato della retina, Patologia retinica NAS, Retinopatia NAS, Malattie della retina |
Dutch | retinopathie NAO, niet-gespecificeerde retina-aandoening, retina-aandoening NAO, aandoening retina, Retinopathie, aandoening; retina, retina; aandoening, Aandoening van retina, niet gespecificeerd, retina-aandoening, retinopathie, Retinaziekte, Retinaziekten, Ziekte, retina-, Ziekten, retina- |
German | unspezifische Erkrankung der Retina, Erkrankung der Retina NNB, Retinopathie NNB, Affektion der Netzhaut, nicht naeher bezeichnet, RETINAERKRANKUNG, RETINOPATHIE, Retinopathie, Erkrankung der Retina, Netzhauterkrankungen, Retinakrankheiten |
Portuguese | Retinopatia NE, Afecção da retina, Afecção da retina NE, Alteração da retina NE, ALTERACAO DA RETINA, RETINOPATIA, Retinopatia, Anomalia da retina, Doenças Retinianas |
Spanish | Retinopatía NEOM, Trastorno retiniano, Trastorno retiniano NEOM, Trastorno retiniano no especificado, RETINA, TRASTORNO, RETINOPATIA, trastorno de la retina (trastorno), trastorno retiniano (trastorno), trastorno retiniano, trastorno de la retina, trastorno retiniano, SAI (trastorno), trastorno retiniano, SAI, enfermedad retiniana, retinopatía (trastorno), retinopatía, Alteración retiniana, Retinopatía, Enfermedades de la Retina |
Japanese | 詳細不明の網膜障害, 網膜症, 網膜障害NOS, 網膜症NOS, 網膜障害, モウマクショウ, モウマクショウガイ, モウマクショウガイNOS, ショウサイフメイノモウマクショウガイ, モウマクショウNOS |
Swedish | Näthinnesjukdomar |
Finnish | Verkkokalvon sairaudet |
Czech | Nespecifikovaný defekt sítnice, Porucha sítnice, Onemocnění sítnice NOS, Retinopatie NOS, Onemocnění sítnice, Retinopatie, nemoci retiny, nemoci sítnice, retina - nemoci |
Korean | 상세불명의 망막 장애 |
Polish | Choroby siatkówki |
Hungarian | Retinabetegség, Retina betegség, k.m.n., Retinopathia, Retinopathia k.m.n., Nem meghatározott retina betegség |
Norwegian | Retinale sykdommer, Sykdommer i retina, Netthinnesykdommer, Retinasykdommer |
Ontology: Optic disc cup (C0278233)
Concepts | Finding (T033) |
SnomedCT | 247222003 |
Spanish | copa de papila óptica, borramiento del contorno de la excavación de la papila óptica, excavación de la papila óptica, excavación de la papila óptica (entidad observable), borramiento del contorno de la excavación de la papila óptica (entidad observable), Optic disc cup (observable entity), Optic disc cup |
English | Optic disc cup, Optic disc cup (observable entity) |
Ontology: Retinopathies NEC (C0852383)
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
Italian | Retinopatie NCA |
Japanese | 網膜症NEC, モウマクショウNEC |
Czech | Retinopatie NEC |
Hungarian | Retinopathiák m.n.o. |
English | Retinopathies NEC |
Portuguese | Retinopatias NC |
Spanish | Retinopatía NCOC |
Dutch | retinopathieën NEG |
French | Rétinopathies NCA |
German | Retinopathien ANE |
Ontology: Optic nerve cup/disc ratio (C0855712)
Concepts | Diagnostic Procedure (T060) |
Italian | Rapporto fovea/disco del nervo ottico |
Japanese | 視神経乳頭陥凹/乳頭比, シシンケイニュウトウカンオウニュウトウヒ |
Czech | Poměr exkavace k terči zrakového nervu |
English | Optic nerve cup/disc ratio |
Hungarian | Látóideg cup/disc arány |
Portuguese | Relação disco/escavação do nervo óptico |
Spanish | Proporción excavación/disco del nervio óptico |
Dutch | oogzenuw cup/disc ratio |
French | Rapport cupule/papille |
German | Exkavation der Sehnervpapille |
Ontology: Neuroretinal rim finding (C1271413)
Concepts | Finding (T033) |
SnomedCT | 392163005 |
English | Neuroretinal rim finding (finding), Neuroretinal rim finding |
Spanish | anillo neurorretiniano - hallazgo (hallazgo), anillo neurorretiniano - hallazgo |
Ontology: Examination of retina (C3241977)
Concepts | Diagnostic Procedure (T060) |
SnomedCT | 141191002, 276489008, 163992007, 274798009 |
English | retinal exam, examination of retina (physical finding), examination of retina, Examination of retina, Examination of retina (procedure) |
Spanish | examen de la retina (procedimiento), examen de la retina |