II. Physiology
- Sclera
- Thick, protective outer coat of the eye underlying the Conjunctiva
- Poorly vascularized
- Normally white (with possible bluish discoloration) and opaque
- Scleral inflammation is very painful, and associated with Vision Loss
- Episclera
- Lamina Cribrosa of Sclera
- Sleeve-like space at the opening of the Sclera through which Retinal axons pass on their way to the Optic Nerve
- Represents hundreds of openings through which 1-2 Million nerves pass (bundled into groups)
- Retinal axons are particularly sensitive to injury at the lamina cribosa, where the axons bend and exit the eye
III. Findings: Normal
- Normally white and opaque
IV. Causes: Scleral Inflammation
V. Causes: Scleral Discoloration
- Blue Sclera suggests Osteogenesis Imperfecta
- Yellow Sclera Causes
- Carotenemia does not involve the Sclera
- Scleral Icterus
- Hyperbilirubinemia (associated with Jaundice)
- Bilirubin uniformly deposits throughout Sclera
- Quinacrine
- Yellow discoloration near limbus
- Yellow subscleral fat (normal)
- Involves only the area farthest from the limbus
VI. Reference
- Degowin (1987) Bedside Diagnostic Exam, p. 480
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