II. Epidemiology
- Most Ovarian Incidentalomas are benign (e.g. functional Ovarian Cysts, cystadenomas)
- Ovarian Cancer risk increases with age
III. History
- Ectopic Pregnancy risk (women of child-bearing age)
Tubo-Ovarian Abscess risk
- Sexually Transmitted Infection (e.g. Gonorrhea or Chlamydia risk or potential exposures)
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease history
- Adhesions risk
- Prior abdominal or pelvic surgeries
Ovarian Cancer risks
- See Ovarian Cancer
- Age over 40 years old (most over 50)
- Delayed child bearing
- Unopposed Estrogen (e.g. Anovulatory Bleeding)
- Family History (esp. BRCA, Lynch Syndrome with Colon Cancer)
- Nulliparity
- Obesity
Ovarian Cancer symptoms (esp. persistent, refractory >2 weeks)
- Abdominal Bloating, increased abdominal girth or early satiety
- Pelvic Pain or Abdominal Pain
- Unintentional Weight Loss
- Urinary tract symptoms (urine frequency, urgency or Urinary Incontinence)
IV. Exam
- Lymph Node exam (inguinal region and generally)
- Abdominal exam
- Abdominal masses
- Ascites
- Pelvic Exam
- Speculum exam
- Bimanual exam
- Performed in Adnexal Mass evaluation
- Useless in screening for Ovarian Cancer (esp. BMI>30 kg/m2)
- Rectal Exam (consider)
V. Labs: General
Pregnancy Test (urine HCG or serum HCG)
- Obtain in all women of child bearing age
- Exclude Ectopic Pregnancy
Tuboovarian Abscess risk
- See Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
- Gonorrhea and Chlamydia DNA Probe
- Complete Blood Count with differential
VI. Labs: Biomarkers
CA 125 indications
- Avoid as a screening tool
- High False Positive Rate (elevated in pregnancy, PID, Menstruation and Obesity)
- Test Sensitivity <50% in stage 1 disease)
- Follow algorithm (see below)
- Obtain as an adjunct to evaluation in those at Ovarian Cancer high risk
- Avoid as a screening tool
- Human Epididymis Protein 4 (HE4)
- Increased in 50% of Ovarian Cancer patients despite normal serum CA-125 Levels
- Less commonly due to benign ovarian tumors or Endometriosis
- Discriminatory values vary
- Only indicated in monitoring epithelial Ovarian Cancer or screening for its recurrence
- Biomarker panels
- As of 2023, panels with up to 5 biomarkers are FDA approved (e.g. Multivariant Index Assay)
VII. Differential Diagnosis: Adnexal Mass
- Functional cyst or Corpus Luteal Cyst
- Theca lutein cyst
- Benign ovarian tumor (Teratoma, cyst adenoma)
- Ovarian Torsion
- Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
- Ovarian Cancer
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Fallopian Tube
- Tuboovarian Abscess in Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
- Hydrosalpinx
- Ectopic Pregnancy
- Malignancy
- Leiomyomata or Uterine Fibroids (pedunculated)
- Endometriosis
Gastrointestinal Tract
- Stool-filled bowel
- Diverticulitis
- Appendicitis or appendiceal abscess
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Small Bowel leiomyoma
- Colon Cancer
- Krukenberg Tumor (metastasis to ovary)
- Urinary Tract
VIII. Imaging: Ultrasound
- See Ovarian Cancer for other imaging techniques and their findings
- Technique
- Transvaginal Ultrasound
- Transabdominal Ultrasound (children and preteens)
- Characteristic findings suggestive of benign mass
- Premenopausal women with physiologic Ovarian Cysts <3 cm
- Postmentopausal women with simple cysts <1 cm
- Simple Ovarian Cyst with thin smooth walls
- Hemorrhagic Ovarian Cyst
- Endometrioma
- Benign Cystic Teratoma
- Fibroma
- Hydrosalpinx
- Intermediate lesions (based on ACR guidelines)
- Large, benign appearing cysts or BAC (round/oval, unilocular, smooth walled)
- Larger than 5 cm in early postmenopausal women
- Larger than 3 cm in late postmenopausal women
- Large, probably benign cysts or PBC (not round/oval, angulated margins, imaging inadequate)
- Larger than 5 cm in premenopausal women
- Larger than 3 cm in early postmenopausal women
- Larger than 1 cm in late postmenopausal women
- Large, benign appearing cysts or BAC (round/oval, unilocular, smooth walled)
- Characteristic findings suggestive of malignancy (Complex cyst or solid mass)
- Solid component within Ovarian Mass or cyst
- Thick septations >2-3 mm
- Large volume of free fluid or Ascites present
- Color Doppler Ultrasound shows high Blood Flow within mass
- Thick cyst wall >2-3 mm
- Also seen in benign conditions
- Hemmorhagic Ovarian Cyst
- Endometrioma
- Also seen in benign conditions
- Cyst size does not distinguish benign from malignant
- However size my risk stratify postmenopausal cysts (esp >10 cm)
- See Simple Ovarian Cyst
IX. Evaluation: Tools
- Various protocols combine labs and scoring systems to estimate Ovarian Cancer risk
- Lab Studies (see above)
- Scoring Systems
- Risk of Malignancy Index for Ovarian Cancer
- International Ovarian Tumour Analysis ADNEX
- Symptom Index for Ovarian Cancer
- General
- Four or more symptoms: Test Sensitivity 27%, Test Specificity 96%
- Symptoms present at least 12 times per month for <1 year
- Criteria
- Abdominal Bloating
- Abdominal Pain
- Difficulty eating
- Early satiety
- Increased abdominal size
- Pelvic Pain
- References
- General
X. Evaluation: Adult Protocol
- Based on initial tests
- Urine Pregnancy Test (bHCG) if not postmenopausal
- Pelvic Ultrasound
- Consider CA-125 in postmenopausal women with nondiagnostic pelvic Ultrasound
- Exclude pregnancy first (bHCG)
- Evaluate for Ectopic Pregnancy if bHCG positive
- Refer to gynecology if red flag findings on history or Ultrasound
- See referral indications below
- Family History of Ovarian Cancer or high risk (see BRCA)
- Ultrasound with concerning findings (see findings suggestive of malignancy above)
- Adnexal Mass >6 cm
- Postmenopausal AND CA-125 >35 U/ml
- Risk of Malignancy Index (RMI) >200
- Repeat Ultrasound in 4-12 weeks
- Refer to gynecology if persistent adexal mass present >12 weeks
XI. Management: Gynecology Referral Indications
- Prepubescent girls
- Refer all Adnexal Masses
- Causes
- Ovarian Malignancy in 25% of girls <18 years old (esp. germ cell tumors)
- Benign Dermoid Cysts (50% of Adnexal Masses)
- Labs
- Alpha Fetoprotein
- Beta-HCG
- L-Lactate Dehydrogenase
- Surgery Indications
- Suspected Ovarian Torsion
- Persistent mass or other concerns for malignancy
- Acute Abdominal Pain
- Pregnancy
- Acute presentation with positive Urine Pregnancy Test
- Evaluate for Ectopic Pregnancy (serial Quantitative hCG and pelvic Ultrasound)
- Adnexal Mass diagnosed during intrauterine pregnancy
- Simple Ovarian Cysts (<5 cm) are common during pregnancy
- Adnexal Masses are common in pregnancy (2.4%) and most (>70%) resolve after pregancy
- Adnexal Masses identified during pregnancy are malignant in 1 to 5% of cases
- Repeat imaging of benign or indeterminate masses at 18 to 20 weeks, and 32 to 36 weeks
- Refer large (>5 cm), complex, septated, irregular or bilateral Adnexal Masses
- MRI may be indicated in some cases
- Acute presentation with positive Urine Pregnancy Test
- Premenopausal women
- Ultrasound with complex cyst or solid mass (suspicious findings)
- Ultrasound with mass >10 cm
- Serial Ultrasounds (every 4-6 weeks) with mass that persists >12 weeks
- CA-125 is not recommended in evaluation of premenopausal or perimenopausal women
- However if obtained, a CA-125>200 U/ml should prompt referral in this group
- Postmenopausal women (highest risk for Ovarian Cancer)
- Ultrasound with complex cyst or solid mass
- Ultrasound with mass >10 cm
- Serial Ultrasounds (every 4-6 weeks) with mass that persists >12 weeks
- CA-125 >35 U/ml
XII. Management: General
- Monitor intermediate lesions (not clearly benign, but not clearly suspicious)
- Transvaginal Ultrasound repeated in 6-12 weeks
- Some lesions may be monitored less frequently, up to one year (e.g. endometrioma, Cystic Teratoma)
XIII. References
- Chambers in Noble (2001) Primary Care, p. 385
- Barney (2008) Med Clin North Am 92(5): 1143-61 [PubMed]
- Biggs (2016) Am Fam Physician 93(8): 676-81 [PubMed]
- Givens (2009) Am Fam Physician 80(8): 815-22 [PubMed]
- Hitzeman (2014) Am Fam Physician 90(11): 784-9 [PubMed]
- Laing (2001) Radiol Clin North Am 39(3):523-40 [PubMed]
- Webb (2004) Radiol Clin North Am 42(2):329 [PubMed]
- Wheeler (2023) Am Fam Physician 108(6): 580-7 [PubMed]
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Definition (MEDLINEPLUS) |
A cyst is a fluid-filled sac. In most cases a cyst on the ovary does no harm and goes away by itself. Most women have them sometime during their lives. Cysts are rarely cancerous in women under 50. Cysts sometimes hurt - but not always. Often, a woman finds out about a cyst when she has a pelvic exam. If you're in your childbearing years or past menopause, have no symptoms, and have a fluid-filled cyst, you may choose to monitor the cyst. You may need surgery if you have pain, are past menopause or if the cyst does not go away. Birth control pills can help prevent new cysts. A health problem that may involve ovarian cysts is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Women with PCOS can have high levels of male hormones, irregular or no periods and small ovarian cysts. Dept. of Health and Human Services Office on Women's Health |
Definition (NCI) | A cyst that arises from the ovary. Representative examples include simple, complex, corpus luteum, and endometrioid cysts. Symptoms include pelvic and abdominal pain and irregular periods. |
Definition (CSP) | fluid-filled closed cavity or sac in the ovary that is lined by epithelium; can be of normal, abnormal, non-neoplastic, or neoplastic tissues. |
Definition (MSH) | General term for CYSTS and cystic diseases of the OVARY. |
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
MSH | D010048 |
ICD10 | N83.29 , N83.20 |
SnomedCT | 79883001, 155999003, 237054003, 155996005, 198298009, 198292005 |
English | Cysts, Ovarian, OVARIAN CYST, Cyst, Ovarian, Ovarian cyst NOS, Benign retention cyst, Ovarian cysts, cyst of ovary (diagnosis), cyst of ovary, Cyst ovary, Retention cyst of ovary, Unspecified ovarian cysts, Ovarian Cysts [Disease/Finding], ovarian cysts, ovary cyst, cystic ovarian mass, ovarian cyst, ovarian cystic mass, Ovarian retention cyst, Ovarian cyst NOS (disorder), Benign retention cyst (disorder), Ovarian cyst (disorder), Ovarian cyst benign (excl physiological), Ovaries--Cysts, Ovarian cyst, Ovarian cystic mass, Cyst of ovary, Cyst of ovary (disorder), cyst; ovary, ovary; cyst, retention, ovary; cyst, Ovarian cyst, NOS, Ovarian retention cyst, NOS, Ovarian Cyst, Cyst of Ovary, Cyst of the Ovary, Retention Cyst of Ovary, Retention Cyst of the Ovary, Retention Ovarian Cyst, Ovarian Cysts, Cyst of ovary NOS, Retention cyst of ovary NOS, Ovarian cyst benign (excluding physiological), Cyst;ovarian |
Italian | Cisti ovarica, Cisti ovarica benigna (fisiologica esclusa), Cisti dell'ovaio, Cisti ovarica NAS, Cisti ovariche |
Dutch | ovariaalcyste NAO, cyste ovarium, eierstokcyste benigne (excl. fysiologisch), cyste; ovarium, ovarium; cyste, retentie, ovarium; cyste, eierstokcyste, Cyste, ovarium-, Cysten, ovarium-, Ovariumcyste, Ovariumcysten |
French | Kyste ovarien, Kyste ovarien SAI, Kyste ovarien bénin (excl physiologique), KYSTE OVARIEN, Kyste de l'ovaire, Kystes de l'ovaire, Kystes des ovaires, Kystes ovariens |
German | Eierstockzyste NNB, Zyste des Eierstocks, Zyste des Eierstocks gutartig (ausschl physiologisch), OVARIALZYSTE, Ovarialzyste, Ovarialzysten, Zysten, Ovarial- |
Portuguese | Quisto do ovário NE, Quisto benigno do ovário (excl. fisiológico), QUISTO DO OVARIO, Quisto do ovário, Cistos Ovarianos |
Spanish | Quiste del ovario, Quiste benigno de ovario (excl fisiológico), Quiste ovárico NEOM, Quiste de ovario, QUISTE OVARICO, quiste ovárico (trastorno), masa quística en ovario, quiste ovárico, quiste de ovario, quiste de retención ovárico, quiste de ovario (trastorno), quiste ovárico, SAI (trastorno), quiste ovárico, SAI, Ovarian cyst NOS, Quiste ovárico, Quistes Ováricos |
Japanese | 卵巣嚢胞NOS, 卵巣嚢胞, 卵巣良性嚢胞(生理的なものを除く), ランソウノウホウNOS, ランソウノウホウ, ランソウリョウセイノウホウセイリテキナモノヲノゾク |
Swedish | Äggstockscystor |
Czech | ovarium - cysty, Benigní ovariální cysta (kromě fyziologické), Cysta vaječníku, Ovariální cysta NOS, Ovariální cysta |
Finnish | Munasarjakystat |
Polish | Torbiel ciałka żółtego, Torbiel jajnika |
Hungarian | Jóindulatú ovarialis cysta (kivéve physiologiás), Ovarialis cysta k.m.n., Ovarialis cysta, Ovarium cysta |
Norwegian | Eggstokkscyster, Cyster på eggstokkene |
Ontology: Adnexal mass (C0149614)
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS) | A lump in tissue near the uterus, usually in the ovary or fallopian tube. Adnexal masses include ovarian cysts, ectopic (tubal) pregnancies, and benign (not cancer) or malignant (cancer) tumors. |
Concepts | Anatomical Abnormality (T190) |
Dutch | adnexgezwel |
French | Masse annéxielle |
German | Raumforderung der Adnexe |
Italian | Massa annessiale |
Portuguese | Massa anexial |
Spanish | Masa anexial |
Japanese | 付属器腫瘤, フゾクキシュリュウ |
Czech | Adnextumor |
English | adnexal masses, adnexal mass, Adnexal mass, Adnexal Mass |
Hungarian | Adnexumok térfoglaló folyamata |
Ontology: Mass of ovary (C0240611)
Concepts | Finding (T033) |
SnomedCT | 289922002 |
Italian | Massa ovarica |
Japanese | 卵巣腫瘤, ランソウシュリュウ |
English | adnexa ovarian mass (___ cm), ovarian mass (___ cm), mass of ovary, mass of ovary (physical finding), mass ovary, masses ovarian, mass ovarian, ovary mass, mass ovaries, ovarian mass, Ovarian mass, Mass of ovary, Mass of ovary (finding), Mass of Ovary, Ovarian Mass |
Czech | Útvar v ovariu |
Hungarian | Ovarialis térfoglaló folyamat |
Spanish | masa en ovario (hallazgo), masa en ovario, Masa ovárica |
Portuguese | Massa ovárica |
Dutch | eistokgezwel |
French | Masse ovarienne |
German | ovarielle Raumforderung |
Ontology: ovarian neoplasm (C0919267)
Definition (NCI) | A benign or malignant, primary or metastatic neoplasm involving the ovary. |
Definition (CSP) | new abnormal ovary tissue that grows by excessive cellular division and proliferation more rapidly than normal and continues to grow after the stimuli that initiated the new growth cease. |
Definition (MSH) | Tumors or cancer of the OVARY. These neoplasms can be benign or malignant. They are classified according to the tissue of origin, such as the surface EPITHELIUM, the stromal endocrine cells, and the totipotent GERM CELLS. |
Concepts | Neoplastic Process (T191) |
MSH | D010051 |
SnomedCT | 123843001 |
English | Neoplasm, Ovarian, Neoplasms, Ovarian, Ovarian Neoplasms, ovary neoplasm, OVARIAN NEOPL, NEOPL OVARIAN, OVARY NEOPL, neoplasm of ovary, neoplasm of ovary (diagnosis), Ovarian neoplasia, Ovarian neoplasm NOS, Neoplasm, Ovary, Neoplasms, Ovary, Ovary Neoplasm, Ovary Neoplasms, Ovarian Neoplasms [Disease/Finding], ovarian tumor, tumor of ovary, ovarian tumour, ovarian tumors, ovarian tumours, ovary tumors, ovary neoplasms, ovarian neoplasms, ovary tumor, ovary tumour, ovarian neoplasia, Ovaries--Tumors, Ovarian neoplasm, Ovarian tumor, Ovarian tumour, Tumor of ovary, Tumour of ovary, Neoplasm of ovary (disorder), Neoplasm of ovary, ovary; tumor, Ovarian Neoplasm, Neoplasm of Ovary, Neoplasm of the Ovary, Ovarian Tumors, Ovarian Tumor, Tumor of Ovary, Tumor of the Ovary, ovarian neoplasm |
Italian | Tumore dell'ovaio, Neoplasia dell'ovaio, Tumore dell'ovaio NAS, Neoplasie ovariche, Neoplasie dell'ovaio |
Dutch | eierstokneoplasma NAO, eierstok neoplasie, ovarium; tumor, eierstokneoplasma, Gezwel, ovarium-, Gezwellen, ovarium-, Ovariumgezwel, Ovariumgezwellen, Carcinoom, ovarium-, Kanker, ovarium- |
French | Tumeur ovarienne SAI, Tumeur ovarienne, Tumeurs de l'ovaire, Tumeurs ovariennes, Tumeurs des ovaires |
German | Neubildung der Ovarien NNB, Neoplasie des Eierstocks, Neubildung der Ovarien, Ovarialtumoren |
Portuguese | Neoplasia do ovário NE, Neoplasia do ovário, Neoplasias Ovarianas |
Spanish | Neoplasia de ovario NEOM, Neoplasia ovárica, neoplasia de ovario (trastorno), neoplasia de ovario, tumor de ovario, tumor ovárico, Neoplasia de ovario, Neoplasias Ováricas |
Japanese | 卵巣の新生物, ランソウノシンセイブツ, ランソウシンセイブツ, 卵巣新生物NOS, ランソウシンセイブツNOS, 卵巣腫瘍, 卵巣新生物 |
Swedish | Äggstockstumörer |
Finnish | Munasarjojen kasvaimet |
Czech | Novotvar vaječníku NOS, Novotvar vaječníku, Ovariální neoplazie, ovarium - nádory, nádory vaječníků, nádory ovarií, nádor vaječníku, vaječníky - nádory |
Polish | Nowotwory jajników |
Hungarian | Petefészekdaganat, Ovarialis neoplasia k.m.n., Ovarialis neoplasia |
Norwegian | Svulster i eggstokkene, Eggstokksvulster, Neoplasmer i eggstokkene, Ovalialneoplasmer, Ovariesvulster |