II. Background: High Volume Liposuction (>5 Liters fat removed)
- Fat >5 L removal is associated with large volume Fluid Shifts with third spacing and Hypovolemia
- These patients are typically observed overnight with Urine Output and Vital Sign monitoring
III. Complications
- Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity (LAST)
- Post-operative infection
- Typically occurs after 7th postoperative day
- Presents with Cellulitis with erythema and purulent drainage
- Infection after Liposuction with fat grafting typically requires surgical evaluation, admission and IV Antibiotics
- However, infection after Liposuction alone in a non-septic patient may often be treated outpatient
- High Volume Liposuction (>5 Liters fat removed)
IV. Imaging: High Volume Liposuction (>5 Liters fat removed)
V. Labs: High Volume Liposuction (>5 Liters fat removed)
- Complete Blood Count
- Electrolytes
- Coagulation Studies
VI. References
- Claudius and LoTempio in Herbert (2018) EM:Rap 18(10): 17-8