II. Pathophysiology

  1. Hematologic changes associated with longterm seropositive, severe Rheumatoid Arthritis (esp. Nodule forming)
    1. Triad: Rheumatoid Arthritis with Neutropenia and Splenomegaly
    2. Similar findings to the non-RA related Large Granular Lymphocyte Syndrome (LGL Syndrome)
  2. Autoantibodies to Histones (esp. H3) and Neutrophil extracellular chromatin traps (NETS)
  3. Associated with HLA-DR4 Haplotype

III. Findings

  1. Fever
  2. Weight loss
  3. Splenomegaly
  4. Lymphadenopathy
  5. Skin
    1. Pigmented Skin Spots on extremities
    2. Subcutaneous Nodules (rheumatoid Nodules)

IV. Labs: Complete Blood Count

V. Management

  1. Treat underlying severe Rheumatoid Arthritis
    1. Methotrexate and azothioprine have been effective in Felty Syndrome
  2. Splenectomy indications
    1. Persistent, severe Neutropenia ((Absolute Neutrophil Count <2000))
    2. Hypersplenism complicated by severe Anemia or severe Thrombocytopenia with Hemorrhage
    3. Chronic nonhealing leg ulcers
    4. Recurrent or severe Bacterial Infections

VI. Complications

  1. Recurrent infections (associated with increased mortality)
  2. Leg ulcers
  3. Vasculitis
  4. Portal Hypertension
  5. Hodgkin's Lymphoma (increased risk)

VII. References

  1. Anderson in klippel (1997) Primer Rheumatic Diseases, ed. 11, p. 167

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