II. Definitions
- Pneumomediastinum
- Free air within the mediastinal space
III. Pathophysiology
- Sources
- Spontaneous rupture of alveolus or bleb
- Tracheobronchial Injury (Trauma)
- Boerhaave's Syndrome (Esophageal Rupture)
- Results from increased pressure gradient
- Negative (Inhalation)
- Positive (Valsalva)
- Air tracks along vessels and Bronchi
- Air coalesces in mediastinum
IV. Causes
- Secondary Pneumomediastinum (may be life-threatening)
- Tracheobronchial Injury (Trauma, Foreign Body Aspiration)
- Boerhaave's Syndrome (Esophageal Rupture, sharp Foreign Body Ingestion)
- Blunt Chest Injury (Pneumothorax, Rib Fracture, Sternal Fracture)
- Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum (tends to be benign)
- Inhalation Drug Use (e.g. Huffing)
- Inhalation Drug Users may perform action similar to Muller Maneuver
- Forced inspiration against a closed mouth and nose (opposite Valsalva Maneuver)
- Asthma
- Coughing
- Vomiting or Retching
- Weight lifting
- Vaginal Delivery
- Mechanical Ventilation
- Inhalation Drug Use (e.g. Huffing)
V. Symptoms
- Sore Throat
- Dyspnea
Pleuritic Chest Pain
- Worse with lying
- Better with sitting
VI. Signs
- Subcutaneous Emphysema
Hamman's Crunch (50%)
- Precordial systolic crepitation sound heard synchronous with heart beat
Hamman Sign
- Diminished heart sounds
VII. Differential Diagnosis
VIII. Labs
- Complete Blood Count
- C-Reactive Protein
- Serum Lactate
IX. Imaging
Chest XRay
- As many as 50% Pneumomediastinum cases are missed on PA Chest XRay
- Observe for a stripe of air extending superiorly from hilum, parallel to mediastinum
- Outlines mediastinal anatomy (pulmonary artery, major aortic branches and Bronchial wall)
- Review Lateral Chest XRay carefully
- Consider lateral neck XRay
- Air tracks between posterior pharyngeal wall and Vertebrae
- Air is more easily seen on this view, than Chest XRay
- Named Signs
- Naclerio V Sign
- Sharp, well demarcated "V" along the left heart border and left diaphragm
- Continuous Diaphragm Sign
- Air below and posterior to the heart results in a continuous line across the diaphragm
- Tubular Artery Sign
- Major aortic branches highlighted with double line
- Ring Around the Artery Sign
- Pulmonary artery and main branches highlighted with double line
- Naclerio V Sign
- As many as 50% Pneumomediastinum cases are missed on PA Chest XRay
- Chest CT
X. Management
- Primary Pneumomediastinum (e.g. due to excessive coughing, Asthma)
- Often a benign, incidental finding on CT Imaging
- Analgesics
- Rest
- Secondary Pneumomediastinum (e.g. Tracheobronchial Injury, Esophageal Rupture) or increased inflammatory markers
- Serious, potentially life threatening finding
- Intensive Care Unit Admission and thoracic surgery Consultation
XI. Complications
- Tension Pneumomediastinum (rare)
- Emergent thoracic surgery Consultation
- Presents with Hypotension
- Acute stabilization requires suprasternal notch Blunt Dissection (relieves tension)
- Avoid worsening intrathoracic pressure
- Intubated patients should be allowed permissive hypercapnia to limit airway pressures
XII. References
- Dreis (2020) Crit Dec Emerg Med 34(7):3-21
- Swadron (2019) Pulmonology 2, CCME Board Review, accessed 6/18/2019
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