II. Pathophysiology
- Marrow disorder leading to Macrocytic Anemia
- Pre-Leukemia syndrome (precedes advanced MDS by 10 years)
III. Epidemiology
IV. Risk Factors
- Prior Chemotherapy (5-10% of cases)
- Prior radiation exposure (<5% of cases)
V. Labs
Complete Blood Count
Macrocytic Anemia
- Peripheral Smear with oval Macrocytes
- Comorbid Neutropenia or Thrombocytopenia in <50% of cases
Macrocytic Anemia
- Anemia Labs
Bone Marrow Biopsy
- Hypercellular aspirate with dysplastic cells
- Increased blasts suggests higher risk of more rapid progression to Leukemia
VI. Management
- Erythopoetin Stimulating Agents
- Chemotherapy
VII. Course
- Progresses to Acute Myelogenous Leukemia in 25% of cases
- Complications of MDS (Anemia, bleeding or infection) results ultimately in death in 50% of cases
VIII. References
- Mesa (2011) Internal Medicine, Mayo Conference, Kauai