II. Definitions
- Cholecystitis
- Gallbladder inflammation resulting from cystic duct blockage by Gallstones
III. Pathophysiology
- Gallstone obstructs cystic duct
- Gallbladder retains bile, distends and becomes inflamed
- May progress to infection and rupture
IV. Precautions
- Acute Cholecystitis may present cryptically yet requires emergent management
Fever and chills are frequently absent
- Fever or chills are only present in a third of patients with Acute Cholecystitis
- Right upper quadrant pain or tenderness may be absent
- As many as a quarter of Acute Cholecystitis cases do not have right upper quadrant findings
- Clinical gestalt has the highest Likelihood Ratio for Acute Cholecystitis
V. Risk Factors
- See Gallstone (Cholelithiasis)
VI. Symptoms
Biliary Colic with additional characteristics below
- Acute Cholecystitis is typically preceded by at least one Biliary Colic episode
- Characteristics
- Starts as dull visceral poorly localized pain
- Develops into sharp parietal focal RUQ Pain
- Timing
- Pain persists beyond typical 5-6 hours
- Contrast with Biliary Colic which typically subsides within 5-6 hours, once Gallstone dislodges
- Associated Symptoms
- Fever is present in only 35% of Acute Cholecystitis
- Chills are present in only 13% of Acute Cholecystitis
VII. Signs
- Appearance
- Toxic appearance in moderate to severe discomfort
- Tachycardia
- Non-specific gastrointestinal findings
- RUQ Abdominal tenderness
- Test Sensitivity: 77%
- Test Specificity: 54%
- Hypoactive bowel sounds
- RUQ Abdominal tenderness
- Peritoneal Signs
- Localized irritation is comon
- Generalized signs (rare) suggests perforation
Murphy Sign positive (LR+ 11 to 21)
- Examiner palpates the abdominal RUQ while the patient takes a deep breath
- Positive test if the patient suddenly halts their inspiration due to pain
VIII. Labs
Complete Blood Count
- Leukocytosis with Left Shift
- Normal WBC Count does not rule out Acute Cholecystitis
- Very high WBC Count may suggest gallbladder gangrene or perforated gallbladder
Liver Function Tests (LFTs)
- Serum Bilirubin elevated (typically mild)
- Serum Alkaline Phosphatase elevated
- Serum Aminotransferases normal
- Pancreatic Studies (for Gallstone Pancreatitis)
- Serum Lipase (some also obtain Serum Amylase)
- Urine Studies
- Urinalysis
- Urine HCG
IX. Imaging: First-Line
RUQ Ultrasound (preferred)
- See Gallbladder Ultrasound for diagnostic criteria
- Consider serial Ultrasound in 12-16 hours if non-diagnostic Ultrasound
- Repeat Ultrasound may demonstrate increased gallbladder wall thickness, ultrasonic murphy's sign
CT Abdomen and Pelvis
- Indications
- Often performed in the Emergency Department as initial imaging for non-focal Acute Abdominal Pain
- Indicated for non-diagnostic Ultrasound
- Evaluation of Cholecystitis complications (Ascending Cholangitis, Gallstone Pancreatitis, post-operative findings)
CT Abdomen has Test Sensitivity 90% for Cholecystitis (localized inflammation) and also identifies choledocolithiasis
- Non-contrast CT does not decrease Test Sensitivity (contrast does not penetrate Gall Bladder)
- However, CT misses at least 20% of Gallstones (esp. Cholesterol stones which are isodense with bile)
- Consider RUQ Ultrasound when CT Negative despite high pretest probability for Gall Bladder disease
- References
- Pensa, Weinstock, Mason, Raja and Swaminathan in Swadron (2022) EM:Rap 22(10): 19-20
- Indications
Hepatobiliary Iminodiacetic Acid Scan (HIDA Scan)
- Acute Cholecystitis evaluation for cystic duct obstruction
- Normal gallbladder visualization on HIDA Scan has high Negative Predictive Value (99%)
Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP)
- Indicated for suspected Common Duct Stone (Choledocholithiasis)
X. Imaging: Other
- XRay Abdomen
- Test Sensitivity for Gallstones: 10-20%
- Most stones are Cholesterol (radiolucent)
Chest XRay
- Assess for Right Lower Lobe Pneumonia
- Assess for Pleural Effusion (seen in Pancreatitis)
- Assess for free air under the diaphragm
XI. Differential Diagnosis
XII. Management
- Intravenous Fluid hydration
- Nasogastric suction
Antibiotics (start within 1 hour of skin incision)
- Initial Antibiotic regimen (see Cholecystectomy)
- Piperacillin-Tazobactam 4.5 g IV q8 hours OR
- Ertapenem 1 g IV every 24 hours
- Alternative Antibiotic regimens
- Metronidazole 1 g IV load, then 500 mg IV every 6 hours AND
- Ceftriaxone 2 g IV OR (Moxifloxacin 400 IV q24h or Ciprofloxacin 400 mg IV q12 h)
- Risk of Fluoroquinolone resistance
- Consider broadening Antibiotics for severe cases
- References
- (2017) Sanford Guide
- Initial Antibiotic regimen (see Cholecystectomy)
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
- Recommended within first 48 hours
- In poor surgical candidates, strongly consider decompression (e.g. percutaneous)
- Immediate Cholecystectomy is safe and preferred
- Recommended within first 48 hours
- Percutaneous cholecystostomy drainage (with delayed Cholecystectomy)
- Indicated for older or critically ill patients with gallbladder empyema (and associated Sepsis)
- Alternatives to surgery
XIII. Course
- Spontaneous resolution in 60% of cases
XIV. Complications
- Acute Pancreatitis
- Ascending Cholangitis
- Gallbladder Empyema
- Gallbladder Gangrene (Emphysematous Cholecystitis)
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Related Studies
Definition (MSHCZE) | Zánět žlučníku. Obv. vzniká při současné cholecystolitiáze (kalkulózní ch.). Ch. bez přítomnosti kaménků (akalkulózní ch.) je vzácnější, vzniká spíše v souvislosti s celkovými chorobami (poruchy výživy, šok, operační výkony aj.) a mívá těžší průběh. Postihuje např. pacienty na jednotkách intenzivní péče. Větš. se prezentuje jako sepse neznámého původu, postižení nemívají bolest v pravém podžebří. Na ultrazvuku lze často pozorovat ztluštění a projasnění stěny žlučníku. Ch. může být akutní s výraznými bolestmi v pravém podžebří, teplotou a třesavkou, nebo chronická, jejíž příznaky se pohybují od poměrně malých obtíží až k opakovaným záchvatům podobným zánětu akutnímu exacerbace. V akutním stavu je nutné vyloučit příjem potravy, podávají se antibiotika a led na břicho; po odeznění může být provedena cholecystektomie. (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2013 http://lekarske.slovniky.cz/ ) |
Definition (NCI) | An acute or chronic inflammation involving the gallbladder wall. It may be associated with the presence of gallstones. |
Definition (NCI_CTCAE) | A disorder characterized by inflammation involving the gallbladder. It may be associated with the presence of gallstones. |
Definition (MSH) | Inflammation of the GALLBLADDER; generally caused by impairment of BILE flow, GALLSTONES in the BILIARY TRACT, infections, or other diseases. |
Definition (CSP) | inflammation of the gallbladder; generally caused by impairment of bile flow, gallstones in the biliary tract, infections, or other diseases. |
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
MSH | D002764 |
ICD9 | 575.10 |
ICD10 | K81 , K81.9 |
SnomedCT | 197414008, 76581006 |
French | CHOLECYSTITE, Cholécystite SAI, Cholécystite, Inflammation de la vésicule biliaire |
English | CHOLECYSTITIS, Cholecystitis, unspecified, Cholecystitis NOS, GALLBLADDER INFLAMM, Cholecystitis, cholecystitis (diagnosis), cholecystitis, Cholecystitis [Disease/Finding], gall bladder inflammation, gallbladder inflammation, Gallbladder inflammation, Inflammation gallbladder, Cholecystitis NOS (disorder), Gallbladder Inflammation, Inflammation, Gallbladder, Cholecystitis (disorder), gallbladder; inflammation, inflammation; gallbladder, Cholecystitis, NOS |
Portuguese | COLECISTITE, Inflamação da vesícula biliar, Colecistite NE, Colecestite, Colecistite, Inflamação da Vesícula Biliar |
Spanish | COLECISTITIS, Colecistitis NEOM, Inflamación de la vesícula biliar, colecistitis, SAI (trastorno), colecistitis, SAI, colecistitis (trastorno), colecistitis, Colecistitis, Inflamación de la Vesícula Biliar |
German | CHOLEZYSTITIS, Gallenblasenentzuendung, Cholezystitis NNB, Entzuendung, Gallenblase, Cholezystitis, nicht naeher bezeichnet, Cholezystitis |
Dutch | cholecystitis NAO, galblaasontsteking, onsteking galblaas, galblaas; ontsteking, ontsteking; galblaas, Cholecystitis, niet gespecificeerd, cholecystitis, Cholecystitis, Galblaasontsteking |
Italian | Colecistite NAS, Infiammazione della colecisti, Infiammazione della vescica biliare, Colecistite |
Japanese | 胆嚢の炎症, 胆嚢炎NOS, タンノウエンNOS, タンノウエン, タンノウノエンショウ, 胆嚢炎, 胆嚢膿腫, 胆嚢蓄膿, 胆のう炎, 蓄膿-胆嚢 |
Swedish | Gallblåseinflammation |
Czech | zánět žlučníku, cholecystitida, žlučník - zánět, Zánět žlučníku, Cholecystitida NOS, Cholecystitida |
Finnish | Sappirakkotulehdus |
Korean | 상세불명의 담낭염, 담낭염 |
Polish | Zapalenie pęcherzyka żółciowego |
Hungarian | Cholecystitis, Cholecystitis k.m.n., Epehólyag-gyulladás, Epehólyag gyulladás |
Norwegian | Galleblærebetennelse, Kolecystitt |
Ontology: Cholecystitis, Acute (C0149520)
Definition (MSH) | Acute inflammation of the GALLBLADDER wall. It is characterized by the presence of ABDOMINAL PAIN; FEVER; and LEUKOCYTOSIS. Gallstone obstruction of the CYSTIC DUCT is present in approximately 90% of the cases. |
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
MSH | D041881 |
ICD9 | 575.0 |
ICD10 | K81.0 |
SnomedCT | 197411000, 155827009, 197409009, 197408001, 65275009 |
English | Acute cholecystitis NOS, Acute cholecystitis unspecif., Acute cholecystitis unspecified, CHOLECYSTITIS ACUTE, acute cholecystitis (diagnosis), acute cholecystitis, Cholecystitis acute NOS, Cholecystitis, Acute [Disease/Finding], Acute calculous cholecystitis, Acute cholecystitis unspecified (disorder), Acute cholecystitis NOS (disorder), Acute Cholecystitis, Cholecystitis, Acute, Cholecystitis acute, Acute cholecystitis, Acute cholecystitis (disorder), cholecystitis; acute, acute; cholecystitis |
Dutch | acute cholecystitis, cholecystitis acuut NAO, acute calculeuze cholecystitis, acuut; cholecystitis, cholecystitis; acuut, Acute cholecystitis, cholecystitis acuut, Cholecystitis, acute, Galblaasontsteking, acute |
French | Cholécystite aiguë SAI, Cholécystite aiguë, Cholécystite aigüe, Cholécystite calculeuse aiguë |
German | Cholezystitis akut NNB, Akute kalkuloese Cholezystitis, akute Cholezystitis, Akute Cholezystitis, Cholezystitis, akute |
Italian | Colecistite acuta NAS, Colecisti acuta calcolosa, Colecistite acuta |
Portuguese | Colecistite aguda NE, Colecistite aguda, Colecistite aguda com cálculos, Colecestite aguda, Colecistite Aguda |
Spanish | Colecistitis aguda NEOM, Colecistitis aguda calculosa, colecistitis aguda, SAI, colecistitis aguda no especificada (trastorno), colecistitis aguda no especificada, colecistitis aguda, SAI (trastorno), colecistitis aguda (trastorno), colecistitis aguda, Colecistitis aguda, Colecistitis Aguda |
Japanese | 急性胆嚢炎NOS, キュウセイタンノウエンNOS, キュウセイタンノウエン, 急性胆嚢炎, 胆嚢炎-急性, キュウセイケッセキセイタンノウエン, 急性結石性胆嚢炎 |
Swedish | Gallblåseinflammation, akut |
Czech | cholecystitida akutní, Akutní cholecystitida, Akutní cholecystitida NOS, Akutní kalkulózní cholecystitida |
Finnish | Äkillinen sappirakkotulehdus |
Korean | 급성 담낭염 |
Polish | Zapalenie pęcherzyka żółciowego ostre |
Hungarian | Acut cholecystitis, Heveny epehólyag-gyulladás, Acut cholecystitis k.m.n., Akut cholecystitis calculousa |
Norwegian | Akutt galleblærebetennelse, Cholecyctitis acuta, Akutt kolecystitt |