II. Definitions

  1. Volvulus
    1. Twisting of intestinal loop around attachment to mesentery
    2. Can occur at Stomach (Gastric Volvulus), Small Intestine, cecum, transverse colon or sigmoid colon
  2. Midgut Volvulus
    1. Associated with Intestinal Malrotation
    2. Presents in infants in 90% of cases
  3. Sigmoid Volvulus
    1. Presents in the elderly with Abdominal Pain, Abdominal Distention and obstipation (unable to pass stool or Flatus)
  4. Gastric Volvulus
    1. Rare condition that occurs in the elderly, typically due large paraesophageal Hiatal Hernias
    2. Infants represent 20% of cases, typically due to congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia

III. Signs

  1. Abdominal exam may be benign
  2. Heme positive stool
    1. Late sign suggesting infarcted bowel

IV. Differential Diagnosis

  1. See Abdominal Pain Causes

V. Complications

  1. Intestinal infarction (high mortality)

VI. Management

  1. Emergent surgical management
    1. Mesenteric Infarction and necrosis starts within first 3 hours of onset

VII. References

  1. Hebra (2012) Intestinal Volvulus, Medscape

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Related Studies

Ontology: Intestinal Volvulus (C0042961)

Definition (MSHCZE) Obtočení rotace střeva kolem osy kolmé na jeho průběh vedoucí k zaškrcení vyživujících cév a odumření jeho příslušné části s následným vznikem ileu a zánětu pobřišnice. Vzniká např. kolem srůstu pooperačního. Projevuje se příznaky náhlé příhody břišní - bolest, nevolnost, zvracení, střevní neprůchodnost, peritoneální příznaky, šok. Stav vyžaduje neodkladné operační řešení. (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2012 http://lekarske.slovniky.cz/ )
Definition (NCI) Twisting of a loop of bowel that results in intestinal obstruction.
Definition (MSH) A twisting in the intestine (INTESTINES) that can cause INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION.
Concepts Disease or Syndrome (T047) , Anatomical Abnormality (T190)
MSH D045822
ICD9 560.2
ICD10 K56.2
SnomedCT 197057008, 155774005, 197061002, 90738007, 9707006
English Volvulus NOS, volvulus, volvulus (diagnosis), Volvulus of intestine, Intestinal Volvulus [Disease/Finding], bowel volvulus, intestinal volvulus, bowel torsion, intestine volvulus, Volvulus (& [torsion of bowel]) (disorder), Volvulus NOS (disorder), Volvulus (& [torsion of bowel]), Volvulus (disorder), Volvulus, Intestinal Volvulus, Volvulus, Intestinal, Volvulus, Intestine, Twisting of intestine on mesenteric axis, Torsion of bowel, Intestinal volvulus (disorder), Intestinal volvulus, Obstruction by kinking, Obstruction by torsion (morphologic abnormality), Obstruction by torsion, Obstruction by twisting, bowel; torsion, torsion; bowel, Intestinal volvulus, NOS, Obstruction by kinking, NOS, Obstruction by torsion, NOS, Obstruction by twisting, NOS, Knotting of intestine, bowel, or colon, Strangulation of intestine, bowel, or colon, Torsion of intestine, bowel, or colon, Twist of intestine, bowel, or colon, Volvulus of bowel
Dutch volvolus, volvolus van de darm, darm; torsie, torsie; darm, Volvulus, Darmvolvulus
German Verschlingung, Volvulus, Darmverschlingung, Volvulus intestini
Portuguese Vólvulo, Vólvulo intestinal, Vólvulo Intestinal, Volvo Intestinal
Spanish Vólvulo, Vólvulo intestinal, vólvulo, SAI (trastorno), vólvulo, SAI, obstrucción por acodadura, obstrucción por torsión (anomalía morfológica), obstrucción por torsión, torsión del intestino en el eje mesentérico, vólvulo intestinal (trastorno), vólvulo intestinal, Vólvulo Intestinal
Italian Volvolo dell'intestino, Volvolo, Volvolo intestinale
Japanese 腸の軸捻転, チョウノジクネンテン, チョウネンテン, 腸捻転症, 腸軸捻, 腸軸捻症, 腸軸捻転, 捻転-腸, 腸管軸捻, 腸軸捻転症, 腸管軸捻症, 腸捻転, 軸捻-腸管
Swedish Volvulus
Czech střeva - zauzlení, volvulus intestini, Volvulus střeva, Volvulus, volvulus, zauzlení střeva, malrotace střeva, malrotace střevní
Finnish Suolenkiertymä
Korean 장축염전증
Polish Skręt jelit
Hungarian Volvulus, Bél volvulusa
Norwegian Volvulus, Intestinal volvulus
French Volvulus, Volvulus de l'intestin, Volvulus intestinal