II. Mechanism
III. Risk Factors: Toxicity
- Renal dysfunction (Low Glomerular Filtration Rate)
- Volume depletion (associated with greater Lithium reabsorption)
- Medications
V. Findings: Neurologic (late sign in acute toxicity, common in chronic toxicity)
- Listless or sluggish
- Ataxia
- Confusion
- Agitation
- Tremors or Myoclonic Jerks
- Seizures and encephalopathy (severe cases)
VI. Labs: General
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- White Blood Cell Count is commonly increased with Lithium Toxicity
- Serum chemistry (chem8)
- Nephrotoxicity (assoc. with chronic Lithium Toxicity)
- Increased Serum Creatinine, Blood Urea Nitrogen
- Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus
- Nephrotoxicity (assoc. with chronic Lithium Toxicity)
- Urine Pregnancy Test
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
- Unknown Ingestion and Altered Level of Consciousness testing
VII. Labs: Lithium Level
- Precautions
- Therapeutic Level: 0.8 to 1.2 mEq/L
- Mild Toxicity: 1.5 to 2.5 mEq/L
- Tremor
- Slurred Speech
- Listlessness
- Moderate Toxicity: 2.5 to 3.5 mEq/L
- Coarse Tremor
- Myoclonic Jerks
- Severe Toxicity: >3.5 mEq/L
- Encephalopathy
- Seizures
VIII. Diagnostics
IX. Differential Diagnosis
X. Management: General
- See ABC Management
Gastric Decontamination (acute toxicity only)
- AVOID Activated Charcoal (no benefit)
- Whole Bowel Irrigation
- Consider in awake asymptomatic patients within 2-4 hours of large Lithium SR ingestion
- Give 500 to 2000 ml Polyethylene Glycol via Nasogastric Tube until rectal output clear
- Fluid Resuscitation
- First-line management of Lithium Toxicity
- Isotonic crystalloid (NS or LR)
- Administer IV hydration at twice maintenance for 2-3 Liters of crystalloid
- Rate of replacement should be decreased if Hyponatremia (prevent Central Pontine Myelinolysis)
Altered Mental Status
- See Altered Level of Consciousness
- See Unknown Ingestion
- Bedside Serum Glucose (and treat Hypoglycemia)
- Consider Naloxone
- Consider Thiamine
- Seizures
- Disposition
- Admit Lithium Toxicity to medical ward (severe toxicity to ICU)
- May discharge when patient is asymptomatic and serum Lithium <1.5 mEq/L
XI. Management: Hemodialysis Indications
- Serum Lithium Level >5 mEq/L
- Serum Lithium Level >4 mEq/L AND concurrent Serum Creatinine >2.0 mg/dl)
- Serum Lithium Level >2.5 mEq/L AND
- Neurologic symptoms (Seizures, decreased mental status) OR
- Conditions in which flud Resuscitation is limited (e.g. Congestive Heart Failure) OR
- Conditions limiting Lithium excretion (e.g. Renal Failure)
- Serum Lithium Level >1.5 mEq/L AND
- Life threatening complications attributed to Lithium Toxicity
- Increasing serum Lithium levels despite maximal medical therapy with fluid Resuscitation
XII. Complications: Chronic Lithium Toxicity
- Syndrome of Irreversible Lithium Effectuated Neurotoxicity (SILENT)
- Persistent neurologic and psychiatric effects despite Lithium discontinuation
- Effects may include Extrapyramidal Effects, Dementia, Ataxia, Brainstem or cerebellar dysfunction
- Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus
- Thyroid Dysfunction
XIII. References
- Perrone and Chatterjee (2018) UpToDate, accessed 8/20/2018
- Micromedex, accessed 8/20/2018
- Mike Avila, MD (2018), email communication, received 8/15/2018
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SnomedCT | 290802009 |
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