II. History
- Lithium has been used since the 1800s as a treatment for gout and Seizure Disorder and as of 1900s for mania
III. Indications
IV. Contraindications
- Pregnancy
- Associated with Ebstein Anomaly when exposure in first trimester
V. Mechanism
- Lithium may increase CNS Serotonin levels
- Neuroprotective effect
- Decreases intracellular Inositol monophosphate concentrations
- Mood stabilization effect
- Inhibits Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 (GSK3B)
- Enzyme involved in Neuronal development and Energy Metabolism
- GSK3B overexpression may be associated with Bipolar Disorder
VI. Pharmacokinetics
- Lithium Carbonate is a simple salt that is excreted and not metabolized
- Lithium is an alkali metal (the smallest metal, having atomic number 3)
- Steady state reached in 5 days
- Check Lithium levels 5 days after starting dose or changing dose
- Steady state will take >5 days to reach in the elderly or reduced Renal Function
- Blood levels peak
- Following immediate release dose: 1-2 hours
- Following sustained release dose: 4-6 hours
- Therapeutic Trough levels
- Narrow therapeutic window (low threshold for toxicity)
- Acute mania: 1.0 to 1.2 meq/L
- Maintenance Bipolar Disorder: 0.8 to 1.0 meq/liter
- Increasing dose 300 mg/day raises level 0.2 meq/L
- Excretion
- Renal excretion (and 60% reabsorbed at proximal tubules)
- Drug Clearance is directly proportional to GFR
VII. Medications
- Lithium Carbonate (immediate release)
- Capsules or Tablet: 150 mg, 300 mg, 600 mg
- Oral Solution: 8 mEq/5 ml (8 mEq = 300 mg)
- Syrup: 300 mg/ 5 ml
- Extended Release (Lithobid; Eskalith): 300 mg, 450 mg
VIII. Dosing: Adults
- Precautions
- Maintain oral hydration and avoid Salt Restriction
- Adverse effects are reduced by dividing doses 3-4 times daily and by using extended release forms
- Start: 300 mg orally twice daily
- May adjust dose every 2-3 days as tolerated
- Effective dose
- Target 900 to 1800 mg per day divided twice daily (or 3-4 times daily)
- Acute Mania: 1800 mg/day divided 2 to 3 times daily orally
- Bipolar Maintenance: 900 to 1200 mg/day divided 2 to 3 times daily
- Titration based on trough serum Lithium concentration
- Acute Therapy: 0.8 to 1.2 mEq/L
- Maintenance: 0.6 to 1 mEq/L
IX. Dosing: Children
- FDA approved for children ages 7 years and older
- Precautions
- Maintain oral hydration and avoid Salt Restriction
- Weight 20 to 30 kg
- Start 300 mg capsules (or 8 mEq of solution) orally twice daily
- Weight >30 kg
- Start 300 mg capsules (or 8 mEq of solution) orally three times daily
- Titration based on trough serum Lithium concentration
- Acute Therapy: 0.8 to 1.2 mEq/L
- Maintenance: 0.8 to 1 mEq/L
X. Adverse Effects: General
- Polyuria
- Often reversible on stopping Lithium
- Higher Prevalence in women and with increasing age
- Weight gain
- Fine Tremor
- Withdrawal symptoms on stopping
- More common than with Valproate or Lamotrigine
XI. Adverse Effects: Toxicity
XII. Safety
- Avoid in Lactation
- Pregnancy Category D
- Highly Teratogenic
- Associated with Ebstein Anomaly when exposure in first trimester
XIII. Drug Interactions
- Drugs that increase Lithium levels
XIV. Monitoring
- Serum Lithium level
- Day 5 after starting Lithium
- Then every 1-2 weeks initially
- Then every 3-6 months
- Also check serum levels before and 5 days after dose changes
- Other labs
- Schedule
- Baseline
- Month 3
- Month 6
- Every 6 to 12 months thereafter
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
- Renal Function tests
- Schedule
XV. Resources
- Lithium Immediate Release
- Lithium Extended Release
XVI. References
- Perrone and Chatterjee (2018) UpToDate, accessed 8/20/2018
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lithium carbonate (on 12/21/2022 at Medicaid.Gov Survey of pharmacy drug pricing) | ||
LITHIUM CARBONATE 150 MG CAP | Generic | $0.08 each |
LITHIUM CARBONATE 300 MG CAP | Generic | $0.06 each |
LITHIUM CARBONATE 300 MG TAB | Generic | $0.13 each |
LITHIUM CARBONATE 600 MG CAP | Generic | $0.15 each |
LITHIUM CARBONATE ER 300 MG TB | Generic | $0.13 each |
LITHIUM CARBONATE ER 450 MG TB | Generic | $0.19 each |
Ontology: Lithium (C0023870)
Definition (MSH) | An element in the alkali metals family. It has the atomic symbol Li, atomic number 3, and atomic weight [6.938; 6.997]. Salts of lithium are used in treating BIPOLAR DISORDER. |
Definition (NCI) | An element with atomic symbol Li, atomic number 3, and atomic weight 6.941. |
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS) | A soft metal. Lithium salts are used to treat certain mental disorders, especially bipolar (manic depressive) disorder. Lithium salts include lithium carbonate and lithium citrate. |
Definition (PSY) | Used for documents that do not specify the type of lithium used, e.g., carbonate, chloride, or bromide. Use a more specific term if possible. |
Definition (CSP) | white metal, symbol Li, atomic number 3; lithium salts are used in treating the manic phase of bipolar disorder. |
Concepts | Pharmacologic Substance (T121) , Element, Ion, or Isotope (T196) |
MSH | D008094 |
SnomedCT | 321719003, 85899009 |
LNC | LP16175-9, MTHU004197 |
English | Lithium, Lithium product, lithium (medication), Lithium [Chemical/Ingredient], LITHIUM, Lithium Metallicum, Li, Li element, Li+ element, lithium, Li - Lithium, Lithium (product), Lithium (substance), Lithium, NOS, Lithium product (product), Lithium product (substance) |
Swedish | Litium |
Czech | lithium |
Finnish | Litium |
Russian | LITII, ЛИТИЙ |
Spanish | litio, producto (producto), litio (producto), litio, producto, litio (sustancia), litio, producto (sustancia), litio, Litio |
Croatian | LITIJ |
Latvian | Litijs |
Polish | Lit |
Norwegian | Litium |
French | Lithium |
German | Lithium |
Italian | Litio |
Portuguese | Lítio |
Ontology: Lithium Carbonate (C0085217)
Definition (NCI) | The carbonate salt of lithium, a soft alkali metal, with antimanic and hematopoietic activities. Lithium interferes with transmembrane sodium exchange in nerve cells by affecting sodium, potassium-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase (Na+, K+-ATPase); alters the release of neurotransmitters; affects cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) concentrations; and blocks inositol metabolism resulting in depletion of cellular inositol and inhibition of phospholipase C-mediated signal transduction. The exact mechanism through which lithium exerts its mood-stabilizing effect has not been established. In addition, lithium stimulates granulocytopoiesis and appears to increase the level of pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells by stimulating the release of hematopoietic cytokines and/or directly acting on hematopoietic stem cells. |
Definition (MSH) | A lithium salt, classified as a mood-stabilizing agent. Lithium ion alters the metabolism of BIOGENIC MONOAMINES in the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM, and affects multiple neurotransmission systems. |
Definition (PDQ) | The carbonate salt of lithium, a monovalent cation with antimanic activity. Lithium carbonate interferes with transmembrane sodium exchange in nerve cells by affecting sodium, potassium-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase (Na+, K+-ATPase); alters the release of neurotransmitters; affects cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) concentrations; and blocks inositol metabolism resulting in depletion of cellular inositol and inhibition of phospholipase C-mediated signal transduction. The exact mechanism through which lithium carbonate exerts its mood-stabilizing effect has not been established. Check for "http://www.cancer.gov/Search/ClinicalTrialsLink.aspx?id=39491&idtype=1" active clinical trials or "http://www.cancer.gov/Search/ClinicalTrialsLink.aspx?id=39491&idtype=1&closed=1" closed clinical trials using this agent. ("http://nciterms.nci.nih.gov:80/NCIBrowser/ConceptReport.jsp?dictionary=NCI_Thesaurus&code=C1318" NCI Thesaurus) |
Concepts | Pharmacologic Substance (T121) , Inorganic Chemical (T197) |
MSH | D016651 |
SnomedCT | 16977003, 387095003 |
English | Carbonate, Lithium, Carbonate, Dilithium, Carbonic acid, dilithium salt, Dilithium Carbonate, lithium carbonate, lithium carbonate (medication), LITHIUM CARBONATE, Lithium Carbonate [Chemical/Ingredient], carbonate lithium, of lithium carbonate, Lithium carbonate, Lithium carbonate preparation, Lithium carbonate (product), Lithium carbonate (substance), Lithium Carbonate |
French | Carbonate de lithium, Li2CO3 |
Swedish | Litiumkarbonat |
Czech | lithiumkarbonát |
Finnish | Litiumkarbonaatti |
German | Dilithium-Carbonat, Lithiumcarbonat |
Italian | Dilitio carbonato, Carbonato di litio |
Japanese | 炭酸リチウム, リチオマール, リーマス |
Polish | Węglan litowy |
Norwegian | Litiumkarbonat |
Spanish | carbonato de litio (producto), carbonato de litio (sustancia), carbonato de litio, preparado de carbonato de litio, Carbonato de Litio |
Portuguese | Carbonato de Lítio |
Ontology: Lithium Compounds (C0206486)
Definition (MSH) | Inorganic compounds that contain lithium as an integral part of the molecule. |
Concepts | Inorganic Chemical (T197) |
MSH | D018020 |
SnomedCT | 36378007 |
English | Lithium Compounds, Compounds, Lithium, LITHIUM CPDS, Lithium Compounds [Chemical/Ingredient], Lithium compounds, Lithium compound (substance), Lithium compound, Lithium compound, NOS |
French | Composés du lithium |
Swedish | Litiumföreningar |
Czech | lithium - sloučeniny |
Finnish | Litumyhdisteetltj |
Polish | Litu związki |
Norwegian | Litiumforbindelser |
Spanish | compuesto de litio (sustancia), compuesto de litio, Compuestos de Litio |
German | Lithiumverbindungen |
Italian | Composti del litio |
Portuguese | Compostos de Lítio |
Ontology: Lithium salt (C0302213)
Concepts | Pharmacologic Substance (T121) , Inorganic Chemical (T197) |
SnomedCT | 9765000 |
English | LITHIUM SALTS, [CN750] LITHIUM SALTS, Lithium salt, Lithium salt (substance), Lithium salt, NOS |
Spanish | sal de litio (sustancia), sal de litio |
Ontology: Lithobid (C0700751)
Concepts | Pharmacologic Substance (T121) , Inorganic Chemical (T197) |
MSH | D016651 |
English | lithobid, Lithobid |
Ontology: Eskalith (C0700753)
Concepts | Pharmacologic Substance (T121) |
MSH | D016651 |
English | eskalith, Escalith, Eskalith |