Definition (NCI)
Broken tooth affecting any portion of tooth: root fracture, crown-root, broken tooth (crown fracture), chipped tooth. A crown fracture can involve the pulp. Tooth fracture sequelae range in severity from cosmetic defects to tooth death. Involvement of the pulp is a more important indicator of severity of tooth fracture than is the amount of the tooth affected.
Definition (MSH)
Break or rupture of a tooth or tooth root.
Concepts |
Injury or Poisoning
ICD10 |
SnomedCT |
157372007, 269353002, 36202009 |
English |
Fractures, Tooth, Fracture, Tooth, Tooth Fracture, Crack, Fracture of Tooth, Tooth Fractures, chipped tooth (symptom), chipped tooth, broken tooth, broken tooth (diagnosis), open wound of a tooth (broken), tooth fracture (physical finding), tooth fracture, Tooth Fractures [Disease/Finding], chip tooth, teeth broken, fracture tooth, tooth chipped, fractured tooth, tooth fractured, tooth fractures, broken teeth, Teeth broken, TOOTH FRACTURE, FRACTURE, TOOTH, Tooth fracture, Fracture of tooth, Broken teeth, Broken tooth, Chipped tooth, BT - Broken tooth, Fracture of tooth (disorder), Fractured tooth, broken; tooth, fracture; tooth, teeth; broken, tooth; fracture, fracture of tooth or teeth, Fracture;tooth/teeth |
Italian |
Frattura dentaria, Dente scheggiato, Fratture del dente |
Japanese |
歯牙破折, シガハセツ, 欠け歯, カケハ |
Swedish |
Czech |
zuby - fraktury, Zlomenina zubu, Odštípnutý zub |
Finnish |
Russian |
German |
Zahnfraktur, Abgebrochener Zahn, Zahnabbruch, Zahnfrakturen |
Korean |
치아의 파절
Polish |
Złamania zęba
Hungarian |
Fogtörés, Letört fog |
Dutch |
afgebroken tand, fractuur; tand, gebroken; tand, tanden; fractuur, tanden; gebroken, tandbreuk, Fracturen, tand-, Fractuur van tand, Fractuur, tand-, Tandfracturen, Tandfractuur |
French |
Dent ébréchée, Fracture dentaire, Fractures de dents, Fractures dentaires, Fractures des dents |
Portuguese |
Dente lascado, Fractura dentária, Fraturas dos Dentes |
Spanish |
Diente astillado, fractura de diente (trastorno), fractura de diente, fractura de pieza dental, fractura dental, Fractura dental, Fracturas de los Dientes |
Norwegian |
Tannfrakturer, Tannbrudd, Brudd i tann |