II. Anatomy: Images

  1. dentalTeethAdultGrayBB997.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
  2. dentalTeethRootsGrayBB999.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
  3. dentalTeethRootsGrayBB1001.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
  4. dentalTeethGrayBB1002.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
  5. dentalTeethGrayBB1003.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
  6. dentalTeethGrayBB1004.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
  7. dentalToothXsGrayBB1006.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
  8. dentalToothLateralXsGrayBB1007.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
  9. dentalToothMicroGrayBB1008.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
  10. dentalToothMicroGrayBB1011.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)

III. Anatomy: Dentition

  1. Gingiva (adjacent to necks of teeth)
  2. Primary Teeth: 20 Milk teeth or baby teeth in children (erupt between 6 months and 2 years old)
    1. See Teething
    2. Primary Teeth are typically lost at age 6-7 years (anterior to posterior, bottom then top)
    3. Medial (central) incisor
    4. Lateral incisor
    5. Canine (cuspid)
    6. Premolars (Bicuspids): two
  3. Permanent Teeth: 32 in the adult mouth (typically from age 6 to 18 years old)
    1. Medial (central) incisor
    2. Lateral incisor
    3. Canine (cuspid)
    4. Premolars (Bicuspids): two
    5. First Molar (6 year molar)
    6. Second Molar (12 year molar)
    7. Third Molar (Wisdom Tooth)

IV. Anatomy: Tooth layers

  1. Tooth Crown (above the Gingival margin)
    1. Inner layer: Dental Pulp chamber (vessels and nerves pass via pulp canal and apical foramen)
    2. Middle layer: Dentin (core)
    3. Outer layer: Enamel (hard and mineralized)
  2. Tooth Root (below the Gingival margin)
    1. Inner layer: Dental Pulp chamber (vessels and nerves)
    2. Middle layer: Dentin
    3. Outer layer: Cementum
  3. Tooth socket
    1. Inner layer: Alveolar Bone
    2. Middle layer: Gingiva
    3. Outer layer: Cementum
  4. Attachment between tooth roots and tooth socket
    1. Periodontal ligament

Images: Related links to external sites (from Bing)

Related Studies

Ontology: Tooth structure (C0040426)

Definition (FMA) Organ with a cavity which consist of dentine and enamel. Examples: incisor, molar.
Definition (MSH) One of a set of bone-like structures in the mouth used for biting and chewing.
Definition (MSHCZE) Jedna z tkání podobných svou strukturou tkáni kostní, nachází se v ústech a umožňuje kousání a žvýkání.
Definition (UWDA) Organ with a cavity which consist of dentine and enamel. Examples: incisor, molar.
Definition (NCI) The hard bonelike structures in the jaws of vertebrates; primarily used for eating.
Definition (CSP) any of the hard calcified structures set in the alveolar processes of the mandible and maxilla for mastication of food, or a similar structure.
Concepts Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component (T023)
MSH D014070
SnomedCT 245543004, 38199008
LNC LP40376-3, LP115763-7, LP115762-9, MTHU014969, MTHU014799, MTHU021292
English Teeth, Tooth, Dentition, Teeth set, Set of teeth, Dentes, structure tooth, tooth structure, teeth, teeth anatomy, tooth, sets teeth, structures tooth, set of teeth, anatomy teeth, {Tooth}, Tooth structure (body structure), Tooth, NOS, Tooth structure, Teeth (Anatomy)
French Dents, Dent
Swedish Tand
Czech zuby
Finnish Hammas
Italian Denti, Dente
Croatian ZUB
Latvian Zobs, Zobi
Polish Ząb, Zęby
Japanese 歯牙,
Norwegian Dens, Dentes, Tenner, Tann
Spanish diente, estructura del diente (estructura corporal), estructura del diente, Diente
German Zahn
Dutch Tand
Portuguese Dente

Ontology: Tooth Diseases (C0040435)

Definition (MEDLINEPLUS)

Your teeth are made of a hard, bonelike material. Inside the tooth are nerves and blood vessels. You need your teeth for many activities you may take for granted. These include eating, speaking and even smiling. But tooth disorders are nothing to smile about. They include problems such as cavities (also known as tooth decay), infections, and injuries.

The most familiar symptom of a tooth problem is a toothache. Others include worn-down or loose teeth. It's important that you see a dentist if you have any problems with your teeth. Fortunately, you can prevent many tooth disorders by taking care of your teeth and keeping them clean.

Definition (NCI) A non-neoplastic or neoplastic (benign or malignant) disorder affecting the teeth.
Concepts Disease or Syndrome (T047)
MSH D014076
SnomedCT 234947003, 72722003, 367503003, 155631000, 266485001
English Diseases, Tooth, Tooth Disease, TOOTH DISORDER, Disease, Tooth, Tooth Diseases, Dental disorder, TOOTH DIS, Disorder tooth, Tooth disorder NOS, Tooth Diseases [Disease/Finding], tooth disease, tooth disorder, dental disorder, dental disorders, dental diseases, disease of teeth, tooth diseases, Disease;teeth, dental disease, Tooth Disorders, disorder of teeth, Disease of teeth (disorder), Teeth--Diseases, Disease of teeth, Tooth disorder, Tooth disease, Dental disease, Tooth disorder (disorder), disease (or disorder); tooth, teeth, Disease of teeth, NOS, Dental disease, NOS, Tooth disorder, NOS, Disease of teeth [Ambiguous], Disease of tooth, Dental Disorder, Tooth Disorder, disease of the teeth
Italian Patologia dei denti, Patologia dei denti NAS, Patologia dentaria, Malattie dei denti
Dutch tandaandoening NAO, aandoening tand, aandoening; tand{en), tandaandoening, Tandziekte, Tandziekten, Ziekte, tand-, Ziekten, tand-
French Dérèglement dentaire, Affection dentaire SAI, AFFECTION DENTAIRE, Trouble dentaire, Maladies dentaires, Maladies des dents, Odontopathies
German Zahnerkrankung NNB, ZAHNVERAENDERUNG, Zahnerkrankung, Zahnkrankheiten
Portuguese Afecção dentária NE, Afecção dentária, DOENCA DOS DENTES, Doenças Dentárias, Doenças dos Dentes, Doenças do Dente, Anomalia dentária, Odontopatias
Spanish Trastorno dental, Trastorno de diente NEOM, trastorno dental (trastorno), trastorno dental, enfermedad dental (trastorno), enfermedad dental, DIENTES, TRASTORNO, trastorno dental, SAI, enfermedad de los dientes, enfermedad de los dientes (trastorno), enfermedad dental, SAI, enfermedad de los dientes (concepto no activo), Enfermedades de los Dientes, Enfermedades Dentales, Enfermedades Dentarias, Trastorno de diente, Odontopatías
Japanese 歯の障害, 歯の障害NOS, ハノショウガイ, ハノショウガイNOS
Swedish Tandsjukdomar
Finnish Hammassairaudet
Czech Porucha zubu, Porucha zubu NOS, Porucha zubů, zuby - nemoci, nemoci zubů
Latvian Not Translated[Tooth Diseases]
Polish Choroby zębów
Hungarian Fog betegség, Fog betegség k.m.n., Fogbetegség
Norwegian Tannsykdommer

Ontology: PermanentDentition (C1700838)

Definition (HL7V3.0) <p>Permanent dentition, the natural teeth of adulthood that replace or are added to the deciduous teeth</p>
Concepts Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component (T023)
HL7 _PermanentDentition, 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19342
English PermanentDentition

Ontology: PrimaryDentition (C1700839)

Definition (HL7V3.0) <p>Primary dentition, the first teeth to errupt and usually replaced with permanent dentition</p>
Concepts Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component (T023)
HL7 _PrimaryDentition, 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.19344
English PrimaryDentition