II. Epidemiology
- Certified divers in United States: 9 million
- Distribution
- Coastal areas
- Inland water areas: lakes, streams, quarries
- Distant travel (e.g. island resorts)
- Annual injuries in United States
- Deaths: 90 per year
- Injuries requiring Recompression Therapy: 1,000/year
III. Contraindications
- Pregnancy
- Seizure Disorder
- Prior Pneumothorax
- Diabetes Mellitus
IV. Causes: Injuries - Barotrauma
- Middle Ear Barotrauma (Barotitis Media)
- Otalgia
- Vertigo
- Tympanic Membrane Rupture or Hemorrhage
- Facial baroparesis resulting in Bell's Palsy
- Inner Ear Barotrauma (Round and oval window rupture)
- Causes Tinnitus, Vertigo, Hearing Loss
- Avoid strenuous activity
- Alternobaric Vertigo
- Sinus Barotrauma (Sinus Squeeze)
- Causes sinus pain and Epistaxis
- Responds to topical and Systemic Decongestants
- Gastrointestinal Barotrauma (aerogastralgia)
- Causes Colicky Abdominal Pain and Belching
- Prevent by clearing in head up position
Tooth squeeze (Barodontalgia)
- Causes Tooth Pain while diving
- Prevent by no diving 24 hours after dental work
- Mask Squeeze
- Causes Corneal injection and Conjunctival Hemorrhage
- Prevent by ventilating mask while diving
Pulmonary Barotrauma
- Arterial Gas Embolism
- Mediastinal Emphysema
- Subcutaneous Emphysema
- Pneumothorax
V. Causes: Injuries - Decompression Sickness
VI. Causes: Injuries - Other Conditions
- Oxygen Toxicity (associated with Nitrox use)
VII. Symptom: Headache Approach
- General Causes
- Scuba-specific Causes
- Cerebral Decompression Sickness
- Breathing Gas contamination with Carbon Monoxide
- Arterial Gas Embolism
- Oxygen Toxicity
- Tight Face Mask
- Sinus Barotrauma
VIII. Prevention
- Prepare for Scuba Diving
- Avoid Alcohol before diving
- Do not dive alone
- Plan dive in advance and follow plan
- Stay within no-decompression limits
- Avoid airplane flight immediately after Scuba Diving
- No decompression dive: no flight for 12 hours
- Decompression dive: no flight for 24 hours
IX. Resources (from Newton, 2001 - see references)
- Divers Alert Network (DAN)
- Scubamed (Underwater Medicine Associates)
- Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society
- Association of Commercial Diving Educators
- National Association of Undersea Instructors (NAUI)
- Scuba Schools International