II. Definitions
- Xerostomia
- Perceived Dry Mouth
- Not synonymous with Salivary Gland dysfunction
- Hyposalivation
- Decreased Saliva production
III. Epidemiology
- Prevalence: 10-33% in U.S.
IV. Risk Factors
- Age over 65 years old
- Polypharmacy
V. Pathophysiology
Saliva is produced and excreted by the Parotid Glands, Submandibular Glands and Sublingual Glands
- Parasympathetic System stimulates watery Saliva secretion
- Sympathetic System stimulates viscous Saliva secretion
Saliva plays vital role in Dental Health
- Re-mineralizes enamel
- Buffers cariogenic acids
- Removes food residue
- Inhibits Bacterial growth and fungal growth (e.g. Oral Candidiasis)
- Prevents Tooth Decay and Dental Caries
- Prevents halitosis
- Prevents Dysgeusia
- Dilutes hot, cold or spicy foods
- Decreased Salivation (Hyposalivation) criteria
- Medication-Induced Hyposalivation
VI. Symptoms
- Dry Mouth Sensation
- Mouth Soreness
- Burning Mouth Syndrome
- Halitosis
- Dysgeusia
VII. Signs
- Hyposalivation
- Tongue adheres to Oral Mucosa
- Saliva appears frothy or stringy
- No significant Salivary pooling in the mouth
- Sequelae of Hyposalivation
- Smooth Tongue on dorsal surface (filliform papillae atrophy)
- Fissured Tongue
- Oral Candidiasis (Thrush)
- Dental Caries
VIII. Causes
- See Medication Causes of Dry Mouth
- Radiation Therapy to head and neck
- Salivary Gland surgery
- Sjogren's Syndrome
- Amyloidosis
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV Infection)
- Hepatitis C
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Major Depression
- Mouth breathing (e.g. obstructed nares)
- Granulomatous Disease
IX. Management
- Stop, decrease frequency or decrease dosing of offending medication (typically Anticholinergic drugs) as much as possible
- See Medication Causes of Dry Mouth
- Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine (Diuretic activity)
- Avoid Tobacco
General Measures
- Sip water throughout the day
- Consider a house humidifier in dry climates and seasons
Saliva stimulation
- Sugar-free chewing gum (esp. Xylitol containing gums, but warn regarding gas, Diarrhea)
- Lemon lozenges
- Saliva Substitute
- Dental Protection
- Directly apply fluoride to teeth and in Toothpaste
- Use 1.1% Fluoride gel daily
- High-Fluoride toothpaste
- Fluoride oral rinses
- Scrupulous dental care is essential
- See Dentist regularly
- Directly apply fluoride to teeth and in Toothpaste
- Consider Muscarinic Agonists in severe refractory Xerostomia (e.g. Sjogren's Syndrome)
- Pilocarpine (Salagen) 5 mg tablets orally dissolved on Tongue four times daily
- Associated with Cholinergic, parasympathetic adverse effects (e.g. sweating, Dizziness)
- Pilocarpine Eye drops 4%
- Use two drops in a small amount of water, swish and spit four times daily
- Associated with fewer side effects than oral tablet preparations
- Cevimeline (Evoxac) 30 mg orally three times daily
- May be better tolerated than Pilocarpine
- Pilocarpine (Salagen) 5 mg tablets orally dissolved on Tongue four times daily
X. Complications
- Dental decay and Dental Caries
- Thrush
- Dysphagia
XI. References
- (2022) Presc Lett 29(9): 51
- Daniels in Goldman (2000) Cecil Medicine, p. 2245
- Glick (2020) Am Fam Physician 102(10):613-21 [PubMed]