Definition (MSHCZE)
Chronická granulomatózní infekce vyvolaná MYCOBACTERIUM LEPRAE. Granulomatózní léze se projevují na kůži, sliznici a periferních nervech. Lepra má dvě základní formy - lepromatózní (nervová) a tuberkuloidní (kožní neboli uzlová).
Definition (NCI)
A bacterial granulomatous infection caused by Mycobacterium leprae. It is a progressive disease affecting the skin, peripheral nerves, and limbs. If untreated, it causes permanent tissue damage leading to autoamputations.
Definition (MSH)
A chronic granulomatous infection caused by MYCOBACTERIUM LEPRAE. The granulomatous lesions are manifested in the skin, the mucous membranes, and the peripheral nerves. Two polar or principal types are lepromatous and tuberculoid.
Definition (CSP)
chronic granulomatous infection caused by Mycobacterium leprae; granulomatous lesions are manifested in the skin, the mucous membranes, and the peripheral nerves; two polar or principal types are lepromatous and tuberculoid.
Concepts |
Disease or Syndrome
ICD9 |
030.9, 030 |
ICD10 |
, A30 |
SnomedCT |
187316006, 186339006, 154298007, 266184007, 81004002 |
English |
Disease, Hansen, Hansen Disease, Hansen's Disease, Hansens Disease, Leprosies, Disease, Hansen's, Leprosy NOS, Leprosy, unspecified, [X]Leprosy, unspecified, HANSEN DIS, HANSENS DIS, leprosy, leprosy (diagnosis), Mycobacterium leprae infection NOS, infection due to Mycobacterium leprae, Leprosy [Hansen's disease], Leprosy [Disease/Finding], hansen disease, hansen's disease, Disease;Hansens (Leprosy), hansens disease, leprosy nos, Leprous infections, Leprosy NOS (disorder), [X]Leprosy, unspecified (disorder), Hansen's disease, Infection due to Mycobacterium leprae, Mycobacterium leprae infection, Leprosy (disorder), Hansen, Leprosy, NOS, Leprosy, Hansens (leprosy) disease |
Italian |
Infezioni leprose, Malattia di Hansen, Lebbra, non specificata, Lebbra NAS, Infezione da Mycobacterium leprae NAS, Morbo di Hansen, Lebbra |
Dutch |
lepra, niet-gespecificeerd, Mycobacterium leprae-infectie NAO, ziekte van Hansen, lepra NAO, Lepra, niet gespecificeerd, lepra-infecties, lepra, Lepra [ziekte van Hansen], Hansen-ziekte, Lepra, Ziekte van Hansen |
French |
Lèpre, non précisée, Lèpre SAI, Infection à Mycobacterium leprae SAI, Infections lépreuses, Lèpre, Maladie de Hansen |
German |
Mycobacterium leprae Infektion NNB, Lepra NNB, Lepra, unspezifisch, Lepra [Aussatz], Lepra, nicht naeher bezeichnet, Leprainfektionen, Aussatz, Hansen-Krankheit, Lepra |
Portuguese |
Lepra NE, Infecção a Mycobacterium leprae NE, Lepra, Infecções leprosas, Doença de Hansen, Hanseníase |
Spanish |
Lepra NEOM, Infección por Mycobacterium leprae NEOM, Lepra no especificada, lepra, SAI, lepra, SAI (trastorno), [X]lepra, no especificada (trastorno), [X]lepra, no especificada, Mal de Hansen, enfermedad de Hansen, infección por Mycobacterium leprae, lepra (trastorno), lepra, Infecciones por Mycobacterium leprae, Lepra, Enfermedad de Hansen |
Japanese |
ハンセン病、詳細不明, ハンセン病NOS, らい菌感染NOS, らい菌感染, ライキンカンセン, ライキンカンセンNOS, ハンセンビョウショウサイフメイ, ハンセンビョウ, ハンセンビョウNOS, Hansen病, らい, らい病, ハンセン病, レプラ, 癩, 癩病, ハンセン氏病 |
Swedish |
Czech |
lepra, Lepra NOS, Lepra, Hansenova nemoc, Infekce Mycobacterium leprae NOS, Lepra, blíže neurčená, Infekce způsobené Mycobacterium leprae |
Finnish |
Russian |
Korean |
나병[한센병], 상세불명의 나병 |
Croatian |
Polish |
Choroba Hansena, Trąd |
Hungarian |
lepra k.m.n., Hansen-betegség, lepra, nem meghatározott, lepra, Mycobacterium leprae fertőzés k.m.n., Leprás fertőzések |
Norwegian |
Hansens sykdom, Spedalskhet, Lepra |