Definition (NCI)
Inflammation of one or both testes due to viral or bacterial infections. Signs and symptoms include enlargement or tenderness of the affected testis, inguinal lymphadenopathy, blood in the semen, and pain during urination, intercourse, or ejaculation.
Definition (CSP)
inflammation of one or both testis.
Definition (MSH)
Inflammation of a TESTIS. It has many features of EPIDIDYMITIS, such as swollen SCROTUM; PAIN; PYURIA; and FEVER. It is usually related to infections in the URINARY TRACT, which likely spread to the EPIDIDYMIS and then the TESTIS through either the VAS DEFERENS or the lymphatics of the SPERMATIC CORD.
Concepts |
Pathologic Function
ICD10 |
SnomedCT |
367112009, 197984006, 297229006, 197987004, 197990005, 29077001, 274718005 |
English |
Orchitides, Orchitis, ORCHITIS, Orchitis NOS, Orchitis unspecified, orchitis (diagnosis), orchitis, Orchitis [Disease/Finding], inflammation of testis, testi inflammation, inflammation testis, inflammation testes, Orchitis unspecified (disorder), Orchitis NOS (disorder), Inflammation of testis (disorder), Testicular inflammation, Testiculitis, Non-specific orchitis, Orchitis (disorder), didymytis, inflammation; testis, testis; inflammation, Non-specific orchitis, NOS, Orchitis, NOS, Orchitis [Ambiguous], Inflammation of testis, Orchititis, Inflammation;testes, inflammation of the testes, testes inflammation |
French |
ORCHITE, Inflammation testiculaire, Orchite SAI, Orchite |
Portuguese |
ORQUITE, Orquite NE, Inflamação testicular, Orquite |
Spanish |
ORQUITIS, Orquitis NEOM, Inflamación testicular, orquitis, SAI, orquitis, SAI (trastorno), orquitis no especificada, orquitis (concepto no activo), orquitis no especificada (trastorno), inflamación de testículo, inflamación de testículo (trastorno), orquitis (trastorno), orquitis inespecífica, orquitis, Orquitis |
Dutch |
orchitis NAO, testikelontsteking, ontsteking; testis, testis; ontsteking, orchitis, Orchitis |
German |
Hodenentzuendung, Orchitis NNB, HODENENTZUENDUNG, Orchitis, Hodenentzündung |
Italian |
Infiammazione del testicolo, Orchite NAS, Orchite |
Japanese |
精巣炎, 精巣炎NOS, 精巣の炎症, セイソウエン, セイソウノエンショウ, セイソウエンNOS |
Swedish |
Czech |
orchitida, Orchitida, Orchitida NOS, Zánět varlete, zánět varlete, varlata - zánět |
Finnish |
Russian |
Polish |
Zapalenie jądra
Hungarian |
orchitis k.m.n., Testicularis gyulladás, Orchitis |
Norwegian |
Testikkelbetennelse, Orkitt |