II. Description

  1. Non-palpable flat lesion with Skin Color change
  2. Patches are Macule that are >3-4 cm in diameter

III. Signs

  1. Macules are flat and not palpable
    1. If raised, then consider Papule or Plaque
    2. Methods to determine if lesion raised
      1. Side lighting
      2. Careful palpation
  2. Color
    1. Hypopigmentation (e.g. Vitiligo)
    2. Hyperpigmentation
      1. Melanin (e.g. Cafe-Au-Lait Spots)
      2. Hemosiderin (e.g. Mongolian Spots)
    3. Vascular changes (e.g. Capillary Hemangioma)

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Related Studies

Ontology: Macule (C0332573)

Definition (CHV) a patch of skin that is discolored but not usually elevated
Definition (CHV) a patch of skin that is discolored but not usually elevated
Definition (CHV) a patch of skin that is discolored but not usually elevated
Definition (CHV) a patch of skin that is discolored but not usually elevated
Definition (SCTSPA) Lesión aplanada, de menos de 2 cm de diámetro, no sobreelevada con respecto a la superficie de la piel circundante
Definition (SNOMEDCT_US) A flat lesion, less than 2 cm in diameter, not raised above the surface of the surrounding skin
Definition (NCI) A flat lesion characterized by change in the skin color.
Concepts Sign or Symptom (T184)
SnomedCT 112629002
LNC LP30528-1, MTHU015051
English Macule, Macular Lesion, macule (physical finding), macule (___cm), macule, maculae, macula, macules, Macula, Maculae, Macule (morphologic abnormality), Macule, NOS
Dutch vlek
Spanish Mácula, mácula (anomalía morfológica), mácula
Portuguese Mácula
Italian Macula (cutanea)
German Macula
French Macule
Japanese , ハン
Czech Makula
Hungarian Macula

Ontology: Transdermal Patch (C0991556)

Definition (MSH) A medicated adhesive patch placed on the skin to deliver a specific dose of medication into the bloodstream.
Definition (NCI) A patch intended for administration to the skin.
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS) A bandage-like patch that releases medicine into the body through the skin. The medicine enters the blood slowly and steadily.
Concepts Medical Device (T074)
MSH D057968
SnomedCT 385114002
HL7 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.14500, TPATCH
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French Patch transdermique, Timbre transdermique
German Transdermales Pflaster
Czech transdermální náplast
Italian Cerotto transdermico
Portuguese Adesivo Transdérmico, Adesivos Transdérmicos
Polish Plastry przezskórne, Plaster z lekiem, Plaster przezskórny, Plastry lecznicze, Plaster leczniczy
Norwegian Transdermalplaster, Transdermalplastre, Depotplastre, Depotplaster